All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1276

"As you can see, in the process of chasing those fleeing darente people, we accidentally found a huge treasure, which is said to be a part of their secret hoarding for transportation before their destruction. These gemstones are only a small part of the treasure..."

While observing the reaction of the people around him, the boy pretended to be complacent and "introduced" the origin of these gemstones.

As a child who began to receive strict elite education from the age of three, he knows very well how to attract the attention of the top group of people in the ruling system.

The answer is very simple, that is, interests, unimaginable huge interests.

High quality gemstones are the basic materials necessary for making powerful magic items. They are also regarded as a symbol of wealth by ordinary people. Especially in this world where precious metals are still used as circulating currency, the preservation degree of gemstones is far higher than that of gold.

It is conceivable that when the legend of a huge treasure spreads, how many people will go crazy and how many people will die.

More importantly, if the treasure is really left by the darente expedition, is there something left by them?

After all, twelve years is not long. The intelligent life in this world will not forget the power shown by the invaders and the humiliating history they have experienced.

Even if we have defeated the enemy and driven the remaining parts into the inaccessible mountains, islands and deserts, we will still be full of longing for the magic knowledge and technology mastered by the darentes.

Some places even offer huge rewards. As long as we can find the buildings, weapons, armor, magic items left by the darentes, or books, notes and scrolls, we can not only obtain unimaginable wealth, but also change our class and social status, and jump from the bottom civilians to the upper nobility.

Through the information read from the prisoner\'s memory, the boy already knew that the thirteen so-called "kings" did not relax after successfully destroying the last expedition army and enjoyed their power and power.

On the contrary, as the world\'s former traitors, they know very well how strong the darente civilization is and that the other party may make a comeback at any time.

Therefore, over the past 12 years, everyone has been desperately searching for the things left by the expeditionary army, whether knowledge, wealth or weapons and equipment, in order to prepare for the next war.

Obviously, the enemy that the boy will face is not a group of fools without resistance, but a group of smart people who are insidious and vicious, who know how to draw nutrients from their opponents and expand themselves.

The most important thing is that these guys are not soft at all, even when dealing with their compatriots.

In the process of cooperation, they directly or indirectly destroyed countries and killed no less lives than the expeditionary army.

A whole ship of precious stones docked at the wharf undoubtedly caused a great sensation in the city-state of Archie.

Whether it\'s the melon eaters at the bottom or the guys who have some ideas about the treasure, they all turn their eyes to this group of pirates and mercenaries who seem to have won the ticket to upper class society.


At night, in the magnificent palace, a grand banquet was going on.

As the host of the banquet and the host of the city, governor parossa held up a crystal cup full of light green liquid and shouted in an impassioned tone: "Distinguished guests! Ladies and gentlemen. First of all, please allow me to introduce these warriors from afar. They brought valuable gems from the other side of the distant sea, as well as the treasures left by those evil invaders."

The voice just fell!

Every man and woman dressed in gorgeous service raised their wine glasses and beat the crystal with a silver spoon in the other hand.

You don\'t have to ask. It\'s a way for them to express their welcome.

When the sound of the beating gradually subsided, a deformer stepped forward, bent down and saluted: "thank you very much!"

"No, you\'re welcome. You deserve it. Besides, I\'m sure all of you here are very eager to hear your adventure stories, aren\'t you?" said governor parossa, sweeping the rest of the corner of his eye through those who did not hide their greed and desire.

Had it not been for the instructions of the "King", he would not have allowed such important information to leak out. Instead, he would block the information at the first time, and then send a fleet to swallow the whole treasure.

Unfortunately, this goal is now impossible to achieve.

Under the absolute order established by the thirteen "kings", no one can resist their will, not even the governor who also holds a strong magical power and the army.

As the saying goes, a warrior who kills a dragon will eventually become a dragon.

In the process of cooperating with the darente expeditionary army, the thirteen traitors learned too much knowledge, experience and wisdom, even including the cruel means of ruling and suppressing resistance.

After destroying the expeditionary army, they not only did not restore the world to its original appearance, but took the opportunity to usurp all rights and make themselves "gods" above other lives.

Parossa saw his loyal "King" with her own eyes, so she knew that there was an insurmountable gap between herself and the other party that day. Naturally, she would not be stupid enough to make small moves in private.

He has only one thing to do, that is to obey orders, spread the news first, and let those who are capable and rich first find out whether the treasure is true or not.

If it is true, is it as huge as the rumor says, preserving the knowledge and technology left by countless darentes.

Today\'s banquet is actually an exhibition for powerful organizations in Archie city state to see the mountains of gemstones and these pirates and mercenaries who became rich overnight.

Soon, under the deliberate promotion of the governor, the luxurious banquet quickly reached a climax.

When the guests saw the colored gemstones piled up like a hill in the center of the hall, they all showed their expressions of shock and longing. Others began to contact the deformers without covering up, trying to get useful information from each other\'s mouth.

As the youngest and most vulnerable person in the team, the boy has been filled with heterosexuals of all ages. They have one thing in common, that is, they are full of beauty and temptation.