All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1294

There is no doubt that the establishment of a country from scratch is far beyond the expectations of pirate captains and even beyond their understanding.

Because in the eyes of most people, pirates should be free, indulgent and pursue adventure and excitement.

From the moment they boarded the ship to sea, they said goodbye to the past and embarked on a road of no return.

Generally speaking, nine out of ten pirates will die at sea instead of being too old to engage in this industry.

So few pirates think about the future and what they can do to make a living when they retire.

But now, the pirate captains suddenly realized that the offshore King seemed to have great ambitions, trying to integrate all pirate forces and form a huge coalition.

Once the formation of this fleet is completed, no country or city in the coastal area will be able to resist, and it will be captured, plundered and destroyed in an instant.

More importantly, if he really intends to build a country from scratch, he must need a group of confidants to build a ruling system, that is, to canonize the nobility and bind a small group of elites to his chariot with the binding of rights, obligations and vows.

This means that everyone here is faced with a choice, whether to become a supporter, take risks with their own lives, or become an opponent and continue to be a free pirate ship.

For a moment, these ruthless characters who kill people without blinking their eyes on weekdays fell into meditation, while others looked at each other to find out what others planned.

After being silent for about three or five minutes, a guy with strange red light in his eyes suddenly asked, "dear king of offshore, can you tell me you plan to capture there and establish a country?"

"Of course! My plan is to capture the four port cities in the south, and then drive straight in with the help of the river to occupy the important transportation hubs along the way as soon as possible. As for the rest, we only need to nibble slowly step by step, and we can pocket all the land in a few months at most."

The king of offshore didn\'t hide at all. Da Fangfang drew a general range on the map with his fingers.

It has to be said that although he did not realize how difficult it was to build a country from scratch, he had no bad strategic vision and chose a relatively isolated land.

Except for the four port cities that rely on sea and land to maintain contact with the outside world, most towns and villages are separated by a large area of inaccessible swamp.

As long as the action is fast enough, the outside world doesn\'t know what happened in this area.

When they react, just relying on the huge pirate fleet will be enough to resist the intervention and even invasion from the outside world.

"Attaros... Is really a good place to build a country." the guy who asked the question nodded thoughtfully.

"That\'s right! Ararus, the land blessed by the sea elves in legend. There are a total population of 2.4 million here, but there is no unified and strong regime, which is our most ideal goal. How many of you are willing to follow me to seize their own destiny and become the founding fathers of a country?"

When he said these words, the king of offshore held the table with both hands, leaned forward slightly, and exuded an amazing momentum all over.

No barepole commander can be crowned king, which he clearly realized long ago. Therefore, if the plan is to succeed, it must be supported by at least half of the pirate captains.

As for the ordinary pirates at the bottom, they are only cannon fodder and consumables in the war. They are not qualified to participate in today\'s meeting at all.

"I will! But on one condition! I don\'t want a commission. I want a castle and surrounding affiliated villages, land and farmers."

The pirate captain with red eyes stood up first, pulled out his dagger, cut his palm, and then stretched out his bloody right hand.

"Yes! When it\'s done, I can even canonize you as a noble. Welcome to join us, my dear friend." the king of offshore did the same thing as he said.

When the bloody hands were tightly held together, the faces of both parties showed excited and greedy smiles.

One of the first took the lead, and soon the second, third, fourth and fifth all stood up and concluded a covenant in this ancient and bloody way.

When more than two-thirds of the pirate captains joined the gang, the remaining guys who remained silent from beginning to end began to get a little eye-catching.

Needless to say, they don\'t want to establish any country. They just want to maintain their identity and status as a pirate captain, continue to lead their unscrupulous looting ships, and enjoy the feeling of killing and dominating the fate of others.

But it is a pity that the king of offshore who has made up his mind to integrate all pirates, how can anyone be allowed to resist himself and directly question the captains who sit motionless in their chairs: "Tell me, what are you thinking? Is it so difficult for you to join this pirate feast? Or do you think my commission is too low to be worth your shot?"

"No! I think you misunderstood. We just don\'t want to take huge risks. I think it\'s easier to rob merchant ships than cities with a large number of troops. Moreover, rule is not what we are good at." an old man with wrinkles and scars stood up and explained with a small heart.

"Hum! Is that why you refuse me? Ridiculous!" the king of the sea grinned with a cold smile.

He didn\'t even say a word more nonsense and waved gently at the door.

Next second

Parossa, dressed in a black velvet robe, came in from the outside and raised her right index finger to point to the pirate captains sitting in the chair.


A hot red flame was fan-shaped and swallowed all the unlucky people who didn\'t want to join on the spot.

Accompanied by painful screams and wails, these opponents were burned into charred corpses with meat smell.

Glancing around in horror or fear, parossa glanced disdainfully, immediately turned to the king of the sea and said, "this is the last thing I\'ve done for you! Now it\'s your turn to fulfill your promise."

"Of course! I promise you will get a ship and enough crew. But the premise is that you must solve the subsequent problems. You know, there will be many close friends on every pirate ship. Once they know that their captain has been killed, they are likely to start a riot."

"It\'s a piece of cake! Give me a list and you\'ll get satisfactory results before dark."