All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2537

"Yi Yulan, you are good at fighting!"“ It's a pity, though, that the hot weapons can restrain all the fancy things! " Ke Fei sneers. Following the two bodyguards, he walks slowly to Jin Muyu and others. However, he puts his pistol on Jin Muyu's head and looks at Yi Yulan. He says in a cold voice: "take off your clothes."“ Yi Yulan, take off your clothes, kneel down and lick my feet, or I'll shoot your boyfriend. " This words, Jin Mu Yu gas of even green, his eyes red stare Ke Fei, in the heart already incomparable anger. Yi Yulan also clenched his silver teeth, his face turned red and white, and he was frozen in the same place“ Well“ You don't take it off, do you? " Ke Fei's voice is cold, but he is trying to pull the trigger“ Don't... "Yi Yulan gritted her teeth and blushed, but now she had no choice. In such humiliation, she is gritting her teeth and began to gently untie the button of her long gown. Some people stare, some sigh, some don't want to look at the scene, others whistle excitedly. This is the law of doomsday“ Yulan, don't listen to him! " Jin Mu Yu almost roared: "Ke Fei, shoot, you kill me!"“ You scum, you will be punished! " At this moment, Ke Fei said with a laugh: "I just like to see you in such a bad mood. You are such a rubbish. You will only give me shoes forever!" Then he looked at Yi Yulan fiercely and said, "take off, what are you doing?"“ Give you three seconds to undress, or I'll kill him! " At the moment, Ke Fei's ferocious face seems to be on the verge of violence. There is no doubt that he will shoot. Yi Yulan knew that there was no way, although he would be humiliated, as long as he could save his boyfriend's life, nothing was important. Tears ran down her cheek. Just as she was shaking to untie her coat button, a indifferent voice suddenly rang out: "Jin Muyu, the belief you hold in your heart seems to be useless at the muzzle of someone else's gun." The voice is indifferent, but it seems to ring from everyone's heart. At this moment, people suddenly remembered that there was a young man coming in with them“ Yang Ling Ke Fei suddenly turned his head. When he saw that he was standing not far away, he directly softened his legs and knelt down on the ground on the spot. The fear from his heart made him unstable. Just a word, let Ke young master kneel down on the ground directly, all people are stunned, for a time all stare big eyes looking at Yang Ling. Yang Ling walked slowly in front of him and looked down at Ke Fei. She said faintly, "pick up the gun and stand up." Ke Fei's whole body trembles violently. He kneels on the ground and looks up at Yang Ling, but he doesn't even have the courage to stand up. At the moment, Yang Ling didn't send out a breath of creation. Just by virtue of the murderous spirit rolling out of the flames, Ke Fei was hard to move. Not only him, but also all the people in the room, including the two bodyguards, were restrained by this momentum. For a moment, they didn't even have the heart to resist“ Yes? Isn't it about shooting people? "“ Not even the courage to stand up? " The words are so ironic, but Ke Fei's head is lowered, and he has no previous hegemony. The so-called identity of young master is just a joke in front of the real strong. At this time, his father came slowly with a crowd. The middle-aged man said in a deep voice, "this little brother, my son, have you offended me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!