All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2536

The fierce battle continues. Yi Yulan turns the iron bar into a long sword. He learns Yang Ling's technique, but he is not inferior to others.

Many people didn't expect that a girl could fight so well. It seems that it's not unreasonable for these people to walk into the shelter alive.

But even so, no one will come out.

As one of the four major forces in this shelter, the bareheaded Gang is not something they can offend.

Jin Muyu wanted to untie the long knife wrapped in tarpaulin behind him several times, but he always trembled and hesitated.

At this time, Yang Ling's voice came to my ear: "how? Are you hiding behind a woman again? "

"If your little girlfriend loses, what will happen to these girls? You should know very well, right?"


"But... The sword is something to kill, killing... Killing is something that the law does not allow..."

Jin Mu Yu murmured, as if in reply to Yang Ling, also seems to be in front of his heart.

"The law?"

Yang Ling sneered: "if you don't do it again, your law will soon become a green hat."

"Chaos and order exist forever. Law is just the tip of the iceberg of order. Don't you understand?"


Jin Mu Yu seemed to think of something in his heart. He was constantly asking himself, what is the real order.

He tried to find the answer, trying to find his future behavior, but it was always difficult to catch that ray of light.

At this time, a dull hum rang out. It turned out that Yi Yulan had made a real fire and directly hit a strong man's head with a stick.

The strong man covered his bloody head and screamed. Seeing this, the eldest iron head was very angry and said, "how dare you hurt my brother!"

"Bring me the guy!"

Immediately, a little brother in the crowd rushed out with a mountain knife and handed it to the bald man. All of them instinctively retreated and looked at the bald man with more panic.

"Smelly girl is very hot!"

"I'll scratch you to see if you're hot or not!"

After Yi Yulan kicked away a strong man, he gritted his teeth and said, "don't think you're the only one with a knife!"

"Mu Yu, give me that knife!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned, that is to say, bareheaded people were suppressed all the time.

This woman looks like she's practising. If she really starts to use a knife, she'll be scratched twice.

At this time of drug shortage, it's unnecessary.

For a moment, these strong men all had the intention to withdraw, but to everyone's surprise, Jin Muyu was in the same place, and didn't give his girlfriend the long knife behind him for a moment.

He shook his head slightly in horror and said, "no, the knife is a murder weapon. Yulan, we can't kill people."

"It's against the law to kill..."

Looking at him like this, everyone opened their mouths wide, and the iron boss laughed and said: "little girl, your man is a waste, and you dare not take the knife. You have no good life with him!"

"Jie Jie, since he doesn't give you a knife, I'll give you two!"

This man forced to go up with a strange smile, while the strong men around him were forced to come up. Yi Yulan knew that it was no good to be surrounded, but he drank softly and started first!

She rushed to the iron boss and swept out with the iron bar in her hand.

The iron head boss also had two brushes, but he had already expected that. He gave way directly, and then he slashed to the back of Yi Yulan.


Although Yi Yulan avoided the fierce one, the clothes on his back were cut open, revealing a large area of snow-white skin.


Jin Mu Yu almost instinctively wanted to relieve the burden behind him, but when he covered the handle of the knife, the guilt in his heart surged up again.

"No, it's against the law."

"No way..."

Jin Muyu, holding the burden wrapped with a long sword, stood in the same place at a loss for a moment. When Yang Ling saw this, she frowned slightly and hummed: "you just hold that stupid belief and die here."

"I don't have an idiot friend like you."

Then he walked away.

Yang Ling is very angry here. On the other side, tie tou and Yi Yulan are fighting together.

There was a crackling sound of steel. It was obvious that both sides had already made a real fire. It was fatal.

With the passage of time, we found that this beautiful female college student had an advantage with a steel tube. Two strong men had been whipped several times on their backs, and it seemed that they were not quick to act.

If it wasn't for the iron boss, he would have been knocked over by the female college student.

At the same time, Yi Yulan had a feeling of happiness, as if the iron bar in his hand had become a sharp sword. The more he used it, the more he took advantage of it.

"Well?" See this scene of Yang Ling eye slightly a Leng, originally not very good mood immediately cloudy clear. Yulan's sister-in-law is more savvy than her husband. Yi Yulan, who was in the state of enlightenment, could not be resisted by this group of people. All the strong men, including the iron head boss, were knocked to the ground. Yi Yulan's face showed a trace of pride. Just as he wanted to say something, suddenly there was a gunshot in the crowd“ Bang A bullet hit at the foot of Yi Yulan, but saw a group of black bodyguards came to separate the crowd, and the leader was Ke Fei. He shook his black pistol and said with a sneer, "I think who is so capable. It turns out that he is Yi."“ Yi Yulan, you can do it. "“ But do you think it's the steel tube in your hand? Or is the bullet in my hand faster? " Yi Yulan's face became ugly. At this time, Jin Muyu was in a panic and quickly blocked Yi Yulan. Looking at Ke Fei, he said, "I didn't expect to meet you here."“ Ke Fei, I let you go that day, and you've already entered the river. What are you doing? "“ Well water doesn't make river water? " Ke Fei was stunned, then sneered: "you let me go, but I didn't say you let me go."“ At that time, when I ran away in confusion, I had made up my mind to tear you, your wife and these smelly women to pieces! "“ Jin Muyu, do you regret it? "“ But unfortunately, there is no regret medicine can sell, ha ha ha ha Ke Fei laughs wildly. Yi Yulan's eyes are cold. Suddenly she is about to hit the gun in Ke Fei's hand. However, she has just made some moves when she finds a group of bodyguards in black behind her. At the same time, she points the black muzzle at herself. I'm afraid that if I move, I'll be shot to death immediately , the fastest update of the webnovel!