All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1248

Obviously, when Malvina was tempted by the outside world, Luke had only two choices.

One is to succumb to each other\'s tricks, become a member of this small group, and then expose each other\'s true face bit by bit, so that the girl can understand how dangerous the world is, and finally bring it back safely and complete the agreement with Brolin.

The other is to kill the one eyed woman and her accomplices simply and rudely, and tell Malvina with bloody facts that the survival of the fittest is the common law in the outside world. As long as you don\'t agree, no one dares to accept her, let alone travel to distant places.

In fact, Luke didn\'t know why such dangerous thoughts came out of his mind, as if some cold and tyrannical emotion lurked in the depths of his soul and came out inadvertently.

As for whether a girl will hate herself all her life, that\'s not what he needs to consider.

Anyway, he didn\'t intend to maintain the so-called "friendship" with the little girl. In his eyes, nothing is more important than to find out the mysterious and strange life experience and his "strange" appearance.

With this extremely dangerous idea becoming clearer and clearer, Luke began to inadvertently show a strong attack tendency, especially the amazing magic energy, which was rotating around his body, and even formed a light blue barrier.

The woman wearing an eye patch undoubtedly noticed this and immediately asked vigilantly, "Damn it! What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? I\'ll kill you, of course!"

Luke Ming changed into a man and completed the most destructive magic he had with lightning speed.

Next second


A meteorite with a diameter of more than five meters and burning hot flames on the surface fell from the sky and directly hit the position where the one eyed woman was standing.

The air wave and shock wave generated by the impact directly threw Malvina out and rolled several meters along the ground before stopping.

The adjacent houses and streets were even destroyed, and even a few unlucky onlookers were involved, dead and injured.

"Asshole! You want to kill me?"

The one eyed woman sensed the danger and escaped from the frontal impact of the meteorite a second in advance.

She is obviously not as easy to deal with as the guy who came to trouble before. Both experience and combat level are much higher than the former.

"That\'s right! As long as I kill you, Malvina will have to go back to the tribal station with me and give a warning to those guys with the same bad intentions."

Luke didn\'t try to deny anything and admitted it.

Because at this time and in his heart, killing is not taboo at all, nor will it produce the so-called psychological pressure or even a sense of guilt.

On the contrary, he suddenly felt that these intelligent lives calling themselves "people" were no different from those beasts and monsters that could be killed at will in the desert.

Only the beasts and monsters attack, just for food and survival, and these "people" with higher thinking are to meet the expanding ambition and desire.


Only death is the most equal thing in the world and even the whole universe.

No matter how huge the power, how terrible the power, how amazing the wealth, they will die in the end.

"You... You\'re crazy! You\'re going to kill for this?" Malvina struggled to get up from the ground, her voice full of fear and trembling.

For the first time, the girl found that this peer who had almost grown up with herself and lived together for more than ten years had become so strange, so cold and so indifferent to life.

"No! You\'re wrong! I just suddenly figured out something. I used to be naive and bound by the ideas instilled by the elders, but now I wake up. Come on, come back with me, if you don\'t want everyone in this town to die for your little willfulness."

With Luke\'s threatening words blurting out, a larger meteorite that almost covered the sky gradually formed and hovered hundreds of meters away.

But anyone who is not a fool can clearly realize that if this thing is really smashed down, darasson town will definitely disappear from the map forever.

For a moment, panic spread rapidly in the town. Whether it was businessmen from afar or the looters who ruled here, they all withdrew quickly and took away the most valuable things first.

"Madman! You\'re a fucking madman!" the woman in the goggles raised her head and stared at the meteorite in the sky, with shock and fear on her face.

She never dreamed that her little trick would trigger such a chain reaction and even push the whole town to the brink of destruction.

But Luke ignored the others and still stared into the girl\'s eyes and asked: "Tell me, Malvina, do you want to go back with me or watch all the people here die. If it\'s the latter, I promise this destruction will not be the last time. No matter where you go, destruction and death will follow. You will gradually become a disaster in the eyes of the world. Every town and even village will refuse you to enter their territory. That\'s right Is this the life you want to pursue? "

"I... I..."

Malvina was obviously flustered and looked at the one eyed woman at a loss, trying to ask for help from each other.

Unfortunately, one eyed women can\'t protect themselves at present, and they can take care of her there.

Originally, the other party accepted Malvina in order to cheat Luke in. Now the latter has shown unparalleled powerful magic power. Who else cares about the former.

Finally, the girl couldn\'t stand the huge mental pressure. She cried out and shouted, "you won! You won! I\'ll go back with you!"

"Very good! This is a good girl."

Seeing that the goal had been achieved, Luke withdrew the giant meteorite that had scared away most of the population in the town, took Malvina\'s hand and walked out of the only entrance step by step.

In this process, no one dares to stand up and obstruct, or do something that may lead to misunderstanding.

No one noticed that Luke\'s pace was much slower than usual, even a little weak, and his face was paler than before.

There is no doubt that this is the performance of magic overdraft.

As a 12-year-old child, no matter how talented he is, it is impossible to cast such a powerful destructive spell without paying the corresponding price.