All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1252

People who have never experienced wandering on the edge of death will never know how wonderful that feeling is, just like the infinite amplification of the perception of spirit and will. All the pain is gone from themselves, leaving only an unprecedented ethereal state.

If you can\'t cross the boundary between life and death and enter another world, the world that belongs to the dead alone, this person will never be troubled by injuries.

But if he gets through it, he will soon wake up and feel that life is better than death again.

Obviously, Tiffany is at this stage right now.

Her strong sense of survival made her spend the most dangerous day. When the evening came and the surrounding environment began to decrease rapidly, she finally opened her eyes slowly and found that she was carried by a magical creature completely composed of gravel.

The boy who is regarded as the target is slowly moving forward against the golden sunset. In particular, the contrast between his short stature and the huge shadow on the ground is the most realistic portrayal of reality.

If she hadn\'t seen it with her own eyes, she couldn\'t believe that there was such amazing magic power in this small body.

"Ah! You\'re awake!"

Luke noticed something clearly, stopped, turned and stared at the other party\'s pale face.

"Thank you... Thank you, thank you for saving my life." Stephanie\'s voice revealed endless weakness and fatigue.

After all, she only shed so much blood not long ago. It was all due to her innate magic talent to wake up so quickly. Otherwise, if she were an ordinary marauder, she would have died alive in the terrible high temperature at noon.

"You\'re welcome. I saved you because I thought you were useful. If you fail to live up to my expectations, I promise you will be still waiting to die in the desert next second." Luke\'s tone was full of indifference that refused to be thousands of miles away.

"What do you need me to do?" Stephanie resisted the constant tiredness and tried carefully.

She is well aware that this is not just a mere verbal threat, but a terrorist threat that may assist in action at any time.

In her current state, let alone survive in the dangerous desert, if she stays alone for an hour or two, she may be eaten as dinner by beasts or monsters smelling blood.

Trust is never built from the beginning.

She needs time and company day and night to melt this solid ice with her unique tenderness and consideration.

"Very simple! Since you are a merchant\'s woman and often follow the caravan, you must be very clear about the surrounding terrain and the roads to various towns?"

Luke didn\'t try to hide anything. He spoke out what he intended to get from each other.

you \'re right!

Is a living map and guide.

Because he had been living in an isolated tribal camp before, even if the "Warriors" went out to find drinking water and necessary living supplies, they would not be close to those densely populated towns, so he had never had a clear understanding of the world.

For example, how big is it? Is the desert where it is located a huge Island, an isolated continent, or the only continent in the world?

How many people and cities are there in this desolate land like the end of the day?

Did they form a country after the invaders disappeared, or a political group similar to a country?

According to the description of the clan leaders, since the invaders left inexplicably, the whole world is changing rapidly. Many former resistance organizations have stepped onto the front stage and began to compete for resources, population and territory.

Intelligent life can never get rid of its selfish nature. As long as self-consciousness exists, the competition between ideology and interests will never stop.

But these have nothing to do with Luke. He just wants to find out the surrounding terrain, especially the relatively densely populated towns.

With Malvina\'s character, she will choose the nearest town as her destination.

"Of course! I know the location of all towns, even those unknown villages that can supply fresh water." Livni nodded without thinking.

To tell the truth, she was relieved to hear this request.

Because this means that she is a useful person in each other\'s eyes. Being useful means that she will not be easily abandoned. At least, it is unlikely to be a beast and a monster before she can keep her injury.

"Very good! Now tell me immediately which way to go now and get to the town in the shortest time?" Luke asked bluntly.

Livni looked up at the stars that had begun to show light in the sky, as if confirming the direction and position.

After a few minutes, she pointed to a place to the left and said, "go straight in this direction and you can reach bone city in about 20 days."

"Bone city?" Luke frowned subconsciously.

Because when he was in the tribal station, he never heard the elders or warriors who often go out mention this word.

Obviously, either it is too far away from the tribe\'s concern, or it is so dangerous that no one wants to get close easily.

"Yes, bone city. Just like its name, it is an ancient city built entirely from giant animal bones. It is said that it can be traced back to before the arrival of the invaders. There is a huge dead bone temple dedicated to the great hunting God, and those bones were the best gifts given to the gods by fanatical believers in those years." Stephanie quickly said everything she knew.

She seems to be very clear about the general importance of the first impression, and try to express the knowledge of geography and history as much as possible, rather than those shallow and stupid women who think that as long as they fork their legs, they can let men do anything for themselves.

"Sounds interesting! Let\'s go to bone city."

Luke didn\'t tell each other his real purpose of going to bone city. After muttering to himself, he found a relatively safe place to eat dried meat and dry food for the night.

Since most of the land has been desertification, there are very few crops that can be planted in the world. Most of them are special plants that can only grow underground.

As for the taste and taste

It can only be said that you can barely swallow it, and there is not much nutrition. The most important thing is to supplement a small amount of nutrients and vitamins necessary for the body, otherwise no one will be willing to eat it.

Similarly, the taste of dried meat is no better. It\'s like suffering without eating a bite.

But anyway, Luke is luckier than those guys who don\'t even have food.

At least in the process of his growth, he was neither hungry nor thirsty to death because of lack of water.