All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2548

Chaos directly covers a layer of runes. The energy that originally condenses runes begins to dissipate.

"The law of chaos?"

"You are really an extraordinary person..."

The sharp voice sounded again, at the same time, a little fire emerged, and a young man appeared in a corner of the fiery mountain.

It's amazing that although this young man is the cultivation of creation, he is not as strong as the imaginary creation, but a man with disorderly hair, a ragged beard, a white coat and a pair of glasses.

This image reminds people of those crazy scientists who are addicted to their own world.

The man in front of him seemed to be the same. After landing, he made a silent gesture and whispered: "the runes are in the fusion stage. Don't make a noise."

Then he looked at Jin Muyu and said with a smile, "when I speculated about the fate, I found that the fate of four characters on this planet was completely covered up, which was impossible to calculate."

"It must be the reincarnation of a great man!"

"Kill them first, or keep them and witness their return?"

"That's to witness the return of their king, of course!"

Say, this person is but hey hey of sent out uncanny laugh.

"I wonder, who is he? Who's the big shot? Is it related to the people who used to be

"Until just now, when I saw the law of chaos, I thought of a man."

This strange person Jie said with a smile: "in the past, the fourth ranking FaDu immortal in heaven seemed to control the power of chaos."

"What, who are you?"

Jin Mu Yu's eyes show the color of shock, while Yang Ling gives him a white look. Is this the so-called "don't fight to recruit oneself"?

My dear friend, I'm obviously not experienced enough.

Looking at this man again, he stepped forward and stood in front of Jin Muyu. He said with a faint smile, "FaDu xianzun controls order and chaos. He was an important person in the heaven in the past. This matter is very popular. You don't have to say that he tried to disturb your mind."

As soon as the words came out, the strange man immediately frowned slightly, while Jin Muyu calmed down his slightly excited mood.

This situation still needs to be solved by him.

Yang Ling then said, "it's your honor. Although you are dressed up as a science freak, there are not many people in the world who will do such things as stripping the core of the planet with the method of blood sacrifice."

"If I'm not wrong, you are the great immortal of blood and soul, which is as famous as the great immortal of Wanlong Lianjie."

"This skill is based on the law of great blood and soul. It can melt all the space creatures in the heaven and the world, right or wrong."


Strange person Jie strange smile way: "this handsome boy, you know a lot of!"

"Go on, I'll tell you what I know, and I'll have a long experience."

Yang Ling did not seem to be worried, but said calmly: "it is difficult to become a saint in the end of the law era. Although you deliberately disguise yourself as a madman, scientists should not be people of this era, but the great monk of the ancient times who fell asleep and woke up."

"In ancient times, there were a lot of people who knew the law of great blood and soul, but the only one who could perform such magic array was the legendary blood and soul demon sect?"

"Let me guess which sect leader you are?"

"Well? You know the blood demon gate

The man's eyes were shocked, and he said in a cold voice: "Tianheng supercontinent is on the other side of the galaxy, far beyond the jurisdiction of heaven. Do you even know the blood demon gate?"

"I don't think you are from this era, are you?"

"You can also guess who I am."

Yang Ling said with a faint smile, "it's not easy to practice. Let's make a deal with you."

"You give me the fragments of the law of blood and soul, and I'll let you go safely?"

"Ha ha, Jie Jie, ha ha ha!"

Frankenstein laughed and said, "your appearance is extraordinary. You have said something more creepy than me."

"You want my blood? Do you want me to dig it out of my body now? "

If he is crazy, he suddenly inserts his hand into his chest, then comes out suddenly, and spreads out his bloody palm, in which there is a blood red round pearl.

As soon as this jewel appeared, the breath of blood and spirit around it immediately stirred up. It was really a fragment of the law of great blood and spirit.

No, it can't be a fragment anymore. It's a nucleus.

The crystal nucleus of the law of great blood and soul in the top 50 of Zhutian.

"Look, envy. This is the crystal nucleus that I condensed in 20000 years."

"I'll dig it out for you to see. Admire it and be restless. If you have the ability, come and kill me, ha ha ha!"

The man laughed, with terror and strangeness in his laughter. Jin Muyu frowned and said, "this man is crazy."

"Is it?"

Yang Ling looks light, but is not in a hurry to hand, just quietly watching this person perform.

Jin Muyu didn't know why Yang Ling didn't do it, but there must be a reason.

He knew that he was just a beginner, so he had to learn more from his good friend.

In fact, Yang Ling's purpose is the same as this evil cultivation. Both of them are waiting.

Evil repair did not hesitate to dig out his own law, the crystal nucleus is delaying time, and wants to wait for the core of the planet to be completely condensed into a treasure of energy.

Yang Ling is also waiting for the appearance of the planet's energy jewel. He won't urge the big blood demon array, so he can only grab the jewel for a while.

Both of them have different ideas. For a moment, the whole space is just the laughter of this strange man.

After such a confrontation for a while, suddenly, all the runes in the space began to flow quickly, converging in the direction of evil cultivation.

The speed of this flow is as fast as lightning, but in the blink of an eye, all the runes are condensed together to form a blood cell floating quietly.

Under the induction, Yang Ling knows that the blood cell is just the surface of the energy core, and inside it is extremely pure planetary energy. This energy, with the power of space, is a great tonic for the space of desire!

Find things suddenly change, Jin Mu Yu urgent voice way: "Ling, I'll deal with this person, you at the side of the looting array."

Yang Ling nodded, but at the next moment, Jin Mu Yu rushed out and said, "heresy, heresy, death!"

The scepter of order in his hand was fiercely split out, and the terrible power of order law formed an iron fist of order, which crashed against the evil cultivation.

Only with heavy fists can the authority of order be revealed.

"Iron fist of order!"

"You really can't do it!"

Xie Xiu was obviously surprised, but this is his home. After most of the creatures on the whole planet turned into flesh and blood energy, the strength of the blood demon array was so huge that it was immeasurable. Immediately, a big bloody hand appeared from the void and grabbed him with an iron fist towards order! , the fastest update of the webnovel!