All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2554

Yang Ling said helplessly: "meeting, what else can we do?"

"Is the meeting useful?"

Liu Muhan said strangely: "capital is always for profit. I don't think it's useful to have a meeting. It's useless to set an example to others, even if we kill all the other capitalists."

"There will be a new fundamental right away. Human beings will always pursue interests. Don't you have the law of greed? Greed cannot be stopped. "

Yang Ling laughingly said, "what's the Queen's opinion?"

"The emergence of capitalists should be eliminated directly from the system."

Liu Muhan said cautiously: "legislate, change the system form of the whole society, arrange according to the four classes of ancient scholars, agriculture, industry and commerce, lower the social status of merchants to the lowest, and improve the status of monks. I think they want to make money or cultivate."

Looking at his wife's angry appearance, Yang Ling smiles and shakes her head, knowing that Liu Muhan is saying angry words.

Now she is not a capitalist, but an imperial queen and a politician who controls the whole situation.

Different vision, from the social form, philosophy and other angles to think about solving problems, see now the chaos of course angry.

Yang Ling said with a faint smile: "isn't this the month back? We can't reverse history! "

"Since greed can't be changed, it needs to be guided well."

"I have a solution."

"Well? I want to know! "

Liu Muhan holds Yang Ling's hand, with a trace of expectation on her face. Her beautiful eyes flicker and look at her. Darling, who can hold the Queen's little cute.

Yang Ling immediately came to the interest, gently pinched Liu Mu Han's little hand, hehe said with a smile: "Mu Han, let's talk back slowly?"

This is a little action between husband and wife. Liu Muhan naturally knows what Yang Ling is thinking. Her little face is a little red. She secretly looks at mu WANYING around her and nods shyly.

Mu WANYING doesn't like the state affairs between them. Her eyes are looking at a stage in front of her, and she is surprised.

It's an open-air arena. It's used for martial arts competitions. It's very common in every corner of major cities.

It's built by the League of human beings to encourage cultivation. If there is any contradiction, it's illegal for you to fight in the arena and you have to be detained. However, as long as you don't kill people in the arena, the police will not take care of it.

But now the challenge arena is occupied by young people of spicy dance. With the sound of bang bang, a group of young men are dancing on the challenge arena. It seems that they are engaged in some commercial activities.

After seeing it clearly, Yang Ling didn't want to fight. This arena is a high-tech product, which can absorb the fluctuation of the magic power splashed by the monks' fighting methods. It's expensive. It's actually a stage for commercial performances

"Yin Xi, we love you!"

"Ah!! Xiaoyin! "

The girl's scream rang out again and again. It's still a big pie to see the scene. With the sweeping of cultivation, there's not even the day after tomorrow.

"Little fresh meat?"

"Is this our Muhua square?"

Yang Ling mouth corner smoked to smoke, looked to Liu Mu Han, but saw that the wife also was not angry to hit one place.

Liu Mu Han's eyes swept through the crowd and found the person in charge of Mu Hua square.

"Lu Ze."

She snorted a little, but in the way of sound, she directly cracked the booming sound.

As soon as the music stops, everyone is stunned, instinctively looking to the direction of the sound, directly petrified.

"Ah Ling? Liu Dong? And Hunyuan devil lady... "

Liu Mu Han seems to be a little angry, and his momentum spreads out. Everyone's heart is beating fiercely, and they all don't move.

The man, who was called Lu Ze, was so excited that he trotted over and saluted respectfully: "good evening, Yang Dong, Liu Dong, madam mu..."

"All right?"

"I don't think so."

There was a trace of anger in Liu Muhan's words, and Lu Ze's legs were shaking.

Yang Ling said with a faint smile, "Mr. Lu, this activity is very good."

"Did you have the stage set?"

Lu Ze, sweating, looked at the handsome man Yin Xi on the stage, nodded and said, "I told someone to do it."

"Dong Yang, that's right. We have jointly invested in a movie with the star Emperor Entertainment Group. Yin Xi is the leading actor. This is a publicity campaign."

"Is it?"

Yang Ling couldn't see the joy and anger, but said faintly, "what's the name of the movie and what's the content of it?"

"Back to Yang Dong, the movie is called: the universe is also generally green and astringent. It is about the love story of young people in the interstellar age."

"Is the universe green?"

As soon as Yang Ling heard the name of the movie, he knew what he had done. It was nothing more than a love idol drama. He said with a smile, "is it the kind of movie in which the heroine is an ordinary girl, but the man is a handsome guy in a big family, and then they meet each other for love. After the misunderstanding, the man becomes a favorite wife, and sends a wave of candy to the audience, then they are happy together?"


Lu Ze thought that Yang Dong must have read the script, but he was right. He nodded and said: "Yang Dong Yingming, the general direction is to shoot like this."

Hearing this, mu WANYING's eyes showed a trace of curiosity, while Liu Mu Han's face was even worse.

Idol drama, a large type of drama, including court drama and Korean drama, will have a great influence on young women's thoughts. After watching too much, they are full of handsome men. Every day, they dream of having a prince charming who likes them unconditionally and spoils them all their lives.

It has long been a consensus that this will have an impact on the mental health of young women.

On the premise that human beings are ready to launch a war, the group has even participated in the shooting of such films, which makes Liu Muhan very angry.

Looking at Lu Ze's expression again, it seems that there is nothing wrong with him. He is just respectful and has no guilt.

The management of Muhua group is still like this, which can be seen from the general mood of the whole human society.

Yang Ling looked at the little fresh meat on the stage and waved to him. After pointing to himself, he jumped out of the challenge arena and came to Yang Ling. After gently shaking his hair, he said: "Hello, Mr. Yang Dong, Mr. Liu Dong and Mr. Wan Ying."

"I've always been your little fan. It's nice to meet you."

Yang Ling said with a faint smile, "your name is Yin Xi?"

"Look at your age. What role are you playing this time?"

"The hero."

Yin Xi some proud said: "fans love, vote scan code for me to fight for the position of a hero."

"Three grandfathers, don't worry. I will perform well and live up to the expectations of you and your fans."

"Looking forward to it?"

Yang Ling jokingly said, "I don't have much expectation."

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