All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2669

Wild laughter sounded, but he couldn't laugh after three laughs.

He suddenly felt that his eternal fist was rapidly annihilating, while the power of the other party's instant fist was soaring!

"150 million dragon power!"

"200 million dragon power!"


Wan Heng's voice changed from arrogance to panic. At the moment, Yang Ling's calm voice sounded.

The eternal divine fist was created by the eternal immortal in the heavenly temple. Falling into the hands of a demon like you is an insult to the immortal's eternal reputation.

Today, I will take back this unique skill for eternal immortal.

The voice fell. In the chaos, a terrible hand rumbled out and grabbed it with absolute invincible power towards Wanheng Laozu and others!

"Three hundred million!"

"300 million dragon power!"

"You are not an immortal, you are an immortal, you are a real immortal!"

Wanheng's desperate voice rang out, but the next moment, it was shrouded in a flash.


With a bang, wanhenglaozu directly exploded and died, and the eternal mirror fell into Yang Ling's hands.

Once the man dies, the void space will be filled again by the law of light elements, and the light elements around will sweep again. Yang Ling said in a deep voice: "even if the virtual Fairy Falls, it also has huge energy. I'll borrow it!"

At his fingertips, after the explosion of wanhenglaozu and others, infinite blood gas poured into the black hole and was swallowed up. The true meaning was transformed into pure phagocytic power!

The terrible swallowing power erupted again, and the power of the black hole was much stronger than just now.

Yang Ling swallowed the light element faster.

Taking advantage of the law of direction, Yang Ling did not stop and followed the direction again.

This time, the sense of direction has been maintained for a full three months, and Yang Ling has completed one third of all the guided distances.

When the sense of direction completely dissipated, Yang Ling sat cross legged in the void again, took out the eternal mirror and began to study.

This piece of eternal mirror should not be the original real eternal mirror. The level of real eternal mirror can almost compete with the top immortal tools of the heavens such as the plate of reincarnation and the furnace of desire.

After the eternal immortal statue fell, the eternal mirror broke into countless pieces. One of them should be transformed into a mirror by itself.

The law in this mirror is incomplete. Even if Wanheng had understood it for another million years, he could not have understood the eternal law. However, Yang Ling's constitution is eternal, and he can directly refine this mirror.

After taking a deep breath, Yang Ling launched her two-purpose skills. On the one hand, she was frantically swallowing the light element, trying to find a sense of direction again, and on the other hand, she began to refine the eternal mirror.

His fingers changed again and again, and eternity and moments shone on his fingertips. The laws fell on the eternal mirror, and the eternal mirror in front of him began to melt a little.

Into the purest eternal and instant breath, with Yang Ling's jumping fingertips, it slowly injected into his body.

In the body, the eternal law of the original crystal nucleus state began to change, and gradually changed to the perfect state.

As a very high ranking law in the heavens, even the lv35 system cannot be strengthened. Now it has been strengthened by Yang Ling in a normal way. He has to sigh that sometimes fate is so magical.

This transformation process should have made a terrible leap in his power, but it was suppressed by love robbery, resulting in no growth in his power.

In other words, Yang Ling's accumulated strength is stronger.

The process of transformation is very fast, but it also takes a little time. Yang Ling just sits in place. Unconsciously, another two months have passed.

Two months later, a light flashed in his eyes, and the eternal law had been transformed into a state of perfection.

At the same time, he realized two fairies.

Eternal fist and the shadow of the moment!

Although these two fairies can't compete with their own eight movements, they are enough to deal with some small fish and shrimp.

After taking a long breath, Yang Ling got up and felt it for a while. She found that after being swallowed by herself and countless people in the secret place, the covering of light element was obviously weak, and the sense of direction appeared again.

Yang Ling left without saying a word.

Half a month later, he followed the instructions, but found a stone tablet.

In this light element, a blue stone tablet looks so eye-catching. At the same time, Yang Ling also found a group of people sitting in front of the stone tablet.

This group of people serve very strange, and their body shape is also very strange. Yang Ling hasn't seen them before. I think they should be aliens.

Whether it was the light galaxy or the galaxy being, he went straight over.

After approaching a certain range of them, the nothingness world was aroused again.

In the dark nothingness world, a blue stone tablet floated slowly, and the seven people in strange clothes turned around.

After turning around, Yang Ling found that they all had insect heads, which should be monsters of the alien system.

Among them, a man with a centipede's head shouted, "where did you come from, get out of here now, and don't hinder us from understanding the divine skill."

Yang Ling sneered, "divine skill?"

"If I'm not mistaken, this stone tablet is like a mirror. The magic skill you see is just a reverse deduction of your own practice."

"If you don't believe it, they'll try to deduce it."


Several people were surprised at the speech and began to deduce at almost the same time. Under this deduction, cold sweat came out on their faces!

"How do you know?"

"Who are you!"

The centipede man's voice and color were fierce, and Yang Ling snorted coldly.

It was this cold hum that rippled out a circle of sound waves, which directly shocked these people into powder with the power of 200 million dragon power.

Looking at their reincarnated souls, Yang Ling said calmly, "I don't like insects. I'll give you time to escape. Dare to pestle here."

Hum, after solving the Zerg, Yang Ling walked slowly to the stone tablet.

The blue stone tablet is crystal clear and very beautiful. If you look so carefully, you can't say that the shape is a stone tablet. It's more like an irregular fragment formed after something breaks.

This irregular Blue Crystal fragment gives Yang Ling a cordial feeling.

He gently brushed the fragment, and the intimacy became stronger.

"Where have you seen it?"

"Or have you seen and intersected in your previous life?"

There was a curious look in his eyes. Since this thing appeared on his only way and appeared so abrupt, there must be a reason.

I don't know now. Put it away.

After all this, Yang Ling followed the direction again., the fastest update of the webnovel!