All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1102

"So... It\'s the prince\'s idea?" Victoria took the information just sent by her spy and pursed a sarcastic smile.

She is now lying on the bed in the bedroom, wearing a light nightdress, one of her hands holding her chin, giving a hazy beauty full of intellectual wisdom.

But those eyes were as sharp as a dagger just out of its sheath.

There is no doubt that the prince\'s greedy ambition and desire angered the young queen.

Since she made up her mind to control her own destiny, it was still her "as you wish, your majesty." the spy kept his head down, took the letter and put it close to him. He didn\'t dare to stay on the Queen\'s nightdress full of hazy beauty.

He knows very well that the most important thing in this business is to know restraint and never cross the red line, otherwise he will be ruthlessly cleaned.


At the same time, hundreds of kilometers away in a city controlled by Kerwin, the woman returning to the civilized world with the holy sword is sitting in an insignificant corner of a tavern, sipping the liquor and looking coldly at everything around the observer.

Since she made up her mind to awaken the God of darkness, she has been thinking about how to establish a stable belief system and let more people understand the greatness of darkness.

Unfortunately, although many people are doing things according to the dark code of conduct, they still yearn for the light in their hearts.

This means that no matter how much benefit the darkness gives, they can\'t keep their hearts.

In order to understand the essence of human nature, she was not in a hurry to recruit believers and establish a church. Instead, she stayed in this mixed place and patiently observed all kinds of people, what they wanted, what they were willing to pay, and what their attitude towards faith was.

Just when she became interested in the two begging boys in the corner, a man with tattoos on his head and half his face came and sat across the table and said in a slightly teasing voice: "Hey, chick! Have you been here for almost a week? How about doing some healthy sports with the strong me? I promise, as long as you nod your head, no matter what you do in this pub, no one will disturb you."

"Oh? You seem very confident?" the woman didn\'t get angry because the other party was too naked. Instead, she lazily picked up her glass and took a sip of wine.

"Of course! Of course I\'m confident! Ask others who I am, and how many guys have tried to make trouble." the man raised his strong arm and showed his developed chest and biceps.

You don\'t have to ask. He\'s a gangster like a thug or watching a game in this tavern.

It\'s just a little better than those dirty gangsters. He has his own territory, and he doesn\'t need to spend money to drink, eat, open a room and sleep here.

On the contrary, the owner of the bar will give him some money every week to ensure that his pub will not be watched by other hooligans and gangsters, and there will be no fighting with drunks.

There are even nightingales willing to provide some "special" services free of charge to ensure that they will help each other in case of trouble or danger.

Of course, as a bodyguard and thug, his position is not lifelong and is also not protected by any law.

As long as a more powerful guy from outside defeats him, nature can replace him.

In short, this is a guy who eats by fist, body and strength. His mind is full of violence, tobacco, alcohol and women. The only enjoyment in life is timely enjoyment.

So when you see a new face of young and beautiful women, you will get up at the first time to see if you can take advantage of it for free.

"Hehe, you are so cute. In that case, I\'ll give you a chance. Come on, follow up, if you have the courage." the woman stood up with a meaningful smile and walked slowly down the wooden stairs to the second floor.

At the corner, she didn\'t forget to turn around and leave a suggestive smile.

"Oh!!! The only thing I don\'t lack is courage! Come on, guys, cheer for me! I\'m going to have a wonderful night tonight." the man raised his hands and made stupid and rude movements like a gorilla, and didn\'t forget to make strange noises in his mouth.

The poor fellow had no idea what terrible things he was going to face.

The drunkards around also don\'t know anything. They make a lot of noise, and two people who have been drunk delirious say they want to join them. After all, dullele is not as good as zhonglele, and more people are more exciting.

But without exception, he was kicked off by a man laughing and scolding, and finally rushed into the only unlocked room on the second floor alone