All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 291

Yang Ling's agility is now 50 points. With the addition of Lingbo's micro step, he has reached a terrifying 200 points. This speed is too fast to be seen by the naked eye.

He chased after the little white fox, all the way to the electric engine, but seven or eight minutes out of S City, came to a suburb.

He asked himself that his speed had been very fast, but what made him dumbfounded was that the distance between him and the little white fox was not close, but was getting farther and farther!

If he didn't have 61 times of eyesight and staring at the white light in front of him, he would have lost it.

Lingbo micro step in the constant consumption of his physical strength, so go on for another 10 minutes, he has no strength to chase.

Yang Ling hesitated for a moment. The gold bracelet on her wrist changed rapidly and turned into a golden sword!

"Imperial sword!"

He murmured, stepped on the golden sword, the speed of the whole person soared, turned into a golden light and ran out!

Small white fox this look back, beautiful eyes almost stare out, the whole body of white hair directly fried up, chirp called twice, the speed is a few minutes faster!

"Still want to go?"

"Stand down for me!"

Yang Ling light drink a, eyebrow heart has an electric light to shoot out!


The sound of thunderbolt sounded in the mountain forest, and a thumb thick lightning flashed in front of the small white fox!

This made the little fox's death all take place. Under a sudden brake, the whole body leans out, and the small chin rubs wildly on the mud ground, and the originally beautiful white hair turns to earth gray instantly.


With a dull sound, the little fox bumped into a piece of bluestone. Under the huge inertia, it smashed the stone. In addition to bleeding, the small head also made a big bag, which was tragic and funny.

Yang Ling jumped down from the flying sword, gasped for breath, looked at the small fox shaking up and frowned: "what are you?"

The little fox shook the yellow mud on his body, and his good-looking eyes were full of fear, especially the thunder and lightning just now and the floating golden sword, which made him even lose the courage to escape.

Yang Ling is also surprised to see this lovely little fox, this little thing is only the size of a palm, but the speed is as fast as the arrow from the string. The key smashes the big Bluestone and makes a bag?

What kind of terrible physical strength is this?

Yang Ling was cautious by nature, and did not act rashly, and the little fox was shaking all over his body, and obviously did not dare to run away.

One man and one beast stare with big eyes, and the scene is weird.

After hesitating for a while, Yang Ling fingertips a little, the air current condenses the palm of the hand to catch the small fox directly, float towards oneself side slowly.

The little fox struggled hard. His strength was not small, but when he saw the electric light in Yang Ling's eyes, he was shocked and didn't dare to move

Yang Ling saw this light smile, caught near, looking at the small fox floating in front of him, he asked curiously in his heart: "system, what is this thing?"

"I don't know."

The system answers quite simply.

"What can I do with you?"

After a discussion, Yang Ling reached out her finger and gently touched the belly of the little fox


The little fox closed his eyes shyly and even turned red on his face.

This little thing is too cute! , the fastest update of the webnovel!