All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2555

"You don't know, this is a business cooperation. If you buy any kind of goods from the partners, you can have a vote by scanning the code."

Yin Xi said with pride: "my fans are very enthusiastic. I really appreciate the box by box buying."


Yang Ling smell speech surprised looking at this person, slightly unhappy said: "is which business come up with such immoral idea?"

"Isn't that money to cheat fans?"

This speech, everyone in the field is a Leng, Yin Xi is also stunned.

In fact, this is a means of collecting money. Everyone knows it, but some people with weight generally don't say it directly.

They dare not say, because there are countless interest groups behind this, which is the thrust of powerful capital, but

No matter how big the capital is, no matter how strong the interest groups are, they dare not compete with the hard man in front of them.

Yin Xi feels a little bad in his heart, and the capitalists who have been using commercial satellites to pay attention to Yang lingliu and Mu Han also feel bad.

This is a bit heavy.

Liu Mu Han did not have a good airway: "and these fans have no choice."

"If you don't, your idols will be compared. The fans will lose face and have to buy gifts."

"Mr. Yang, we need to talk about the meeting in a few days."


Yang Ling nodded slightly, looked at Lu Ze and said, "by the way, there's another question I want to ask you."

"What's your pay this time?"


Yin Xi said in a low voice: "Yang Dong, the remuneration of actors and actresses is confidential..."

"It's OK, go ahead."

"300 million union dollars."

Yang Ling was stunned by this remark. The union money can be exchanged for cultivation resources, which is more valuable than RMB at that time. How can you pay 300 million yuan for making a bad movie?

He looked at Lu Ze and said, "how much is the monthly salary of the members of the safety supervision department who protect this square?"

Lu Ze hastily said: "the day after tomorrow, the boundary of 20000 a month, the ecdysis of 150000 a month."


Yang Ling's face is even more strange. The soldiers who shed their lives are only 150000 yuan a month. An actor, no, not even an actor, makes a film for 300 million yuan for a young idol?

Is there anyone else who can practice?

Isn't everyone going to be an idol?

"Yes, I see."

Yang Ling seems a little impatient: "that what movie temporarily shut down, actor re selection, depends on Xiuwei, in this arena for me to select."

"Who is the best, who is the best, who is the leading actor."

"The heroine is the same, according to the cultivation, the highest female number one, the second highest female number two."

All the people in the field are staring at Yangling stupidly. It's Liu Muhan who is surprised in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, my husband broke out on the spot and directly changed the rules. I thought I would deal with it after the meeting.

Yin Xi stares big eyes, eyes full of incredible expression, in a word, his hero is gone!

It's almost impossible to win the leading role again by strength

Lu Ze said in a low voice: "Yang Dong, this matter has signed a contract with the partner. The fans have spent a lot of money. If it is changed temporarily now, it will affect..."

Voice did not fall, but heard Yang Ling unhappy voice: "how? I've been out for a few years, and now it's no use talking, is it? "

Ah Ling is angry!

This almost made Lu Ze's whole body excited and said in a hurry: "yes, I'll inform all parties to rearrange it right away."

Yang Ling light looked at this person after one eye, pull Liu Mu cold small hand, turn round and go directly.

Mu WANYING doesn't care what the movie pay is in a mess. When her husband leaves, she will catch up with her in a hurry.

Liu Mu Han frowned slightly and thought deeply.

In the early morning of the second day, the headline "a Ling is dissatisfied with the status quo of the entertainment industry!" was released in all major news headlines

Many people are looking forward to rectifying unhealthy tendencies.

But it's amazing that the fan circles of the major traffic are attacking everywhere, creating a false impression that a Ling just misunderstood and didn't understand his brother and sister's efforts. When he understood, he would end the earthquake.

At the same time, they are inexplicably confident, because fans also understand that standing behind their idols is a huge interest group.

Times have changed. Ah Ling and Liu Dong haven't shown up for so many years. Compared with those big guys of interest groups, they should have a good discussion with our great "Your Majesty".

On the afternoon of the second day, the Alliance for humanity announced that it would open a joint conference at the headquarters of the alliance in seven days, and people from all walks of life would be invited to attend.

The whole human society began to stir up, and everyone had a premonition that something big was going to happen, and this time, it must be led by a Ling.

On the third day, the rich, capitalists, bankers and so on, with their own bodyguards and in their own luxury planes, all started to leave for the League of humanity.

On the fourth day, the leaders of various countries also took spaceships and rushed to the alliance of mankind in their own ways.

This conference is open and live all over the world. The major news media have already flocked to it.

The venue of the conference, a ring-shaped retro hall, has been blocked by the news media and the people.

For a while, it became the real center of human beings all over the world.

The rich show their wealth here. Does anyone drive a luxury car?

Some people fly planes made of pure gold.

Some people drive luxurious small private spaceships, and they are all competing with each other in terms of wealth, status and power. Even the fire elves and friars around them have become their capital.

Whose fire spirit is highly cultivated?

Whose friars and bodyguards are powerful, etc. they are better than anything else.

Celebrities show their beauty and talent, here because of the meeting, and become a luxury paradise.

The super hotel's house price received by the alliance headquarters has soared 400 times, which shows everyone's madness.

In the sky, are vigilant spacecraft, it seems that even the human alliance are showing their strong force.

People are cheering, this is the golden age, this is the peak era of human beings on earth.

Of course, in such a prosperous age, there will naturally be voices of praise. Under the statue of Yang Ling on the square of human Union, there are flowers, and ladies sing and dance around the statue.

We have not forgotten who led this flourishing age, and Yang Ling's momentum has once again reached its peak.

In such a prosperous scene, different things happened.

The official website of Muhua group released a video message. Two regiments of the group's security department began to mobilize, and a large number of the latest robots entered the actual combat preparation.

The plasma cannons in the group headquarters building have been charged, and everything indicates something.

War seems to be coming! , the fastest update of the webnovel!