All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1247

"How... How..."

Accompanied by severe pain, the leading man lowered his head and found that his exposed heart had completely broken, like a rag hanging next to a bloody wound.

But soon, a lot of blood loss began to make him feel weaker than ever. Finally, he fell straight to the ground with black eyes and swallowed his last breath.

Until his death, he didn\'t understand how the phantom like a lock controlled the flow speed of blood in the blood vessels and how the heart was crushed under great pressure.

Looking at the bloody picture caused by his magic, Luke\'s eyes twinkled with a strange light.

Because at this moment, his heart was not only not a little uncomfortable, nausea, vomiting and other reactions, but also full of a strong desire, as if killing living life could bring him some power that could not be observed by the naked eye.

"Lou... Luke! You killed them all?" Malvina stared, as if she couldn\'t believe what she saw.

You know, it\'s one thing to kill monsters invading tribal sites, but it\'s another thing to kill a group of similar people with the same wisdom.

"Why not? As you can see, they forced me to do so." Luke shrugged indifferently.

He could feel that when these people died, his control over magical energy increased.

"But... But..."

Malvina obviously felt something wrong, but she didn\'t know how to express it. She stammered for a long time and couldn\'t finish a sentence.

"Well, not so much, but search the body quickly, and then we\'ll leave this place of right and wrong as soon as we finish shopping."

After that, Luke glanced at the guys around him, either in awe or carefully hiding himself, and suddenly had a bad hunch.

To be exact, he found the reaction of the residents of the town too strange.

Normally, when an outsider like him conflicts with local forces, an organization responsible for maintaining order should come forward to mediate, or punish the party who violates the regulations.

Otherwise, dalasong town would have been in chaos for a long time, and there could not be such a prosperous market and goods.

There is no doubt that either the organization that maintains order has more important things, and there is no room for such a small conflict between more than a dozen people for the time being, or the really powerful guys hide behind and throw these clowns out as test pieces.

The latter is much more likely than the former, and is more in line with this cruel doomsday world.

But just as Luke was about to take his booty to the market and buy some valuable things, a familiar figure suddenly blocked his way back.

"Hi, little brother, we meet again." the woman wearing an eye patch said hello.

"Is it you?" Luke stepped back warily.

Because he can smell the strong smell of blood inadvertently emitted from each other.

Obviously, this is not an ordinary woman who is full-time responsible for cooking, cleaning, raising livestock and taking care of children in the tribe, but a female demon climbing out of the sea of corpses and blood.

The woman wearing the blindfold obviously realized this, smiled and nodded: "yes! I have to admit that the magic you just performed was a little beyond my expectation. How, are you interested in joining my team and going outside to see a wider world?"

"Your team?" Luke frowned immediately.

"Wider world?" Malvina looked forward.

Appreciating the different reactions of the two little guys, the woman wearing an eye mask flashed a hint of fun in her eyes, followed by a leisurely explanation: "Yes! As you can see, I am the leader of a mercenary team, mainly providing protection services for those rich businessmen. In addition, I occasionally join wars and conflicts in some areas. We will kill the enemy for whoever pays more money. I have been to many places, seen magnificent big cities and witnessed the last forest in the world. I promise, only If you choose to join, you will certainly enjoy many unprecedented beautiful scenery. "

It has to be said that her words are full of strong temptation, especially for children who have just left home and come into contact with the outside world.

"Let\'s join!"

"We refuse!"

Malvina and Luke gave the opposite answer almost at the same time.

"Oh? So do you want to join or refuse?" the woman wearing the blindfold raised her mouth and asked back with a smile.

"Why refuse?" Malvina whispered, staring into the eyes of her classmates.

"Because it\'s too dangerous! We don\'t know her at all! We can\'t be sure whether every word she says is true or false. Remember, the outside world is full of deception, lies and betrayal. What\'s more, it\'s just a trial now, and I must take you back safely." Luke explained seriously.

After all, the reason why he came out with the girl was to find out his life experience.

The outside world is not very attractive to him until he gets an accurate answer.

"No! I don\'t want to finish the trial under your protection! What\'s the difference between this cheating! I want to use my own strength to walk around the wider world until I become a tribal warrior like my father." Malvina categorically refused.

Her attitude was so firm that Luke ran behind the one eyed woman before he could respond.

"Ah! It seems that the little sister has made a decision, and now it\'s only you." the woman stroked the girl\'s hairy head and couldn\'t hide her proud expression on her face.

Obviously, she had already seen the relationship between the two little guys. It was the boy who protected the girl.

So as long as the innocent girl is dealt with, the boy naturally can\'t escape his palm.

When violence and threats are ineffective, some gentle tricks often have unexpected effects.

"Come back! Malvina! Come back with me!"

Luke undoubtedly did not expect that the biggest obstacle to completing this task did not come from the enemy, but from the protected himself.

With a mature and steady character, he didn\'t expect how attractive the outside world was to a girl who had been kept in captivity for 12 years, and he didn\'t expect that the other party would bypass himself and choose Malvina who was easy to take the bait