All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 290

Looking at this, Yang Ling was surprised.

He had discovered that something was wrong with the fat man. According to his long-term experience of trampling on other people's bones, he had a high bone density, which was not like an ordinary person. Moreover, the German shepherd was not very common.

Now what elder martial brother is this man talking about? It seems that he is likely to be from the cultivation world.

But even if he was in the cultivation world, Yang Ling was not afraid at all.

At this time, the police car outside the house arrived. As soon as the police officer led the team entered the door, he saw Yang Ling at the first sight.

"Why, Xiaoling, why are you here?"

Yang Ling said with a smile: "team, long time no see."

"My family and I went out to buy pets, but we had some problems."


Cheng captain looked at the fat man lying on the ground or yelling and swearing. He frowned at the people around him and said, "call an ambulance."

"Speaking of Xiaoling, what's going on?"

Yang Ling said with a light smile: "this man wants to marry my sister and let the dog bite my whole family. Fortunately, I have solved them one by one by coincidence."


After looking at the four fat men on the ground, Cheng turned his eyes.

Yang Ling's behavior has been heard by the police for a long time. He has trampled on the rich second generation, both on the road and pretending to be forced. But surprisingly, no one dares to call the police.

What's more, these people are all illegal elements, or they are scum who bullies others. Yang Ling belongs to the name of killing evil. The police admire him from top to bottom, so no one takes seriously.

With the preconceived concept, Cheng captain thought that the fat man had done illegal activities at the first time.

But after all, he was a policeman and asked for a certificate.

Unfortunately, after the inquiry, the owner of the pet store firmly said that the monitoring in the store was broken, and all the onlookers helped Yang Ling speak.

In the description of the masses, the fat man is more hateful than the serial murderer.

After learning about the situation, team leader Cheng said decisively: "Ge Chengfu, without a dog tag, let out a vicious dog to hurt people. He also played a minor girl and took it away for me."

What is popularity?

What is idol?

This is it!

In the eyes of fans, ah Ling is right to do everything. Do you want to say he is wrong?

I'm sorry, I'm going to hit you!

Obviously, all the people in this room, including team leader Cheng, are fans of Yang Ling

"Wish to help you, people want to help you

It seems that the fat man will be in prison for several years.

Looking at GE Chengfu who was carried to the ambulance, Yang Ling snorted coldly and was about to take back her eyes and suddenly found an abnormality!

On the stretcher, a white light came out of Ge Chengfu's chest. Without anyone noticing, he jumped a few times and disappeared in the street.

"Thousand mile eyes!"

Yang Ling directly launched the skills, vision skyrocketed 61 times!

The scene in front of him began to change. When he saw the white light, he was slightly surprised.

"Little white fox!"

White fox is a very rare animal, what's more, this little white fox's moving speed is very fast!

"Is it a fox?"

Yang Ling's heart moved, eager to side of Yang Jianjun way: "Dad, you accompany them first, I'll come."

Said directly rushed out of the pet shop, blink of an eye there is no trace.

"Ding, Lingbo micro step skill is launched, and the current movement speed is increased by 300%, and the dodge rate is increased by 100%"

in this paper, the current movement speed is increased by 300% , the fastest update of the webnovel!