All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1127

"What? My father was attacked by an assassin! How could this be possible!" the prince stared with incredible expression.

You know, it\'s the undisputed overlord in the surrounding areas. There are not a hundred or dozens of enemies falling at his feet. If it was so easy to be assassinated, I\'m afraid he would have died hundreds of times.

Victoria was obviously satisfied with the other party\'s reaction and spread her hand with a smile: "I\'m sorry, although it\'s a little shocking, I can guarantee that it\'s absolutely an iron fact. At present, your brothers are fighting each other around the right of inheritance. One of them is also trying to capture the capital and ascend the throne and coronation in the great holy church. As far as I know, the number of soldiers killed in the war on both sides has exceeded 30000, and the blood and bodies have dyed the water of the moat black and red."

"What\'s the good news?"

After a brief panic, the prince quickly recovered his calm and continued to test carefully.

He understands that his current identity is a prisoner, so the other party has no reason and there is no need to deceive himself.

If the strong father really doesn\'t wake up, he must think about his future instead of sitting here waiting for someone to pay ransom and regain his freedom.

"The good news is that I think maybe I can send an army in your name to participate in the game. In return, I need to cede one-third of the land as a gift of thanks after supporting you to the throne. How, do you agree?" VILLIA showed her "appetite" directly.

Compared with Kelvin, her courage and insight are undoubtedly better.

In any case, the kingdom is a perfect country with a large talent reserve. As long as you are willing to pay extra money and energy, you can digest it very quickly.

The people of the principality who perished not long ago are basically used to their new identity and no longer resist the rule of the kingdom.

"Three... One third?! are you crazy, or is there something wrong with my ears? Do you know what that means? It means that even if I sign a treaty, I will be torn to pieces by angry nobles and civilians. They have enjoyed the supreme glory brought by my father for too long. They are used to looking down on other countries from above. There will never be a monarch who will lose his power and humiliate his country." The prince roared, clenching his fist.

Just like all the great powers, the people always have an inexplicable sense of superiority and strong self-confidence that no enemy can defeat themselves.

But they don\'t understand that the times are constantly developing and changing. No matter the country or civilization, there will be constant ups and downs, and some will eventually die with the passage of time.

Especially when an old power begins to decline rapidly, the first thing to feel is not the ruling class of the country, but its competitors and enemies.

As for those citizens with pure reaction, only when the bloody butcher\'s knife falls will they wake up and cry bitterly while fleeing, remembering the good time when they were once strong.

"Crazy?" Victoria smiled confidently and shook her head. "No! I\'m not crazy. If you know that at this time, more than six countries, including Kelvin, have launched attacks from different directions, you will think how relaxed and kind my conditions are. Think about it, will your brothers and sisters unite to fight against foreign enemies? Or will they contact these invaders and exchange expensive prices for each other\'s support ?”

When the prince heard this, his face suddenly changed three times. He said sarcastically, "in their eyes, each other are really immortal enemies, and it is naturally impossible to unite. I didn\'t expect that the great country founded by his father lasted only one generation and fell into the brink of division and collapse. It sounds a little ironic, doesn\'t it?"

"It\'s ironic, but it\'s really a good opportunity for me. Now make a choice, whether to stay here and be a prisoner all your life, or fight with your brothers and sisters under the banner of bringing order out of chaos to see who is the real king."

When saying these words, Victoria\'s tone was obviously a trace of ridicule and ridicule.

Having personally experienced the palace coup, she knew too well what crazy things these guys would do for that chair.

"I... I choose the latter! But you must promise that you will never make any other unreasonable demands, such as surrender, tribute, etc." the prince tried to strive for reasons and preserve the last bit of dignity for his country.

"No problem! I\'m not an aggressive monarch. It\'s not me you need to guard against, but someone else. Look, he\'s the culprit behind all this and the one with the greatest appetite." as she said, Victoria took out a note full of small letters from her pocket and handed it to her.

The prince quickly took it over, glanced at it, and immediately roared angrily, "he... How dare he?! send an assassin to assassinate! Then he wants to win the crown in the name of my sister. No! He will never let this mean man succeed."

"That\'s right! That\'s the momentum! Remember, if Kelvin\'s plan succeeds, you and your country will eventually disappear, and he will establish a complete tyranny on the body of the huge empire. Come on, take a bath and change clothes, so we can discuss how to stop his conspiracy."

In order to stir up hatred between the two sides, Victoria quietly picked herself out of the plot.

As a woman, lying, deceiving and acting are her innate instinct. In addition, her beautiful appearance has natural deception. Beauty is justice, which is not the patent of people on earth.

On the contrary, this is a common problem of most intelligent lives.


With the official performance of a wonderful play including conspiracy, assassination, politics, war, love and hatred, Allen has come to the towering tree of chaos alone.

Looking at the terrible plant that could hardly reach the top at a glance, he took a deep breath and murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "well, let me plant seeds next. I hope there are any accidents elsewhere."

The voice just fell!

He took out the seed like a core, squatted down and buried it in the soil with chaotic energy from the roots.

Next second


A thick vine suddenly broke through the ground and rolled up the youth at an unimaginable speed.

No matter how they struggled, or attacked the vines with magic to regain their freedom, they all failed in the end.

He could only watch the fast-growing vines push himself into the air and finally plug himself into the gap on the trunk. The whole person was immersed in the green mucus like paste, and soon lost consciousness.