All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1201

Some people say that cities are the symbol of civilization. If you want to understand what a civilization looks like, you can make money by looking at the cities they build.

Although such remarks are biased, there is no problem with the consciousness expressed.

Generally speaking, cities mean the concentration of population, technology and resources. They mean getting rid of primitive hunting and planting and evolving towards more advanced productivity and production relations.

At least in the material universe, most civilizations follow this basic law.

But the city of the spiritual world completely subverts the initiator\'s understanding of the city.

Because when he arrived at the gate, he found that all entrants must peel off their spiritual strength and give it to the guards waiting at the gate.

As for the amount of surrender, it is not fixed, about one tenth is drawn according to the total amount of spirit of each entrant.

We should know that in this world, spirit is nourishment, power and precious materials necessary for survival and evolution.

One tenth at a time is enough to greatly weaken the strength of the creature.

But interestingly, no guy who entered the city dared to resist this rule, not even bargaining. He obediently handed over his own part, then passed through the gate like a monster\'s mouth and disappeared at the end of the changing street.

Out of caution, the initiator did not play any tricks this time. After paying his share, he quickly entered a place like a square.

Glancing at the strange creatures around him, he lowered his voice and asked his friend, "where are you going to start?"

"From where? No, no, No." the man with glasses smiled meaningfully and shook his head. "My research has begun. Do you feel the weak order everywhere? It is the foundation of the existence of this city. Otherwise, I can guarantee that these honest looking guys will turn into terrible butchers in the next second, killing and devouring every weak person around who is not as strong as themselves."

"Where do you think this weak order comes from?" the initiator pursued with interest.

The man pointed to the Obelisk standing in the middle of a large dark red building in the distance: "of course, it\'s the top! It\'s like a net, just covering most of the city. As for those places that are not covered, I\'m sure they will be an illegal place full of chaos and sin."

The initiator nodded thoughtfully: "that is to say, the ruler or master of the city lives in the Obelisk?"

"Well, are you interested in going to the nearest place with me to observe carefully?" the man\'s eyes twinkled with fanaticism and obsession, and took the initiative to put forward a dangerous invitation.

Because even the most idiot will understand that if the city ruler really lives in the obelisk, it will be heavily guarded, or it will be torn to pieces by the powerful guard.

After all, they have only come to the spiritual world for a short time, and the guards here are so powerful that they are not the monsters fighting with intuition and primitive instinct outside.

"Are you crazy? Or do you want to kill both of us?" the initiator raised his eyebrows unhappily.

He couldn\'t remember clearly. It was the first time his old friend went crazy all the way.

Anyway, since he came to the spiritual universe, he has been constantly stopping each other\'s death behavior, even suicide.

But no matter what kind of crisis they experienced, the enthusiasm emanating from each other\'s bones did not diminish at all. On the contrary, it was like a forest fire burning more and more.

"Death? Hahaha! You succeeded in teasing me. You know? In a strict sense, you and I were already dead in the physical definition when we abandoned the body and entered the spiritual world. To some extent, we are all dead, so why should we be afraid to die again. God knows whether there is another hidden behind this world Outside the world. All souls, spirits and consciousness are like a huge cycle, constantly shuttling through the world. The more you know, the more you feel ignorant. I am in such a state, both happy and distressed. "

Men are obviously stubborn, have a different set of world outlook and values, and are not willing to be discouraged by any situation.

In his eyes, he is an explorer and practitioner of truth. As long as consciousness still exists and doesn\'t stop thinking, he must clarify all the mysteries that perplex him.

"Damn it! Calm down! Don\'t forget that if your spiritual power is completely swallowed up, you will disappear from the world forever. Whether there is a next cycle stage waiting for you or not, you can\'t figure out the secret behind the world. When we are still weak, we should choose to hibernate rather than rashly meet potential and powerful enemies. "The initiator warned sternly.

He didn\'t want to put himself in danger because of the reckless actions of his old friends.

You know, in the spiritual world, no one can really keep a secret.

The mental power of every living body contains a lot of memories. God knows if there is any creature that can extract these memories.

At that time, the intelligent life in this world will realize that there is another universe and a living invader outside itself.

But the man with glasses shrugged his shoulders and comforted: "Relax, you are too nervous. In my opinion, the best way to deeply understand the world is to find a guy smart and powerful enough to talk face to face. Knowledge and information will be valuable only after exchange. If we are selfish enough not to exchange information in order to keep the so-called secrets, aren\'t we like those primitive people living in the Middle Ages As stupid and foolish? "

"But have you thought about the consequences? As the weak side, we have no choice at all. Your behavior is equivalent to a three-year-old child trading with a strange adult with a large amount of money. You don\'t know whether the other party will carry on the transaction next second or directly take away everything valuable from you." The initiator stated his biggest concern directly.

As we all know, transactions without the protection of a strong force and order are often based on considerable strength.

Because once one party finds that the other party is very weak, it is likely to evolve from transaction to plunder.

"Ah! I have made full preparations for this. Give me some time and I will prove that my plan works..."