All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1200


Neither side meant to speak first, just looking into each other\'s eyes.

After several minutes, Mott took back his abnormal hand and joked with a smile: "You seem very vigilant and full of distrust of me. But it\'s no wonder that in this strange place, whether you or I are no longer the superior master, but the most ordinary life. The only advantage is knowledge and wisdom. In such a dangerous environment, if you are not careful, you may lose everything soon."

"What are you trying to say?" Gru kept a safe distance.

I don\'t know why. He always thinks something\'s wrong.

To be exact, there was something wrong with the guy\'s attitude, as if he was deliberately hiding something.

"My consciousness is... Since we are all from the material universe, why not join hands to deal with this crisis." Mott calmly invited.

"Sorry, I\'m different from you guys. I\'m not forced, but voluntary, so there\'s an essential difference between us from the beginning." Gru refused each other without even thinking about it.

After all, cooperation is based on trust, but now both sides don\'t even have the most basic trust, how can they put down their guard and cooperate together.

He was not even sure what kind of purpose the guy in front of him was holding.

"Active?" a strange light flashed in Mott\'s eyes.

Gru nodded gently: "yes! I\'m looking for truth and answers beyond my limits. In addition, if your purpose is revenge, I suggest you give up the idea."


"Because you are doing something that will never succeed."

"What if I insist?"

"Then I can only wish you good luck."

In just a few words, the surrounding atmosphere began to become subtle.

Finally, without another word, Gru turned and walked in the other direction. After a while, he disappeared without a trace.

When he walked away, Mott immediately turned and said to the black unknown substance hidden behind him, "come out, he has gone."


Three shadows with seven or eight points similar to him slowly took on different shapes.

One of them asked impatiently, "why let him go? We can take some extreme measures to force him to serve our plan."

"Are you crazy to force him? Gru is not an ordinary chaos master! What\'s more, don\'t you feel that his spiritual arm should be strong for all of us?" another guy immediately put forward a different point of view.

Needless to ask, these are the lucky ones who survived the masters of neutral factions.

Obviously, they are gathering together to plan a retaliation and make the culprit pay the price.

"Hum! How about being strong? We still can\'t get rid of the cruel reality of being at the lower level of the world\'s food chain. Maybe we have almost unlimited power in the material world, but now we may be killed by the next creature at any time. Since Gru doesn\'t want to join us, we\'ll find a way ourselves. I don\'t believe he can beat me again in this world For the second time. "

As he said this, Mott\'s eyes flashed with strong anger and hatred.

However, he has reason to hate Zhang Cheng, because it is precisely because of Zhang Cheng\'s actions that the neutral ring will collapse, the masters will die, and the rest will become the ghost now.

They can not return to the material universe, but also excluded by the spiritual world. It is like being on the edge of a crack, suffering pain and despair all the time.

"But where can we find him? Or how can we kill him? After all, the world is so big that we still don\'t know the situation." the guy who hasn\'t spoken questioned.

"Ha ha! Just now, didn\'t we find a perfect guide?" Mott couldn\'t help laughing.

Because he felt that Gru\'s attitude towards the spiritual world was strikingly similar to his enemies.

This means that the two sides will meet somewhere sooner or later.

As long as you follow far away, you won\'t worry about not finding each other\'s trace.

Several other people also quickly realized this possible rationality, turned into a black shadow one after another, and caught up with it at a very fast speed.

These guys didn\'t realize that Zhang Cheng was hiding in an unknown corner and began to study the body brought back at the risk of his life, intending to uncover the truth of the spiritual world and the secrets hidden in the overlord.

It is estimated that the difference in strength will be more obvious the next time we meet.


At the same time, the initiator and his friends finally came to the first gathering place built by intelligent life in the spiritual world.

"Unbelievable! All this is completely created by spiritual power out of thin air?" the man with eyes took a breath, and the whole man was shocked and speechless.

Not far ahead, a city supported by hundreds of huge stone pillars stands in the air at least kilometers away from the ground.

All the pictures that are impossible to realize in the material world, or completely contrary to the basic physical common sense, have been realized here.

All kinds of strange houses float in the air, and a large number of colorful bridges connect these independent units together.

In addition, every once in a while, a certain area within the city will produce a series of unpredictable changes, even a 180 degree turn from style to color.

There is no doubt that this is a dream city, a real living city, a changing city.

Inside the city, and even the city itself, nothing is eternal.

It is like a huge kaleidoscope, which will take on another look at the slightest touch.

"No! It\'s not exactly spiritual power! There\'s another rule! There\'s a powerful life maintaining the operation of the city! Be careful, I don\'t want anyone to recognize that we\'re from the material universe." the initiator lowered his voice and warned.

"I see! In a relatively isolated place, outsiders and intruders will always be strongly hostile. It is a common law in any place and era. Well, stop talking nonsense and let\'s go in quickly. I hope we can find some clues here to help us solve more and more mysteries."