All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2670

I don't know. After walking for a long time, Yang Ling met a stone tablet again.

Like the previous stone tablet, this one is also a sapphire stone tablet. The difference is that the shape of this stone tablet is different from the previous one.

The stone tablet lay there quietly, as if it had never been found.

After Yang Ling approached, she observed carefully. She found nothing and frowned.

Generally speaking, stone tablets are used to record words or images, but the two stone tablets do not record anything.

There is no clue between the deduction, which is a little doubtful.

What does this stone tablet represent? Is it related to the Holy Light realm?

Yang Ling doesn't know. Now she can only go on.

With the passage of time, the light element has been swallowed up, which is a little less than enough.

Not only is Yang Ling crazily swallowing the light element, this time because of the recovery of aura, countless experts have lost their attributes and have come to the holy light God domain to look for opportunities.

Everyone is frantically devouring the light element to strengthen themselves, which leads to the loss of the light element in the divine domain.

Perhaps this time, the mysterious veil of the Holy Light realm will be lifted.

Along the way, Yang Ling found a total of 12 sapphire fragments.

In this scene, he arranged all the stone tablet fragments in front of him. Under the deduction, he understood something vaguely.

Fragments can be combined, and there is only one way to combine them, that is, what they looked like when they broke.

After collecting all the pieces, can you find the real secret buried?

Yang Ling was trying to combine the fragments. Suddenly, the surrounding began to turn into a nothingness world, which proved that someone appeared.

Walking slowly was a young man. He was handsome and elegant. He held a paper fan in his hand, stared at Yang Ling and said with a light smile: "are you Yang Ling?"

"I've been looking for you for a long time."

Yang Ling waved her hand, put away all the stone tablet fragments, looked at the man and said, "who are you, sir? What can I do for you?"

The man smiled lightly and said, "the wind old devil you killed before is my son."

Yang Ling was stunned when she said this, and then said with a smile: "there are not many things in the world that can surprise me, but your words still shocked me."

"Your Excellency, the wind god is handsome, and the wind old devil is extremely ugly. With all due respect, even with my deduction ability, it is difficult for me to connect you with him."

"It seems that it should be your wife's problem."

Feng Yuebai said with a light smile, "yes, it's really not my own son."

"It's a pity that my wife is a fairy in the waning moon. She is an immortal level cultivation. Even if she reincarnated with the devil, I can't help it."

"But your presence can make me avenge the green hat."

Yang Ling laughed and said, "I see."

"You mean that the fairy of the waning moon will come to me. You just need to cooperate with you and secretly attack this girl to kill her, don't you?"

Feng Yue nodded and said, "good."

"Brother Yang, it's earth shaking. Even if my wife is an immortal, it's nothing if I join hands with you."

"To show sincerity, here you are."

Fengyuebai threw out two stone tablet fragments, which are naturally the sapphire fragments Yang Ling is collecting.

Yang Ling was stunned by such a simple behavior. The stone tablet fragments definitely hide big secrets. Even an idiot can see that as a monk, he is willing to give up such huge secrets in exchange for an opportunity to cooperate. It is really moving.

You know, Yang Ling has no conditions to promise this person.

Looking at the two stone tablet fragments floating in front of her, Yang Ling found that there was no problem under her sweeping eyes. After waving her hand to put away the stone tablet fragments, she said with a light smile: "it seems that you really hate your wife."


Feng Yuebai said with a wry smile, "I don't hate her. Without her, I wouldn't be who I am now."

"But now, she has completely torn her face with me. Her man, the old black devil, is going to kill me. I can't face them at the same time, so I think of you."

"Besides, I also know that my wife, the waning moon, is collecting crystal fragments. She has had some opportunities in the past years. It seems that she has something to do with the crystal fragments."

"Even if she doesn't care that you killed her and the devil's son, from the perspective of interests, you will still have a big war after all."

Yang Ling's mouth revealed a radian when he heard the speech. Since there were fragments, he didn't mind shooting at all.

Wen Yan nodded and said, "the enemy of the enemy is a friend. I'll believe you once."

Feng Yue's white face showed surprise and said eagerly, "brother Yang, you seem to be able to distinguish the direction. Let's go quickly. As long as we keep collecting fragments, we can always meet her!"

"When it's done, everything she and the old devil belongs to you. I'm willing to give a fragment of immortal treasure!"

"Let's talk about it then."

Yang Ling said lightly, "in addition, she doesn't need to go anymore. She's coming."

As soon as Yang Ling's voice fell, the void space extended again. At the same time, a man and a woman came to the edge of the void space.

The woman's face is closed and shy. Wearing a moonlight Taoist robe, she looks beautiful and charming.

The man was dressed in black and looked ugly. At this point, he looked quite similar to the old wind monster of that day.

Sure enough, the man in black is the real father of old wind monster. At the moment, he is waiting for Yang Ling with hate eyes!

After the fairy and the old black monster stood far away, the fairy looked at Yang Ling, looked at fengyuebai and said in a deep voice: "fengyuebai, although the relationship between you and my husband and wife has been irreparable, you colluded with outsiders to kill me and my lover."

"Do you remember that if I hadn't instructed your practice that day, you would have died in the secret place."

Feng Yuebai gritted her teeth and said, "yes, you did guide me, but you also tied me!"

"If you collude with outsiders, what is the old monster around you? What am I? "

With a trace of sadness in the vernacular language of the wind and moon, the old black devil said with a strange smile: "what are you?"

"You are a waste. What else can you be?"

"The waning moon is determined that you will abandon you with me if you can't break through the realm of immortals all your life!"

"If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself!"


The wind moon white smell words, and her face becomes ugly. Seeing this, the waning moon fairy can't bear to say, "lover, don't say it."

"It's a husband and wife, even at the last minute, don't humiliate him."

"Let him go at ease."

Then he took out a jewel from his arms. After taking a look at the wind and moon white, he gently crushed the jewel!, the fastest update of the webnovel!