All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1087

There is no doubt that Vilia\'s cold declaration in the main hall of the Royal Palace directly pushed those explosive nobles into a dead corner.

After the meeting was dissolved, these guys who had been deprived of title and territory gathered in a villa and stared at each other with gloomy faces.

After a full minute, the court nobleman who spoke in the palace took the lead in saying: "Dear Sirs, I believe you can see that the kingdom is no longer a kingdom jointly governed by nobles and royal families. Now the woman sitting on the throne is just a madwoman who came to power through a coup and a tyrant no different from the traitor Kelvin. Now, she is not even willing to give us the most basic respect and rights and wants to dig us out Our foundation. "

"So? What exactly do you want to express?" another old man asked loudly and irritably.

Obviously, he was worried about how to explain to his wife and children that he was no longer a noble and that the castle he had lived in for generations would be moved out within a month.

Of course, he was not the only one who had such trouble. Almost every aristocrat present frowned. Up to now, I can\'t believe that he lost almost everything overnight.

"I mean! Since the kingdom is no longer our kingdom, we have no obligation to continue to protect it. Why not cooperate with its enemies?" the court nobles put forward their own ideas meaningfully.

Conspiracy and betrayal are always closely linked with politics.

Especially the aristocrats under the feudal system never had the concept of state. They did everything for their own family.

The aristocrats at the junction of the two countries have long been used to constantly changing camps, loyal to whoever is strong, so as to ensure that their interests will not be damaged.

When the old man heard this naked treason speech, he subconsciously frowned and tried in an uncertain tone, "who are you talking about? Or who bought you?"

"AURUS lion, the great Harrison the great. I don\'t know the answer. Can I satisfy you?" the court aristocrat pursed his lips and smiled proudly.

"Harrison the great? He contacted you!"

Next to him, another slightly younger nobleman suddenly stood up and became very excited.

The court aristocrat nodded seriously: "yes! The great Harrison thought that our arrogant queen should be taught a lesson. To be exact, she was not worthy to sit on the throne and give orders, so she was ready to help the old king recover. What, who of you was interested in participating?"

"I! If Harrison the great were the initiator, I would be willing to lose all my money."

"Count me in!"

"For a kingdom ruled by the royal family and the nobility!"

"Come on, what are we going to do?"


It has to be said that Harrison\'s reputation and political prestige after decades of operation are reflected incisively and vividly at this moment.

As soon as these nobles heard his name, they immediately beat chicken blood and ignored the powerful army in the hands of viria, as if no matter how powerful the opponent could be easily defeated with the help of the legendary monarch.

But when they were discussing how to launch a rebellion, overthrow the queen with the support of Harrison and return to the former appearance of the Kingdom, they didn\'t realize that their every move was monitored by magic.

Villea looked at the virtual image and sound transmitted from the magic mirror and couldn\'t help laughing: "what a disappointment! I thought they could make any interesting plans, but they were just treated as cannon fodder by others."

"Don\'t take it lightly! Harrison is different from ordinary monarchs. He has political influence and prestige that ordinary monarchs can\'t compare at all. Look at these people. As soon as they hear Harrison\'s name, they look like a different person." Isolde touched the beard on the bus and warned.

"I understand! Harrison is indeed an outstanding emperor, even from the perspective of the enemy. But the problem is that the times have changed, and his means to win over the nobility are destined to be swept into the garbage of history. However, he has become an opponent, which makes me feel more excited than ever. I believe that as long as I defeat him, history will give me a great opportunity as a queen who came to power by coup High evaluation, isn\'t it? "

As she said this, Victoria\'s eyes glowed with heat.

As the saying goes, rights can change a person essentially.

Although she was not enthusiastic about these before, now she is more eager than everyone.

"Yes! You\'re right! The times have changed! The master has brought change and leap to the world! Let\'s work together to create a brilliant future. The lion of OROS, Harrison the great, will be a good stepping stone."

After that, isorte waved directly and turned off the monitoring of the magic mirror.

For the current military strength of the Kingdom, the mere aristocratic rebellion has never been a major event. What really deserves attention is how many cards the powerful monarch has in his hand.

"So what do you think I should do with this rebellion? Annihilate it by thunder? Or play a tug of war and slowly catch the hidden enemies behind me?" Victoria asked with great interest.

The old man obviously hesitated for a moment before he suggested: "I don\'t think aristocratic rebellion can become a climate, so it\'s better to take it slow. Politics is an art of fraud. If you want to let the surrounding countries relax their vigilance, you\'d better make them think that powerful weapons are difficult to produce and can\'t be used in every battle. In this way, they won\'t unite to form a siege."

"What about Kelvin? Will he also be involved in this conspiracy against me?" Victoria leaned forward slightly and put forward what she was most concerned about.

"I\'m sorry, we\'ve fallen out. He won\'t reveal any secrets to me, so I can\'t be sure for the time being. But one thing, if you show even a little weakness, he will take the opportunity to rush up and tear you to pieces. Remember, the master won\'t interfere in the struggle between servants. According to the theory, you and he have a chance to get rid of each other."

"Hum! In that case, let\'s see who can laugh last."

"Believe me, in the prelude to the opening of this new era, we will all play the most important role, but the premise is not to disobey the master\'s orders."

"Disobeying orders? I\'ve seen Kelvin\'s end, so I won\'t do anything stupid."

"It\'s so best. I don\'t want to change my partner again..."