All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1275

On the boundless green sea, an old small wooden sailboat is speeding towards the coastline in the face of the monsoon.

Although the ship is very small, and there are several large patches of different colors on the dirty canvas, all ships passing by, no matter how big and how deep they eat, will immediately turn and run away without hesitation.

It\'s like this boat is the messenger of death and a symbol of disaster and bad luck.

Of course, in fact, it\'s not much worse.

Because this is not an ordinary boat, but a famous pirate ship on this route, a group of looting gangs known as sea vultures.

Their record is not only to rob merchant ships that do not have much resistance, but even warships dare to attack as long as someone can afford a high price.

In short, these are a group of bold and evil bastards.

Most importantly, after dozens of encirclement and suppression, they still lived well, and were not sent to the bottom of the sea to feed fish, or hung on the gallows of a city-state wharf like some pirates.

But no one will ever know that these seemingly no different pirates have been completely replaced by another group of people, a group of conquerors who are 10000 times more dangerous than them, and even enough to push the whole world into the abyss of destruction.

"How far is it from the Archie city?" a young man lying on the deck crying the sun asked without looking back.

Needless to ask, he is the supreme commander of the darente expedition, the mysterious boy who has been raised for 12 years.

"Sir, according to the memory of the master of this body, we should arrive before dark at the latest." the middle-aged man in charge of steering nearby quickly bent down and replied respectfully.

"How many times! Don\'t call me sir! Don\'t show the relationship between superiors and subordinates! Don\'t forget, we are a group of pirates now. Pirates usually have no obvious relationship between superiors and subordinates, at least in this world." the boy reminded casually.

"So what should I call you?" the transfiguration of the middle-aged image made a meaningful test.

As a special race drifting away from the edge of the ruling system, he has always been very curious about why the senior management sent a teenage boy to be the commander of the expeditionary force this time. And the other party is obviously not darente, but it exceeds 99% of darente in status.

"Banko! My body\'s name is banko. From now on, just call it directly. In addition, let your men prepare. Once ashore, they must become famous as soon as possible. It\'s best to attract the attention of the upper rulers. I don\'t want to waste time between those businessmen and civilians."

After that, the boy threw the newly chewed fruit core into the sea.

On the surface, it is a backward wooden sailing boat, but under the transformation of magic, there are not only many very comfortable and convenient facilities inside, but also a portal connecting the magic fortress.

Generally speaking, fresh fruits, meat and vegetables that cannot be preserved for a long time can be easily obtained on this ship.

What is more exaggerated is that as long as he wants, this broken little wooden boat can fly directly and advance at a speed of hundreds of meters per second.

"Please don\'t worry, according to the treasure we prepared, it will cause a great sensation as soon as it comes ashore. Those primitive and foolish aborigines simply don\'t understand that these wealth will become their talisman." the deformer licked his lips and burst out a cruel and bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

Because of their nature, they can never refuse to use their deformation ability to play with the feelings of relatives and friends around the victims, and finally suck up the vitality of all these people.

"Remember! Don\'t touch those people who have nothing to do with the task. What I need is to break into them and find out the truth of what happened 12 years ago, rather than create panic and turbulence." the boy looked up into each other\'s eyes and his tone was full of warning.

The deformer nodded his head without thinking: "of course! You are the supreme commander. I will obey your orders and let all the accompanying personnel exercise restraint."

The boy raised a finger and shook it gently: "no! It\'s not restraint! It\'s absolute obedience! If any of you try to escape my control, or make some small moves secretly, I will ruthlessly erase you and your people. Believe me, I have such ability. Even if I don\'t have it now, I will have it in the future."

As soon as the voice fell, before the deformer had time to respond, a cry came from the lookout.

"It\'s a port! A port is found ahead! If there is no accident, it should be our destination - Archie city state."

With the wind and shouts, a huge statue slowly rose from the sea level.

It was a huge white human statue, at least 50 meters high, with a spear in one hand and a shield in the other hand, with a gorgeous helmet on his head.

Through remote observation of magic, you can clearly see that even the lines of feathers are carved lifelike.

At the top of the spear, an orange flame burns brightly, providing a reference for ships in and out.

Needless to ask, it is not a simple statue, but also acts as a lighthouse.

After a while, when the whole statue standing on the sea was fully revealed, the members of the ship could finally see the prosperous port of Archie city-state and the city extending upward layer by layer.

"Hehe, it\'s finally here. Is it a sea city built on a hillside? It seems that there are no too vigilant energy fluctuations." the boy muttered to himself, motioning the deformer to manipulate the ship and slowly approach the berth.

Under the guidance of the dock staff, the party soon set foot on solid land.

"Please open the hatch! We need to check the goods! And then draw a tax of 5% to 10% according to the type of goods."

Under the protection of the guards, an official went to the side of the ship and pointed to the closed hatch to open it.


The boy waved and motioned the deformers to do so.

After all, he is not to make money, but to create a sensation, so as to achieve the purpose of contacting the upper rulers.

Therefore, from the beginning, tax evasion and bribery of officials were not included in the options.

With a bang, the gorgeous color instantly attracted all the eyes of the surrounding docks.


Colorful gemstones!

Each piece is at least as big as a baby\'s fist!

The whole cabin is full!

"Oh my God! You... You are..."

Officials obviously had not seen such a spectacular scene, and the whole person became a little speechless.