All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1296

In mid September of 3728, the reclamation calendar, more than 700 warships of all sizes and more than 10000 heavily armed pirates left the nest and sailed towards the set goal through the wind and waves.

In particular, the large sails dyed in colorful colors look very bright from a distance, like flowers blooming on the water.

There is no doubt that with the strength of an iron hand, the offshore King finally integrated all pirate forces and launched an impact on the crown of his dream.

Even a fool knows that this action can only succeed, not fail, otherwise he will lose not only a valuable opportunity, but also the prestige he has built up over the years.

Rebellious pirates will not allow a guy who has lost his prestige and reputation to continue to be their leader.

At that time, he is likely to be killed by pirate captains who are connected in private, and will be brutally exiled again. He will not be able to return to the qianwo islands all his life.

Feeling the excitement, excitement and worry in the air, the deformed monster disguised as the pirate captain raised his mouth slightly and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "is it going to start at last? I hope the commander will make arrangements as soon as possible after receiving this information."


At the same time, in the expeditionary army magic fortress on the other side of the sea, the boy has given up his lifeless body and is sitting alone in the hall of the central arrow tower, playing with a letter just sent back through remote magic.

After a full minute, he looked up and asked in an uncertain tone, "how is the research on strengthening the infectious curse?"

"There are already two evolutionary directions to choose from. One is to greatly increase the mortality rate, let the curse destroy the life of a city and its surrounding areas in a very short time, and finally inject the condensed fear, despair and resentment into the land, making it impossible for life to survive. The other is to increase the infection rate and let the people infected with the curse die More painful, and even make some crazy actions, such as attacking and killing every visible living creature around. Moreover, every life body killed by the curse will be transformed into a dead soul due to the strong resentment before death. "A male darente caster replied excitedly.

After all, curse is not a weapon against the strong, but a weapon against the weak.

Therefore, its own research threshold is not very high. In addition, the basic framework of transmission and dyeing curse has been quite perfect, so a series of modifications and optimization can be carried out to the original extent.

"Good! Keep both evolutionary samples. I may need them next." the boy nodded with satisfaction.

The male caster quickly bent down and bowed deeply: "understand! Please rest assured, I will make enough as soon as possible to ensure that more than 90% of the lives in the world can be completely killed at your command."

"Don\'t worry! You should understand that killing and destruction are only a means to conquer the world and serve the means, not the ultimate goal. Simple killing and destruction are not desirable. We should learn when to kill and when to show mercy. The heart of intelligent life is very complex, and you need to understand enough to control them."

When he said these words, the boy\'s eyes were like a pool of water, calm and deep.

"What about the offshore king? According to the strength he now has, it will take at least a few years to capture such a large land. Do we just watch and don\'t push him behind?" the leader of the deformer also stood up and put forward his own ideas.

As the head of the intelligence of the whole expeditionary force, he knows very well how great danger lies behind the seemingly calm world.

In fact, the king of offshore has no time to attack cities and land for a few years to establish a dream kingdom belonging to pirates.

Once the thirteen kings hidden behind the scenes make a move, even if it is only one of them, he will be instantly beaten from heaven to hell.

In the face of absolute power, what quantity, terrain advantages and careful planning are not worth mentioning.

"Hehe, it\'s not necessary. I\'ve built a stage for him and sent him some interesting knowledge and ideas. No accident, he should be able to make his dream come true soon, but the price is that more than 40% of the ordinary residents in that land will die, and the remaining 60% will spend the rest of their lives in pain and struggle." The boy smiled, shook his head and explained.

Needless to say, the so-called knowledge and ideas mentioned in his mouth are the most cruel slavery and high-pressure policy.

In short, it is to use the "road leading Party" who occupied the area first to rule the area later occupied, and give it certain privileges to establish a hierarchical ruling structure.

In this way, in a world without the concept of state and nation for the time being, the lower class people are easy to be cut apart by the concept of region, consume their living forces in constant struggle and hatred, and even intensify their efforts to please the higher occupiers in order to occupy an advantage in the competition.



Create contradictions!

This is the only way for outsiders to rule an occupied area!

Although the boy didn\'t know how this knowledge came out of his head, he didn\'t mind trying it out at all.

"It sounds as if you have arranged everything. But what do we need to do? Is it just waiting?" the deformed monster leader carefully tempted.

As we all know, in the Expeditionary Service dominated by darente people, if non darente people want to climb up, they must show themselves as much as possible, at least know what the top commander is thinking and what big actions to take next.

Obviously, the deformed monster leader is a little unwilling to be only responsible for intelligence collection and clothing. On the contrary, he wants to go further and participate in major decisions.

The boy was undoubtedly aware of this and responded meaningfully: "Wait? No, that\'s not my style. Next, we\'ll set off a frenzy all over the world. Remember those teams that chased and killed the remaining members of the last expedition army when we first came? Next, we will take the team as a unit, hunt and kill those fools who dare to attack the expedition army, and tell everyone with pain, despair, blood and death Remember, as invaders, one of our greatest weapons for conquering the world is fear. So we must arouse the fear of us in the hearts of those aborigines and the trembling from the depths of their souls. "