All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1101

At midnight, the banquet in the palace had just left. Soon, the whole mission returned to its residence under the leadership of the prince.

Before he could sit down and catch his breath, a waiter came in with two mysterious people covered in cloaks and said carefully, "Your Highness, your friend has arrived."

"Oh, my friend?" the prince looked surprised.

Because in the Kingdom, he doesn\'t have any friends. The only one who can be called a friend is

"It\'s me, your highness."

One of the men took off his hood on his own initiative. It turned out that he was the court aristocrat who led the Sedition not long ago.

But now, he has lost his territory and title. In principle, he is no different from civilians.

But those complex networks that still exist can be kept for a while.

"Ah! It\'s you. I heard my father mention you, calling you a really noble and pure noble, a hero willing to stand up against tyranny and injustice." after knowing the identity of the other party, the prince immediately changed into another face, stood up and praised loudly.

Of course, in his heart, he was actually full of contempt for this despicable man who sold his country for power.

After all, those who sell their country in exchange for glory and wealth are scum in every era. Some will even be nailed to the stigma of history forever. Even if they sincerely take refuge in each other, they will not be reused.

The prince\'s political quality is obviously good. He hides his contempt deeply in his heart and doesn\'t show it clearly.

On the contrary, he showed the enthusiasm a prince should have for his followers.

"It\'s a great joy and fear for me to hear the praise of emperor Harrison. Please rest assured that I will not betray his trust and drive the damn usurper out of office." the court nobles vowed to give a guarantee.

Hearing this, the prince nodded immediately: "I appreciate your confidence and courage very much. But can you tell me about your plan?"

"No problem, that\'s why I came to see you," said the court aristocrat, turning sideways and pointing to the fellow walkers behind him. "This is Baron Meles, an old noble who has made great achievements in war. Next, he will explain to you what kind of March route we will take after holding high the righteous flag."

Without saying a word, the guy called Baron Marles took a map out of his arms and spread it out on the table: "Your Highness, look, this is tyrsburg and this is the Bishui river. If we can attack and occupy the wharf and block the river channel within three days after we set up our troops, we can cut off two-thirds of the food supply in the capital. Please think about how angry those civilians will become when they don\'t get enough food?"

"Interesting! Do you want to threaten Victoria with food to compromise?" the prince\'s eyes lit up slightly.

We should know that on this planet with extremely backward transportation, any large city with a population of more than 100000 can either be close to the sea and use sea transportation to solve the transportation of bulk necessities, or there is a broad river to complete the transportation by river, or both, otherwise it is impossible to feed so many urban people who are not engaged in agricultural activities.

The most important food producing areas in the kingdom are on both sides of the Bishui River, so the food, vegetables, meat, eggs, cheese and other food consumed every day in the capital are transported to the wharf by the river, and then scattered from the wharf to various markets for sale.

If the transfer terminal near tyrsburg is blocked, the densely populated city will fall into famine within a week.

At that time, all rulers of IQ online will choose to compromise rather than risk being ousted by angry people.

"That\'s right! To tell you the truth, I really can\'t think of any way to win in a frontal battle just from the military point of view. So at this time, strategy will become particularly important. We don\'t need a victory in a battle, we need to give her a fatal blow in unexpected places. Since she wants to please the Dalits at the bottom, let\'s show her, How the untouchables rebelled against her rule. "Baron Marles grinned with a sinister smile.

Needless to ask, he wanted to teach Vilia a lesson and let the little girl understand what is the foundation of the kingdom to rely on. The bottom people who can buy off with a little grace are not worth relying on at all. If there is a little trouble, these guys will choose to betray without hesitation.

"Hahaha! It seems that our queen is in trouble this time. But I have another question. Have you contacted the old king? Will he finally stand up to support us and give the coup a legal name? After all, my father is an emperor who likes to defend orthodoxy. He doesn\'t want his glory to be tarnished in his later years." The prince laughed and said tentatively.

The so-called politics, in fact, is to be both a bitch and a memorial archway.

If you are just a bitch without a memorial archway, you will be looked down upon by others as a nouveau riche who lacks details. It\'s too ugly to eat.

If the memorial archway does not make a watch, it is an outright political idiot, who will be ridiculed by everyone as pedantic, inflexible and lack of flexible political skills.

Only by giving consideration to both is the quality that a qualified political talent should have.

Baron Meles exchanged a look with the court nobles and quickly responded: "For the sake of confidentiality, we haven\'t contacted the old king yet. But I believe that when he sees the change of the situation, he will not refuse our proposal. Anyway, he must be responsible for his family, otherwise the kingdom can\'t change a family to be the royal family, can\'t he?"

"Who are you going to change?" the prince keenly grasped the key words and showed an interested expression on his face.

"Of course it\'s you, my highness. Don\'t you think it\'s a perfect plan for the son of the great Harrison to marry the princess of the Kingdom and become a prince in good faith. He always takes the whole country." the court aristocrat hinted meaningfully.


Hearing this, the prince immediately felt that a flame called ambition was lit in his heart, emitting unimaginable energy.

He could not imagine what it would be like if he could rule the kingdom as a prince and finally help his son to the throne.

Especially far away from the father who is keen on power, everything is up to him. For him, it is a naked Temptation