All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 1078

"Congratulations! It seems that you have got what you want, haven\'t you?" Victoria stamped the seal under a centimeter and threw it to the maid nearby.

Although as the supreme ruler of a country, her experience is still very young, she has gradually become a bit of a monarch.

Especially after the complete occupation and annexation of a neighboring country, people around her have a certain awe for her, rather than an inexplicable contempt at the bottom of their hearts, although they obey on the surface, thinking that a young princess has no prestige and is unable to manage a shaky country.

Isorte was undoubtedly aware of this, immediately restrained his attitude, stroked his chest with one hand and bowed slightly: "yes, your majesty. But I also want to congratulate you. You have completed the goal of the first stage. I believe the master will be very happy to hear this news. Maybe your position in his mind will be greatly improved, or even surpass Kelvin."

"Are you sarcastic? Maybe we all have an identity that makes ordinary people envy or even awe, but we are actually just servants of the master. It is estimated that in his eyes, you and I are no different from insects that can be trampled to death at any time."

As she said this, there was a self mockery on her face.

There is no doubt that she has a very clear understanding of her current situation and knows what the truth is hidden behind countless illusions. She is not complacent because she has won a small victory.

To some extent, she is obviously much better than Kelvin in self-restraint.

"Ha ha! I\'m very glad that you can understand this. But don\'t lose heart. At least the master is generous and he will give us servants enough rewards. Look at me and Ellen, you will find that he is not interested in worldly wealth, power and power. But for us, these things are extremely valuable and even worth using life as a reward Bet. "Isolde laughed and said what he really thought.


For an old man, he knows very well that he won\'t live long, so it\'s a sure thing to gamble with his little life left in exchange for a way to prolong his life and even escape death.

But viria is just the opposite.

She also has beautiful youth and noble princess status. If she is not desperate, she will not choose to become an agent to bring killing, destruction and destruction to the whole world.

"You\'re right! The master is indeed generous. I never deny this, but you can\'t ignore his strength and danger. I\'m not even sure what\'s hidden under his appearance very similar to ours."

As she spoke, viria stood up on the gem inlaid seat, took the initiative to go to the balcony and looked down at the most prosperous city in the principality.

Although her army has basically completed its control of the country, I don\'t know why, a strong unease always hangs over her heart like a dark cloud.

"Stop your curiosity and don\'t try to find out any secrets about the master. It\'s not good for you or me. Remember, the master needs you not because of your identity, status, beauty or anything else, but because he hates trouble and doesn\'t want to waste too much time and energy on these trivial things. If one day you do something you shouldn\'t do , please refer to Kelvin\'s fate. As chess pieces, no one is irreplaceable. "Isolde issued a meaningful warning.

He was also young and knew that young people would be stupid at some time, would be influenced by the so-called sense of justice, responsibility and morality, and finally act against themselves on impulse.

But as they grow older, these young people will one day understand that there is no justice in the world and that all is not profit.

Those seemingly just acts, without exception, hide a lot of dirty activities.

As a saying goes, interest generates motivation, motivation generates ideas, ideas generate behavior, and behavior will lead to interest disputes, and then form an infinite cycle.

Almost everyone\'s every move revolves around interests.

Victoria was not a fool. Knowing that the old man in front of her was not joking, she quickly nodded gently: "Of course! I won\'t be an idiot to touch the red line. Well, without talking about these disappointing things, let\'s talk about what we should do next. Here are the diplomatic letters sent by countries around us in recent days, including three love letters and marriage invitations. What do you think I should do?"

After that, she threw several opened beliefs on the table, and her tone was full of mockery.

As a young and beautiful woman and a powerful Queen, she naturally doesn\'t understand what these love letters and marriage invitations are for.

On the one hand, those monarchs hope to test the attitude of the Kingdom and the next trend in this way, so as to make corresponding preparations.

On the other hand, they covet their beauty and powerful weapons, and are eager to use this way to place spies and steal detailed production methods.

Isorte took it over, glanced at it, lit it and threw it down from the balcony: "they are afraid! But they should also be afraid! Ignore it and continue to do what you should do. These guys who are used to playing tricks will never understand that small actions can not change the overall situation under the great power of their master."

"Oh? You mean..." villea seemed to realize something, and a happy light flashed in her eyes.

"You guessed right! The master asked me to bring a new army, an army you can never imagine. With them, all threats are not a problem." said isorte, taking out a scroll and activating the magic stored in it.

Next second!

A huge teleportation gate was opened!

On the other side of the door, there is a space completely composed of darkness, and the deepest part of the space is densely filled with human beings flashing silver faint light.

They seem to have no entity, but they hold one magic weapon after another in their hands, and they can feel its powerful power even far away.

Viria approached the portal carefully, pointed to the front one and asked, "is this an army of ghosts?"

"Ghost? No! No! No!" isorte smiled and shook his head. "They are special lives created by soul and death. They are a kind of creatures between entity and spirit, and can transform freely between two forms. Do you know what this means? It means that ordinary weapons can\'t do even a little damage to them. My queen, you now have an army that can hardly be killed."