All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1097

"Damn it! Be careful!"

The shooter who had seen what would happen after being sprayed by the black and red dragon breath shouted and rushed over, threw the woman to the ground and avoided the famous black dragon flame.

But even so, he broke out in a cold sweat and quickly rolled over the place several times before he got up quickly.

"Thanks! I owe you a favor."

The woman followed, and got up in embarrassment to the back of another stone pillar.

The lucky man favored by the dark forces is no longer calm and proud as usual. He not only looks pale and frightening, but also shows undisguised fatigue in his pupils.

You know, the powerful spell she just cast has almost exhausted all her magic and energy. At present, she is very reluctant to stay awake and has no spare power to launch a second attack.

To some extent, she is now a burden, a burden that even walks unsteadily.

The shooter deliberately didn\'t see the woman\'s weakness, pretending to be relaxed and joked: "that\'s great! It\'s not easy for you to owe a favor. Maybe after this adventure is over, we can talk about how to repay the favor debt in private."

"Hehe, OK, as long as we can go back alive." the woman stroked her hair, pursed her mouth and responded with a smile.

It can be seen that although the situation is a little bad at the moment, they have not given up hope and still think they have the opportunity to pass the "test of strength".

At the same time, the situation of the other team was much worse, leaving only two members alive.

The blonde youth, the first of them, exudes a solemn and stirring mood, and his eyes burst out with determination and courage to see death as home.

Seeing his teammates die one by one, he obviously has given up the hope of living. The only reason to support it is revenge.









The noble qualities of heroes in those stories emerge in the minds of young people one after another.

Suddenly, he realized that this was the place where he buried his bones, and also the place where his soul was sublimated.

He may not be able to defeat the powerful black dragon, but he can create opportunities for another team to return to the world with the holy sword through trial.

Thinking of this, the tragic expression on the blonde youth\'s face gradually disappeared, replaced by a kind of calm, as if he had accepted the arrangement of fate, raised his weapons and began to recite the tunes that his parents often hummed in his ears when he was a child.

The companion next to him who suffered a heavy blow seemed to be aware of this. He couldn\'t help but shed excited tears, held back the sharp pain, straightened his chest and took the lead in launching a decisive charge.

Because he knows what his friends want to do and intends to create opportunities for them with his body and life.

"Go away! Annoying bug!"

The black dragon roared, swung his claw, directly pierced each other\'s chest, and then roughly tore the body to pieces.

But just when it was unscrupulous to vent its anger, the blonde youth seized the opportunity to die in a flash, facing the scattered blood and broken meat, directly stabbed the sharp long sword into the dragon\'s pale yellow eyes.



"Humble bug! How dare you hurt the great me?! die! Die for me!!!"

With the deafening roar, the black dragon immediately echoed over the empty hall. Like crazy, the black dragon began to spray flames around to vent its powerful destructive spells.

In less than a few minutes, the already dilapidated hall was completely turned into ruins.

As for the young man who stabbed the blind longan, he had already died and could not die any more. He couldn\'t even find a complete body.

But his sacrifice bought enough time for the dark believer team!

In particular, as a caster, the woman forcibly overdrawn her physical strength and magic, just completed another dark spell and injected the dark power into the dragon.

Under that unparalleled destructive power, the black dragon\'s internal organs were chewed up, and finally fell to the ground with reluctance, never able to get up again.

In the end, more than ten people in the two teams almost died, and only three people survived successfully.

Looking at the remains of the great beast not far from the front, the shooter exhaled deeply, smiled bitterly and sighed, "I can\'t believe we can become living dragon slaying warriors."

"Yes! Unbelievable! But the return is quite amazing! Not to mention anything else, the corpse of this giant dragon alone is enough to make us rich. Dragon scales, dragon horns, dragon blood, keel, and every organ on it are rare and top-grade magic materials, and someone will be willing to pay a high price." another member of the dark believer team stood up excitedly, Around the black dragon body.

Although several wounds on his body were still bleeding, he still couldn\'t bear the excitement in his heart.

"Well, don\'t hurry to be happy. Don\'t forget that the guy just said that this is a test of strength. This means that there may be tests of intelligence and mind in the future. We\'d better take a break and recover our strength quickly to prepare for possible battles." the woman reminded weakly.

"What? What else?!" the shooter screamed with fear.

He felt that in their current state, let alone a high-intensity battle, a few low-level adventurers might kill them all.

Just when the woman wanted to say something, the ghost appeared out of thin air again and announced in the same unemotional tone: "Congratulations, you have successfully passed the test of power. Now, you have a day\'s rest, and one day later you will usher in the test of heart."

"Trial of heart?" the shooter suddenly had a bad feeling, raised his head and stared at the dark shadow of black fog.

"As the name suggests, it is the test of the soul. In the heart of every mortal, there is another self, a vice personality completely opposite to the master\'s personality. But most of the time, it is forcibly suppressed. All you have to do is talk to it face to face, either persuade it or defeat it. A person with a weak heart is not qualified to pull out the holy sword."

After saying these meaningful words, the ghost disappeared directly in place, leaving three guys whose faces were difficult to see.

There is no doubt that the test of mind, unlike the test of power, needs to deal with a powerful dragon, but the degree of danger is not small.

On the contrary, as long as there is a little mistake in this process, he is likely to be replaced by another diametrically opposite personality