All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1126

"Well, did my lovely fiancee overreact after receiving the letter?"

Kelvin sat in the barracks, while the inspectors were ready to go, he would not ask the secret messenger and assassin who had just arrived.

It was this seemingly thin and insignificant man who put the great monarch with great political influence into a coma through a poisonous arrow, and also plunged the powerful country he founded into chaos and turmoil.

"No! She is very calm, much calmer than you think, and knows her situation very well. But she has a word for me to convey to you intact."

There was no cadence in the thin man\'s tone, and it was as if nothing had happened.

Perhaps it is this extremely introverted and almost harsh self-control that makes him the best assassin on the continent. He can come and go freely, whether it is a heavily guarded palace or a treasure house full of gold and silver coins.

And when you do it, you will never show even a little killing intention.

"Oh? What do you say?" kelwenrao turned around with a playful smile.

To tell the truth, the reason why he wrote this letter was only to find an excuse for his invasion. No matter whether the other party agreed or not, he would cross the border and take all the land west of the long river according to the original plan.

Of course, if the princess is willing to cooperate with nature, it can save a lot of unnecessary cumbersome steps and trouble.

"She said she could cooperate with you in a play, but in return, she should not be a simple puppet, but share some rights from your hands..."

The assassin did not try to hide what it was, but revealed all the contents of his private conversation with the princess.

As a simple and pure man, he never cares about the intrigues among these nobles, only about the content of his next task, who needs to be killed and how to kill.

"Right? Ha ha!"

Kelvin couldn\'t help laughing when he heard the word. He laughed and joked: "I thought she would put forward what kind of requirements. It turned out that she was unwilling to continue to be manipulated by others and be a vase. It doesn\'t matter. I can meet her little wish. But the premise is that she has to do something to prove that she has made a clean break with the past."

"What\'s the matter?" an emotional wave finally appeared in the assassin\'s indifferent eyes.

But no one knows whether this fluctuation is curiosity or something else.

"I hope she can solve her father who fell into a coma by herself. Harrison\'s political prestige is too high. As long as he is still alive, the supporters of princes and princesses dare not really go all out. What\'s more, patricide is a vicious crime that is absolutely not tolerated by the whole society. Don\'t you think such a vicious woman is very close to me with the title of tyrant Does it match? "Kelvin pursed his lips and a cruel smile appeared.

There is no doubt that he is retaliating for the princess\'s strong refusal to marry at the beginning, and wants to pull the other party down to the same level as himself in this way.

"I see! I\'ll convey your conditions to her. If there\'s nothing else, I\'ll go to the next task. Bye."

After that, the assassin didn\'t hesitate at all. He leaned slightly and turned and disappeared into the shadow of the corner of the tent.

No one knows how he got out, let alone how he got in.

In short, no matter magic or other methods, we can\'t detect the sneaking skills that come and go without trace, and even the hound with the best sense of smell can\'t be used.

Fortunately, Kelvin didn\'t care about each other\'s real identity, nor did he want to keep such a dangerous guy around. Both sides belong to partners who get what they need.

Thinking of this, he directly pushed open the curtain of the tent and shouted to the herald who had been waiting outside for a long time: "Let our vanguard troops set out! Within five days, I will capture the nearest city and wipe out all the resistance forces west of the river within two months. Remember, this time, unlike last time, I need a crown, so don\'t create too many unprovoked killings. A land without enough population can\'t produce enough food and wealth to support a country."

"Yes, sir."

The herald slapped him hard on the chest and then ran all the way to the ready army to deliver orders.

In about half an hour, the first legions of human and steel puppets strode across the border on a rather muddy path, close to the powerful country in chaos and war.


In contrast, the troops belonging to the Kingdom on the other side are still anxiously waiting for orders.

To be exact, Victoria is still waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a suitable time to intervene.

As for the excuse, she had already prepared, that is, the prince who was under house arrest in the palace.

As the nobles who launched the rebellion were caught, the unlucky man could not escape. Even if he had the title of messenger, he could not save him in the end.

At present, he has lost his previous elegant disguise, constantly walking around the room, his eyes full of blood, and occasionally shouting like crazy.

Because he hasn\'t had face-to-face communication with people for more than half a month, the only time he can see outsiders is the short seconds of delivering meals every day.

It is estimated that if he keeps this extreme isolation from the world, he will completely become a psycho or madman in a few days.

Of course, I haven\'t been well now. I don\'t know what I\'m whispering all the time. Any normal person will be surprised to see it.

Just as the prince stared at himself in the mirror and began to talk, the closed door was suddenly kicked open. The queen, who had not seen for many days, finally appeared and greeted with a smile: "ah! Good afternoon, dear prince. I have good news and fast news here. Which do you want to hear first?"

"Bad news!" the prince made a choice without thinking.

As the literal meaning, he didn\'t even think about it. He just wanted to speak simply.

"The bad news is that your great father was plotted by an assassin. He was poisoned. Now he has fallen into a coma and lost control of the country. Your brothers and sisters are fighting to ascend the throne. They even don\'t forget to write to me and hope I can imprison you forever." Victoria winked meaningfully.

She believes that with the prince\'s political wisdom, it should not be difficult to judge the situation in. At the same time, she understands that the other party has no second way to live except to take refuge in herself.