All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 405

People's eyes converge on Yang Ling, but Yang Ling is silent, some strange looking at this girl.

There was no one to speak, and the atmosphere was extremely embarrassing.

Suddenly, someone responded and exclaimed, "yes, the copyright of a playing video of ah Ling can be sold for at least five million!"


As soon as this statement was made, everyone reacted to it!

Yang Ling has long been recognized as a master of music. It is not known how many people are waiting for Yang Ling to perform new music at home and abroad. There are even rumors that the venena Music Festival will pay a lot of money to hire Yang Ling to perform on the stage!

His violin solo and the wizard of Oz with Liu Muhan are on the TC website. I don't know how much money he has made. Now he wants to ask Yang Ling to perform on the stage with a few words?

If you sell the video

Even if Yang Ling drinks a few boxes of Lafite for 82 years, she will lose money and lose a lot!


Everyone looked at each other, and their eyes focused on Guan Chenxi. The girl had a good idea. Did she want to make a lot of money at this birthday party?

Although Guan Chenxi doesn't know so many twists and turns, but being able to get the third place in the country shows that her IQ is amazing. How can she not understand this truth?

Her face froze, all the links were designed, but she didn't expect that a video of Yang Ling could sell so much money!

Guan Chenxi looks to Qin Lei for help. The girl also wants to understand the truth, and a wry smile appears on her face.

She has seen so many such scenes that she doesn't know how many young artists want to show their faces in front of the bosses, let alone invite them. Even if they don't invite them, they will scramble to perform on stage.

What's more, she sent out the invitation, those younger generation are not excited about the dance is a good determination.

But this Yang Dong

Let's not talk about money. If you want him to play a song on stage, I'm afraid his weight is not enough!

"Ding, you smashed Guan Chenxi and Qin Lei's wish to complete the birthday party according to the plan. Attribute point + 1."

Yang Ling looks at all the people's expressions in his eyes. After all, Guan Chenxi is Liu Muhan's friend. If he doesn't come to the stage, his wife's face will be ugly.

He sighed in his heart, but on his face he said with a smile: "Liu Dong is busy with his business, and he will still work overtime."

"If you don't mind the way I look now, play one?"

Qin Lei breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the speech. The boy put too much pressure on himself. Fortunately, he still agreed.

Just listen to her smile: "enjoy Yang Dong's music, everyone is closed eyes, will not see your modeling!"

This joke not only compliments Yang Ling, but also has an active atmosphere. Everyone laughs. Yang Ling laughs and says, "then I'll have one."

Said, he looked at today's protagonist, smile asked: "morning sister, what do you want to sing?"


Guan Chenxi came back to God, some blushed and said, "just, qingpingle..."

"The qingpingle of Li Bai's lyrics?"

Yang Ling was surprised and said, "this is a classical music played with pipa, Yuxiao and drum beat."

"You are testing me..."

"No, it's not."

Guan Chenxi looked a little nervous, and quickly shook his hand and said, "no, sister Mu Han used the piano to accompany me before. If you can't, you can..."

Before she finished speaking, Yang Ling chuckled and shook her head. She went straight to the pipa on the stage that was leaning against the corner of the wall. Then she threw one side of the jade flute to Su Qiling, who was not far away. She said, "you are better at ancient things than I am. Would you like to play with me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!