All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1098

There were no swords, no bloody battles.

With the heart test officially started, the three participants soon entered the deepest corner of their consciousness that they had never touched.

Although they all seem very calm on the surface, as if they are asleep, everyone is actually engaged in the most dangerous battle.

But this time, the enemy we need to face is no longer a powerful dragon, but another self, an opponent without any privacy and secret.

I don\'t know how long later, when the woman first opened her eyes, she suddenly pulled out a dagger and stabbed the other two teammates in the chest.



The scarlet blood gushed out immediately, and after a while, he twitched and swallowed his last breath.

Looking at their lifeless white faces, she sighed slightly and muttered to herself in a voice that only she could hear: "sorry, I have to do this. The only way to ensure everything is safe. I lost too much for this moment, so I have to succeed anyway."

"Tell me, what do you see in your heart?"

The ghost did not know when to appear in mid air and asked softly with two eyes as deep as a black hole.

"I came to infighting, fighting and death. No one can resist the temptation of holding the holy sword. In the end, I can only kill the other two people and let the winner get it." the woman did not try to hide anything, but generously said her reason for killing her companion.

From beginning to end, she didn\'t show any sadness or regret. She looked calm and frightening.

Fortunately, the ghost is not a normal life body, but a special life between the energy body and the dead. It has no ideological imprisonment such as ethics and morality, and will not produce emotions such as fear.

He just nodded calmly, then raised his right hand and pointed to the open channel next to him: "Congratulations, you have passed the heart test. Next, as long as you complete the last test, you can go to the room where the holy sword is located."

"The last test?" the woman frowned subconsciously.

To know that the first two trials have killed almost all participants, she is not sure whether she still has enough strength and energy to deal with unknown dangers.

"Relax. The final test requires neither fighting nor thinking. You only need to answer a few questions."

After that, the ghost took the lead through the deep and dark channel and disappeared into the darkness.

"Damn it! I hate this situation where I don\'t know anything and can only obey others." the woman bited her teeth and whispered a complaint, but she followed up obediently.

In fact, at this point, she has no room to retreat, just like a gambler who has almost all his wealth. Even if she knows she will lose, she will still choose to fight to the death.

With nervousness, anticipation and uneasiness, she soon came to a room burning countless magic flames.

In the middle of the room, there stands a statue of gods and Demons more than four meters high. There is a man standing in front of the statue.

However, due to the refraction of light, I can\'t see each other\'s faces for the time being, but I just have a feeling of deja vu.

"Ah! You really didn\'t disappoint me. You finally came here through many tests."

The mysterious man took off his hood and showed a very young face. It was Zhang Cheng who had been waiting for a long time.

"Is it you?!" the woman was surprised and her eyes showed incredible light.

"Yes, it\'s me." Zhang Cheng nodded slightly. "You know what? From the first time I met, I had a hunch that you would become the selected hero, a dark hero different from the light hero in most stories. Because you have such a qualification, you are favored by the dark forces."

"I don\'t understand what you mean." the woman subconsciously stepped back two steps.

As a very sensitive person, she hates the condescending look in each other\'s eyes, as if looking at the slaughtering of lambs, and she hates the embarrassment of being manipulated by others.

"Ha ha! Don\'t understand? I don\'t think you want to understand." Zhang Cheng laughed and exposed each other\'s tricks, turned around and gently stroked the huge God and devil statue behind him. "Take this statue as an example. More than 1500 years ago, he was the totem of a glorious empire and a dark god who almost woke up from chaos. Unfortunately, at the most critical time, the Empire collapsed and split into countless forces. They conquered and killed each other, and finally formed the current political pattern of the mainland."

"God of darkness?!"

When the woman heard the word, her eyes burst out with crazy light and stared at the broken stone statue.

"Yes, he is the dark god ruva, the only God closest to awakening in the world. Even now, as long as someone calls his name, he can get a kind of mysterious energy feedback. It is waiting for believers to awaken his mind, awaken himself from ignorance and bring real faith to the world. Tell me, you are willing to take this responsibility and hold high the holy sword to complete a mission An unprecedented feat? "

When he said these words, Zhang Cheng\'s tone was full of endless temptation.

There is no doubt that he knows very well what the woman in front of him really wants, and what the other party can\'t refuse.

Personally awaken a dark god, which is almost the supreme goal and glory for a mortal who claims to be a dark believer.

For a moment, women feel that their usual calm and composure have long disappeared, replaced by a burning heart.

After about two or three minutes of silence, she took a deep breath and asked, "who are you and what do you want me to do?"

"It doesn\'t matter who I am. What matters is that I happen to have a good script in hand. I hope you can play a very important role in it. Of course, in return, I will meet your long-standing desire and find a final destination for your empty and lonely soul. God is the sustenance and home of human spirit. The more empty people are, the more eager they are to have it. You child The unfortunate experience in determined that you are a person who desperately needs the support of faith, so nothing can make you feel happier than waking up a dark god. "Zhang Cheng casually said the iron truth.

Because of poverty, so eager for wealth;

Because humble, so eager for power;

Because they are weak, they yearn for strength;

Because of emptiness, so eager to believe.

The more common people lack something, the more eager they are to get something.

This is an eternal law. It has nothing to do with a person\'s intelligence or education