All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1268

Dominated by death and fear, the only survivor quickly fled the scene, leaving the baby alone.

After a while, Brolin finally appeared, picked up the baby carefully, turned and jumped out of the second floor window.

"I see... This is me. No, it should be said that I was from the past. I came from the ring of space and was transmitted to this planet by some force."

Looking at the stopped illusion in front of him, Luke\'s eyes twinkled with joy. He even tried to touch himself who didn\'t exist at all.

About a minute or two later, when the magic stored in the scroll was exhausted and everything was restored to its original state, a mirror made of unknown metal suddenly appeared an extremely blurred shadow.

Following the shadow, he asked in a familiar voice, "well, do you see the pure and powerful power you had at the beginning of your birth? Now, tell me, who are you and where are you from?"

"Is it you? You\'ve been watching me?" Luke frowned subconsciously.

He heard that it was no one else who talked to him through the mirror. It was the mysterious guy who manipulated the bionic alchemy puppet last time. He was also the only survivor in the illusion.

"Surveillance? No, no, no, not surveillance, but observation. In you, I feel the great potential far beyond everything. Maybe one day, you and your race will appear, and maybe do what we have done to the planet." darente\'s tone revealed a strong sense of crisis.

Of course, he has every reason to think so.

After all, the darente people, who originated on the planet of mocha, came step by step, casting today\'s glory with the pain, despair, blood and death of thousands of races.

As the saying goes, if a higher civilization and species suddenly come, they will do the same thing as themselves according to their rationality and logic.

"So in your eyes, I\'m the spy sent here by the whole race?" Luke suddenly had an impulse to laugh.

He really couldn\'t think of what kind of race would send a newborn baby without any self-consciousness to a completely strange world.

But the darentes obviously didn\'t think so, but nodded seriously: "That\'s right! To some extent, babies are really the best vanguard to invade a world. Because they seem so fragile and harmless, just like the bionic alchemy puppets we first sent to the world, they can perfectly integrate into the strange environment and even win trust. Most importantly, I see indifference, ruthlessness and trust in you The cruelty from the depths of the soul. "

"Oh? Because I killed the looters?" Luke asked with a sneer.

"Of course not! From the perspective of civilization, pests like marauders, which have no output and rely solely on killing, destruction and destruction to survive, deserve no matter how much they die. Your real coldness is reflected in treating your companions and the tribe that has raised yourself for 12 years. Remember the girl who stole away? You are getting the line you desperately want After Suo, without hesitation, he gave up and continued to look for her. Because your blood is cold, there is no temperature at all. The chill from the depths of my soul is that I can deeply experience it from so far away. "

When saying these words, darente\'s tone was full of admiration, as if this coldness was a supreme virtue, a higher direction of evolution.

We should know that "absolute self" has always been a concept similar to thought and philosophy advocated and pursued by darente people.

In their concept, only by eliminating all distractions and concerns and devoting themselves to the ocean of magic and knowledge can they truly understand the true meaning of power and reach a pure and supreme state.

Luke\'s indifference and his relentless abandonment of the worthless past are perfectly integrated with this state, as if all the tribal chiefs and elders have done useless work in their tireless teaching in recent ten years.

The values, ideas, family affection, friendship, gratitude and so on they want to instill in boys can eventually have any effect.

After just two months of exposure to the outside world, Luke became quite the opposite.

If he returned to the tribal station now, those who used to know him would tremble with fear.

"What exactly do you want to express?"

Luke obviously began to get a little tired of this way of talking, with an impatient expression on his face.

Because he hated each other\'s eyes, but also hated the crazy and morbid tone, as if he were a freak.

"Ah! You\'re angry! Don\'t be angry, I don\'t mean any harm to you. On the contrary, I think you should find your own future. Now that you know your origin, can you tell me what you plan to do next?" the darente held his huge head with great interest.

"Do you have any good suggestions?" Luke narrowed his eyes and said tentatively.

"I do have a suggestion! Do you know? Since I lost contact with the home planet, all my people and I have been hiding in a place called refuge. If you don\'t mind, let\'s play a game? I will spread the information about the location of the refuge and hide it in all corners of the world. You can get a coordinate point every time you successfully crack one. Wait After reaching all the coordinate points, the door of the shelter will open to you. Of course, in order to increase interest, I will put some obstacles and magic knowledge along the way. "

"Shelter? Sounds like an isolated secret hiding place."

"Hehe, believe me, if no darente provides accurate coordinates, even if outsiders dig out the planet, they can\'t find where the shelter is. How, do you want to accept my proposal?"

"Why not? I like games! I also like to gain something in the process of games."

"Smart choice! Now, I\'ll give you the first clue. It\'s hidden in the core area of this magic fortress. What you have to do is destroy the two steel puppets guarding inside, and then crack a magic lock set by myself. Remember, you only have one chance to crack the magic lock. Once you fail, the important data stored inside will be lost in an instant Swallowed by the flames. "

"Sounds like fun! I\'m a little eager to try."

"So... The game begins?"

"The game begins!"