All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 406

Su Qiling slightly a Leng, and then said with a light smile: "good."

"But you're not afraid I'll take your lead?"

Yang Ling jokingly said: "no, no, no, I don't think the video can't sell so much money because of you."


"You say I'm holding back?"

Su Qiling was not angry, but giggled and said: "I can't imagine you are still interested in playing songs for this group of mortals. There is no self-consciousness of friars."

"But it doesn't matter. I also want to teach you what is handed down from your ancestors."

Then she strode to the stage and stood beside Yang Ling with a faint smile on her lips.

At the moment when Yang Ling came to the stage, all the people showed their excited expression. It was capital to boast to be able to hear master Yang's performance live!

"Ding, you have satisfied people's wish that you can perform on stage, and the wish value is + 1."

Qingping music is composed by Li, a great poet, and composed by modern musicians. Pipa or guzheng are the main musical instruments, accompanied by Yuxiao and drum. The music is soft and has a magnificent momentum. It shows the grand details of Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty in history. It is a masterpiece of ancient style.

Yang Ling and Su Qiling at the same time glanced at the music composed of Gongshang horn on the shelf, and instantly recorded their hearts.

Sitting on the chair, Yang Ling held the Pipa and gently moved her fingers.

Under this action, the whole audience was quiet for a moment, and the needle could be heard.

At a certain moment, Yang Ling's fingers gently flicked the strings, and the unique music of Pipa sounded leisurely

The gentle flow of notes makes people intoxicated in a moment.

Almost at the same time, the audience closed their eyes and were immersed in the ancient melody.

Su Qiling looked at Yang Ling with a light smile. A trace of appreciation passed in her eyes. The corner of her mouth cocked up and gently tapped the drum.



Originally should let the human blood boil the skin drum in her hand, perfectly matched Yang Ling's Pipa sound.

The sound of Pipa and drum are intertwined together, and a little bit of music opens up the blueprint of people's hearts.

It is a magnificent and beautiful city, the peak of ancient China's prosperous age

Under the influence of such music, Guan Chenxi seems to be floating in the clouds, overlooking the huge city below, his heart is both shocked and surging.

Taking a deep breath, she raised the microphone and sang out the lyrics with a clear and melodious voice:

in the spring day of the forbidden court, yingyu is covered with new embroidery.

All grasses are skillfully seeking flowers to fight, only gambling on pearls full of fighting

Guan Chenxi's voice is sweet and moving. She is not a famous singer. Naturally, her singing has no effect of finishing the point. However, she embellishes the melody with lyrics, which makes the city in everyone's mind clearer.

When Yang Ling put down the Pipa and played the Yuxiao, the whole song came to the highest / trendy part, and the artistic conception of the song was sublimated again!

Bustling and flourishing, shining for thousands of years.

This great city seems to be really reproduced in the beautiful melody. What a shock!

After a song was played, there was no applause, no screams, only silence.

Everyone was deeply shocked by this Qingping music. They seemed to have gone through thousands of years. The sense of loss and shock at the end of the song made them forget to clap and cheer.

Until a long time later, Qin Lei responded. She didn't say anything. She just clapped!

The next moment, the audience burst into thunderous applause! , the fastest update of the webnovel!