All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2386

"Ding, you smashed Chu mengbai's wish not to be despised by you. Attribute points + 70 points."

"Ding, you plundered Qi luck by smashing your wish this time. Qi luck of Chu Meng Bai is reduced by 5%. You gain 5000 attribute points."

It's worthy of being a higher level and more gifted girl than Chen Tian. 1% of Qi luck value is worth 1000 attribute points. OK.

This discovery makes Yang Ling more and more interested.

"Not yet?"

But he waved his hand, wrapped Chu mengbai lightning dissipated, Yang Ling said with a faint smile: "girl, what's your name?"

The voice is not big, but it resounds through the whole battlefield. This is the aura of absolute power, because the power is so huge that even if you speak at will, you can suppress the whole battlefield.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes converged on Yang Ling again. Although the battle continues, we all know that the real fight is definitely going to start.

If the sect's top elders and others can defeat these two handsome demons, they will have nothing to say. But if they lose, I'm afraid today will be the last day of Yanyue sect's history.

This ancient clan is likely to completely disappear in the long history.

Under the gaze of everyone intentionally or unintentionally, the girl with sword in the sky said in a deep voice: "Chu mengbai!"

"Chu mengbai?"

"A good name."

Yang Ling took a little finger and said with a smile: "girl mengbai, I will fight with you with this finger. If you can cut off the nail cap on my fingertip, then you will win this war."

"I, Yang Ling, withdraw from the army on the spot. I will not attack you yanyuezong in a hundred years."


Chu mengbai didn't even think about it. He said softly, "if I lose, I will commit suicide!"

After that, Yang Ling would rush over, but he said with a smile: "I don't like killing people, so I don't have to commit suicide. If you lose, promise me one thing."

"One thing..."

Chu mengbai thought of the arc that had just been swimming all over his body. He seemed to think of something. His face turned red and he said: "you..."


She stares at Yang Ling with a red face, but it's much easier to cut off a section of her nails than to defeat these two demons and countless monsters.

In order to live in the family, she has no choice.

Gamble on innocence, gamble on life, she will be desperate!


"It's a deal!"

Chu mengbai clenched his silver teeth, but he rushed to Yang Ling regardless of everything!

"Ding, you smashed Chu mengbai's wish not to bet on his innocence. Attribute points + 70 points."

"Who wants your innocence?"

Looking at Chu mengbai, who is full of momentum and reckless, Yang Ling smiles in her heart, but she stretches out her left thumb.

The next moment, the blade of Chu mengbai's long sword collides with the fingernail of little finger. Chu mengbai seems to feel that she is cutting on a piece of nine day meteorite, and a huge anti shock force strikes, which makes her numb and almost unable to hold the sword.

Looking at the demon in front of her, she clenched her teeth, but she chopped again and again!



No matter what angle Chu mengbai put out his sword and what kind of thunder and lightning attached to the sword, Yang Ling always used a finger Your fingernails.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Although I know that this demon is very strong, who can think that he is so strong!

What kind of physical strength is it that the sword of the best magic weapon level cuts off a nail plate continuously!

It's incredible, beyond the reach of these monks.

The morale that was already on the verge of collapse has been seriously hit again. If the demon king takes the hand in person, I'm afraid it will turn upside down. I'm afraid it will turn mountains and rivers upside down, right?

Is there a way out?

Maybe the only way to live is to obey.

Everyone began to calculate that many people already wanted to surrender.

The resistance of the battlefield is getting weaker and weaker, and the lizards have the upper hand.

In the clouds in the sky, yueqingya widens her beautiful eyes, and her face is full of incredible color.

The immortal Yanyue sighs and shakes his head. From the point of view of their cultivation in the semi holy realm, as long as the first strike cuts off the fingernail of the devil, then no matter how hard they try, it will be futile.

"It's incredible. It's incredible."

Yue Qingya said in disbelief: "elder martial brother, is this man really immortal? Why can he be so powerful?"

Yan Yue didn't know what to say for a moment. He just said, "master once said that there is a day outside the world and there are people outside the people. Today I have seen it.""And younger martial sister, it's not just the devil who can hardly fight. Do you see his daughter?"

"She stood in the same place and never moved. Her long hair forced our two holy sons into danger. This is no longer a level contest."

"I'm afraid that even if we go up, we won't be able to stop people's ten moves."


Yue Qingya clenched her fist, looked at Yang Ling and said, "no, I still want to try. Even if I'm going to die, I have to pull off some whiskers of the devil!"

Nine days Gang wind rub layer, the battle is far less intense than imagined, even after the beginning of less than ten breathing, the battle is over.

In other words, after ten rounds of fighting with the two fighting maids, the two semi saints already knew that this battle would not continue.

Because in front of this group of beautiful women, unexpectedly all are half holy realm!

Yes, it's unbelievable that the semi holy realm is pure!

Dozens of semi holy women surrounded them in the middle. Do you want to fight?

There is no need to fight any more.

At the moment, they did not dare to move at will, or even release their mind to inform Yanyue and yueqingya below, because this group of women exuded a trace of murderous spirit. They were afraid that if there was another change, they would be attacked immediately.

If that's the case, they know very well that they are dead.

On the other side, Yanyue sect.

The mountain protection array has already been broken, and the demons rush into the Mountain Gate madly, and begin to plunder resources wantonly.

Carly's body is full of corpses, all of which are the experts of congenital environment.

They stayed at the clan gate and rushed out at the moment when the mountain protection array was broken. Unfortunately, they were killed by Carlyle in an instant.

The devil took a deep breath. The smell of blood and the disaster around the mountains made her face intoxicated. , the fastest update of the webnovel!