All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1253

Luke has always been grateful to the tribe that took him in, even if he knows that the other party has a strong purpose to raise himself, and hopes to become the protector of this small group forever.

But unfortunately, he was unable to meet the wishes of the elders.

The older he grew, the more he felt that there was a huge secret hidden in his little body.

In order to solve this secret, it\'s only a matter of time before you leave the tribe.

I don\'t know why, Luke always had a hunch that he would finally embrace his real destiny on this deserted planet.


At the same time, on the distant planet of mocha, darentes, as the main body of civilization, are busy repairing their most important magic device, the ring of space.

Due to the unknown storm 12 years ago, the thing used to connect countless planets, parallel worlds and sub space is now in a very incredible state of out of control. Anyone who enters will be transmitted to nothingness and then fall into an endless freezing state.

No matter what measures are taken or what magic is used, it can\'t be recovered.

Of course, the above is not the most bizarre. The most bizarre thing is that twelve years ago, when the storm hit, two babies with strange shapes appeared inside the ring of space out of thin air.

But later, due to the negligence of a guard, one of the babies immediately got involved in the crack and disappeared. Only the other one was lucky to be saved.

Through research, darente people found that the rescued baby had a terrible magic talent beyond their reach. No matter how profound theoretical knowledge and complex magic structure, he could learn it as soon as possible, as if he was born for magic.

We should know that as a mature and developed higher civilization, they attach importance to magic as much as modern human beings on earth attach importance to science.

Once it is found that other races have shown unusual talents, the darentes will try their best to absorb them into their own system, give them honorary titles, enjoy a series of privileges, and even their families can get preferential treatment.

In this way, they caught almost all the top talents within their rule.

There is no doubt that after discovering the great potential of infants, darentes sent them to a relatively closed environment, imparting their knowledge day and night and instilling a set of values.

Now, it\'s time to harvest.

I saw the boy wearing a purple robe symbolizing dignity, standing at an entrance full of energy turbulence with deep emotion and concentration, and continuously performing one magic spell after another that shocked the onlookers around.

After a while, the chaotic and manic energy gradually calmed down, began to flow out of the entrance in a very regular way, and finally sealed into a sealed box.

After all this, he was slightly relieved, smiled and asked a darente with an exceptionally large head: "how about, dear mentor Oren, I said I had found a way to repair the ring of space. Are you willing to believe it now?"

"Yes, I see."

The guy called Oren nodded with a complicated look. His eyes were both amazing and scared.

Although this is not the first time he has seen the miracles created by this strange looking boy, it can not be compared with the previous ones to repair the ring of space.

After all, after being seriously damaged, the latter spent countless human and material resources for a full 12 years and failed to find a way to return to normal work.

Are darentes stupid?

The answer is obviously not!

If they were stupid, they could not create such a brilliant magical civilization, or even conquer and rule so many worlds and their affiliated sub spaces.

They are smart and powerful, and they are excellent races that surpass most low intelligent lives!

Even for this reason, a large number of stupid and groundless genealogy theories have been born. They believe that the more families continue the ancient tradition, the easier it is to give birth to offspring with excellent magic talents.

But now, all these feelings of superiority were easily shattered by the terrible talent shown by the boy in front of him.


Incomparable genius!

Especially the innate understanding and creativity are just like the gap between mortals and gods.

Obviously, the boy didn\'t realize what an incredible job he had just completed. With a proud expression on his young face, he explained to himself: "As we all know, energy turbulence has always been the biggest problem perplexing spell casters and even countless fine magic devices. It is like a naughty child, madly destroying the order and stability necessary for casting spells. Usually, there are two ways to restore its stability. One is to forcibly suppress it with more than ten times the energy of turbulence, and the other is to use more than ten times the energy of turbulence This is my latest research achievement, which is like coaxing children to lure and separate the unstable factors in the turbulence, and then seal them. "

"Wonderful explanation! I admit that you have surpassed me and become one of the few casters on this planet who are qualified to be crowned with the title of star. The problem is that the methods you use need extremely keen perception, and others can\'t learn and follow. It will take at least hundreds of years to repair the whole huge ring of space and the world it connects." Oren sighed helplessly.

Born at the peak of darente civilization, he was full of explosive pride and knew the importance of the conquered world.

Without sufficient resources, it is impossible for Mocha to maintain its current appearance. Even within 12 years after losing contact, the concentration of magical energy in the air has decreased by nearly 5%.

This figure may be far from being noticed by ordinary darentes, but as a member of the privileged class, Oren has clearly noticed and can\'t wait to repair the door of space and plunder resources and energy from other worlds.

"Don\'t worry, mentor, I\'ll improve my skills soon. In a short time, you\'ll see the prosperity here again. I swear." the boy assured me with confidence.

As like as two peas, I am sure that you will fulfill your promise. But before that, I have something to tell you. You are not alone, but there is a identical twin brother. But when he was involved in turbulence, he did not know which world he left behind.