All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1079

Just when Victoria was ecstatic about the sudden army, far away in the magic tower in the deep forest, Zhang Cheng was sitting face to face with Gru from a distance at a table.

Because no one spoke, the atmosphere seemed a little depressed.

After several minutes, Gru, who looked like a beetle, sighed slightly and asked in a slightly tired voice, "when are you going to leave the planet and go where you should go?"

"What is the place I should go?" Zhang Cheng asked carelessly.

"You should know what I mean. In the current chaotic and complex situation, you\'d better stay in a relatively safe place rather than act alone. You know that your position has been known by many masters, and no one knows what dangerous actions they will take." Gru\'s tone is strongly warning.

Unfortunately, Zhang Cheng was obviously not interested in this proposal and shook his head with a sneer: "Danger? Do you think I can ensure safety when I leave this planet? No! In terms of the relationship between motivation and behavior, as long as the motivation does not disappear, the danger will always exist. I am never afraid of danger, and I will not choose to give in. I will stay and continue to complete the experiment and the little game with you. Nothing can stop me unless the death general Do what you want to do. "

"Well, it seems that you are more stubborn than I thought. But please don\'t forget that you are still very weak. If you encounter a sudden attack, you\'d better turn around and run away immediately instead of fighting with a powerful opponent."

With these words, Gru stood up and chose to leave.

Because he understands that the master is the guy standing at the top of the evolution of life in the universe, no one will think he is wrong and others are right.

On the contrary, they often think that they are absolutely right and others are absolutely wrong.

Therefore, when trying to dissuade a master from giving up his original plan, the probability of success is basically equal to zero.

Gru doesn\'t want to waste time. Instead of wasting time here, he might as well start elsewhere to reduce the risk as much as possible and ensure that the advantages of his own camp will not be lost.

Feeling that the powerful power belonging to the other party had disappeared from the three-dimensional universe, Zhang Cheng pursed his mouth and muttered in a voice that only he could hear: "escape? That\'s not my style. What\'s more, I have a card that no one knows. A card that can frighten everyone..."

The voice just fell!

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, followed by Ellen\'s excited voice through the crack of the door: "master, I have caught the evidence of Kelvin\'s betrayal!"

"Oh? Come in and tell me what evidence you found." Zhang Cheng responded carelessly.

To tell the truth, he didn\'t have much interest in the intrigue between his servants, but just had an attitude of watching monkey play.

After all, one of the core essence of the existence of intelligent life is competition. The weak are eliminated through fierce and cruel competition, and then the stronger adaptability continues to evolve towards a higher level.

If a race eliminates competition internally and even provides a lot of welfare to the weak to ensure that it can live and reproduce well, it will not be long before this race will fall into endless chaos or even retrogression because it violates the most basic law of life.

"Please look! This is the letter he secretly exchanged with the senior officials of several countries around him. They seem to be planning another agent to support you." Ellens said, taking out a thick pile of letters from his pocket.

Needless to ask, he stole these letters from each other through magic.

In order to make Kelvin pay a heavy price, he is deliberately trying to get rid of this annoying enemy at one time.

"Hehe, that\'s all?" Zhang Cheng took it, glanced at it and threw it aside.

"Isn\'t that enough?" Allen subconsciously frowned, his tone revealing doubt and confusion.

In his eyes, such a move of contacting or even forming an alliance with other forces behind his master\'s back is undoubtedly 100% betrayal and should be immediately arrested and sentenced to death.

But Zhang Cheng replied carelessly: "No, of course not. It seems that you don\'t quite understand my intention, and you also can\'t understand the experiment I\'m doing. In fact, who Kelvin forms an alliance with and who he is an enemy has no impact on my plan. As long as he continues to expand around and maintain insatiable ambition and desire, he is a good and useful chess piece. In contrast, I\'m more worried The queen who has just ascended the throne has not abandoned her kindness and sense of responsibility. She may try to disobey my orders sometime. "

"So you don\'t mind Kerwin\'s actions at all?" the young man seemed to understand something, and a gloomy expression appeared on his face.

"Hehe, why should I care? Can he threaten me? Is he qualified to be my enemy? No, No. he is just an ambitious man who grew up under my gift, a tyrant who yearns for more power, land and wealth. I can crush him like a worm at any time if I want. Do you think he can maintain his rank by violence and intimidation If one day he dies suddenly, how long will the whole force last? Believe me, then you will see a magnificent uprising and rebellion. "Zhang Cheng explained meaningfully.

Indeed, tyranny can be sustained as long as it is not stupid and dares to kill all those who challenge their rights, whether the number is hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

This has been proved in some countries on earth, especially the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco, who has entered the 20th century, is simply the best example of all tyrants.

He proved with practical actions that no matter how much internal and external pressure is and how many people want to oust themselves, as long as they firmly grasp the violent institutions, all violent and nonviolent resistance will dissipate like the fog in the sun.

But one fatal drawback of tyranny is that it can hardly be passed on to future generations.

The reason why tyrants are tyrants is that they have enough prestige to make the violent organs obey their will, but their successors often lack such prestige, let alone subdue those meritorious elders.

Therefore, once the tyrant dies, the regime he established will collapse rapidly, either causing internal scuffle and power struggle, or the bottom people who have been oppressed for a long time will take this opportunity to resist.

In short, tyranny needs a strong leader to maintain, rather than relying on seemingly powerful forces