All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2547

Just appeared dragon is ready to kill four directions, suddenly found a girl dressed in black Lori dress, sword fiercely split to himself, not from anger.

It opened its mouth and spewed out a terrible magma, so hot that it seemed to be able to melt the air.


2B light drink, pot auxiliary robot launched an energy silver light hammer, directly on the magma column, the magma column was splashed on the spot.


The magma dragon roars up to the sky and rushes directly to 2B, and 2b rushes directly.

Yang Ling just took a look at the situation over there, and then pulled Jin Muyu. They turned into a flash of light and rushed into an underground gap.

The planet is about to disintegrate, and the underground magma has been boiling everywhere. Yang Ling identifies a place and rushes directly to the core of the array, which is where the evil cultivation is.

But in a moment, they had already rushed to an underground magma lake, the core of the planet is deep in the magma lake!

Jin Mu Yu is about to jump down, but he is held by Yang Ling: "Mu Yu, someone is looking for you."


Jin Muyu was obviously stunned. He followed Yang Ling's eyes and saw that there was a little light gathering not far away, but it turned into a seven or eight year old girl.

Wearing a light yellow dress, the little girl saluted with a long skirt and said, "I've seen the Savior, I've seen the great friar."

Naturally, the Savior is Jin Muyu, and the great monk is Yang Ling.

"Are you the will of the planet?" Yang Ling said curiously


The little girl said in a clear voice, "I've just been born. My will is only 30000 years old. I didn't expect that I could no longer protect the planet."

"Fortunately, Lord savior has saved a part of the planet. How do you plan to do next?"

Jin Mu Yu said in a deep voice: "first settle these creatures, and then build a small planet, let them reproduce."

The little girl showed a trace of joy on her face and saluted again: "little girl is willing to follow the Savior and go to a new planet to act as the will of the planet. I don't know if the savior can trust me?"

Yang Ling slightly frowned at Wen Yan. The will of the planet is not simple. She obviously has a certain self-consciousness. It would be inappropriate for her to be the new will of the planet.

However, he is not a native of this planet after all. It's not convenient for him to talk a lot. Jin Muyu is in charge of everything.

Jin Muyu seems to have thought of this. He looks at Yang Ling and says with a smile, "yes, but I need to have absolute control over you."

"My Lord, would you like me to rearrange your body parts?"

The planet will be full of worship: "little girl has no choice, all by the Savior adult command."


"Ling, let's wait a moment!"

Yang Ling nodded, and seemed very satisfied with Jin Muyu's practice. But Jin Muyu started to cast the Magic now, only his fingertips gently touched the little girl's eyebrows. The little girl's whole body formed by the will of the planet was directly transformed into the most primitive energy, and then quickly condensed.

However, after a few breaths, he once again had the human body, the same appearance, the same body. What was different from before was that the energy dust in his body was planned again by the Qi of creation and the law of order.

She is completely free from the shackles of the planet, directly reborn, and also completely controlled by Jin Muyu.

Another difference is that the light yellow dress is gone, and the little girl stands naked in front of them.

This operation once again proves that Jin Muyu is an LSP.

Yang Ling white this person one eye, in the heart secretly guess own intimate friend can't be a Luo Li to control?

Of course, the star will not be shy. The little girl doesn't mind whether she is dressed or not. She once again prostrated herself in front of Jin Muyu, but respectfully said, "little girl... No, my daughter, see your father."

Indeed, Jin Muyu gave her a new life, and there was nothing wrong with calling her father.

Jin Mu Yu nodded with a smile, took out a blue dress from the storage bag and put it on her, and named her Jin Xiao Xing.

After a few simple words, Jin Xiaoxing opened his mouth and spit out a pure white pearl. He respectfully handed it to Yang Ling and said, "Uncle great friar, this is all the Qi luck I can mobilize. You have saved so many creatures. I thank you instead of them."

Yang Ling took it immediately, reached out and touched the woman's head, and said with a smile, "since it's a gift of thanks, I'll take it."

"It's not too late. Let's get to the core of the planet."

Then he put away his arms, but he jumped directly into the magma and went alone.

Jin Mu Yu patted the girl's forehead, and the virtual shadow of the city of order appeared. After she was brought into the city, she quickly followed.

Deep in the hot magma, Yang Ling is not affected at all, he said in his heart: "system, give me all the planet gas transport into attribute points."

"Ding, it's transforming for you. Please wait a moment."

After waiting for a few breaths, the system's prompt sounds again: "Ding, all the planet's air transport has been converted. After conversion, you get attribute points: 3000000 points."

Three million attribute points, very good and powerful.

This time, I don't know how much I have collected.

Yang Ling was very satisfied. Her whole body was advancing rapidly in the magma, but in the blink of an eye, she appeared in the center of the earth and the core of the star.

Here is a vast open space similar to the hinterland of the cave, and also a hot world.

The whole open space is covered with a dense layer of runes. These flowing runes, which seem to be like magma, are full of energy. It is these small Rune arrays that form a huge array that can peel off the core of the planet.

When these little runes are all fused together, the energy they absorb is the energy of the whole star core, which is the star core Yang Ling expected.


Jin Mu Yu fell on the ground. After looking around, he said in a low voice: "Ling, the array seems to be finished."


Yang Ling nodded, stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "you've done a great thing. Why, can't you hide?"

The sound boomed in the world, and even the rune flow around stopped under the power.

"Shh, don't scare them."

"This handsome little brother, be gentle, don't be so savage."

There is a sharp voice response, but let Yang Ling whisper.

"Play the devil."

Jin Mu Yu snorted, but with a big wave of his hand, a black air surged out, but it was chaotic. , the fastest update of the webnovel!