All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1293

Qianwo islands, a natural island protected by countless reefs, undercurrents and eddies, is also the king of offshore waters and the hometown and paradise of thousands of pirates.

When outsiders don\'t know the safe waterway, once they accidentally break into this place, even if it\'s just the periphery, they will die instantly. The large number of warships sunk on the seabed is the best proof.

It can be said that without the help of powerful spell casters, no army can expect to set foot on the land of qianwo islands, let alone wipe out thousands of Pirates here, and an illegal businessman who provides daily necessities and various supplies for pirates.

With the huge return of robbery, the main island port has even established a prosperous city no inferior to any port.

Here, drunken pirates can be seen everywhere, as well as women who provide special services for them.

Of course, where there are alcohol and women, there will always be fights and fights.

Compared with the severe punishment for fighting in ordinary cities, it is undoubtedly much lighter here. Even as long as there are no weapons and no human life, everyone turns a blind eye to it, and some will take the opportunity to gamble.



Let it out!

All these constitute the unique landscape of pirate port.

But today, the city, which should have been noisy and lively, is quiet.

Although the hotels and pubs are full of ferocious pirates, they have kept nothing at the same time. Even the most resentful enemy has not chosen to do it or speak ill of each other at present.

Because on the highest fortress of the city, a flag was hung, a flag symbolizing the identity and glory of the king of the sea.

Every powerful pirate captain is invited to sit at the huge round table symbolizing the alliance, talk to each other in a low voice, and look at the strong man who is silent on the main seat from time to time.

About half an hour later, when the last pirate captain came in and took his place, the king of offshore immediately stood up, patted the table and shouted, "quiet! I said quiet!"


The buzzing stopped immediately!

Everyone who is doing has turned their attention to the leader who personally established the most brilliant era of piracy.

The king of offshore undoubtedly felt this silent respect, and his face immediately showed a satisfied expression: "you must be very strange. Why do I suddenly call everyone back at this time, because I have a very important thing to announce in public."

"What\'s so important? You know, I\'ve given up a merchant ship full of spices. Once captured, I\'m sure I can make a lot of money." a pirate captain who looks quite old tempted in a half joking tone.

"Ha ha! A merchant ship full of spices? It\'s really a big harvest in normal times. But it\'s not worth mentioning compared with what I want to talk to you today."

Accompanied by forthright laughter, the king of offshore waved to dozens of people at the door.

Without saying a word, the latter immediately came in carrying one heavy wooden box after another, bent down and opened the lid.


Next second

"Hoo Hoo!!!"

"My God! Did you rob the Treasury of any country?"

"No! I don\'t think there will be so much money in the Treasury of any country!"

"Incredible! The money is enough to build an invincible fleet composed of hundreds of super warships!"

"With this fleet, we can conquer any port city. At that time, the coast of the whole continent will be the object of our looting!"


I saw the pirate captains shouting excitedly, lying on the box, holding up gold shining coins with both hands, with unparalleled shock and greed in their eyes.


Wealth that can be seen and touched!

Huge wealth enough to make everyone crazy!

Appreciating the violent reaction of these guys, the king of offshore deliberately coughed, grinned and shouted: "Ladies and gentlemen, I have never been a stingy person. On the contrary, I am a very generous person. Anyone who has followed me for some time will recognize this fact. Today, I take out these wealth not only to show off to you, but to tell you that those who are willing to follow me can share their wealth with me."

"What... What?! share!"

A pirate captain stared as if he couldn\'t believe what he heard.

You should know that almost all pirates are out and out egoists. They risk their lives to kill people and goods at sea, not for others, but for the most beautiful women they can enjoy when they get ashore. They can live and dream all day in the pub, or join one gambling game after another to enjoy the fun of sudden increase and decrease of wealth.

Most of the time, they would rather block the knife for their companions in battle than lend a penny to the so-called "good brothers" and "good friends".

But now, as the most powerful guy among pirates, it\'s not exciting to share such a huge fortune.

"That\'s right! Share! As we all know, pirates are a group of professionals who never think about tomorrow after today. No one knows who will die, who will be injured and disabled in the next battle. But I think it\'s time to end this state. We need to occupy a piece of land and establish a country of our own. At that time, no matter you are injured or dead, you will die You can go back to a place that can be called Canada. Even if you can\'t work one day, you can have a piece of land that can be cultivated. "The king of offshore waved his arm and bewitched with an impassioned tone.

He knows better than anyone how eager the pirates are to have a way back.

This concerns not only themselves, but also their relatives.

Although pirates kill people like hemp, sometimes even women and children don\'t let go, unscrupulously venting the violence hidden in their hearts.

But when they go ashore, they will fall into an inexplicable sense of guilt. They can only paralyze themselves by drinking and looking for women.

In this world, there are no good contraceptives, so women often have pirate children.

Over time, the pirate port gathered thousands of pirate families, even the second and third generations of pirates.

As parents, no one is willing to let their children continue to engage in this dangerous occupation, so they will do their best to send their children away, stay on the shore and never allow them to board a stolen ship in Shanghai.

But now they have a better choice