All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 2385

Yang Ling waved her hand to the maid beside her and said, "you all go up and trap those two guys. If the resistance is fierce, kill them directly."


The maids around Yang Ling and Leiya rushed directly to the sky. One by one, they broke through the clouds like rockets and went straight into the sky.

The next moment, nine days Gang wind layer immediately sounded the voice of women Jiao Zha and men Li drink.

"Pull away!"

Yue Qingya's eyes showed a trace of resolute color. She said in a deep voice: "elder martial brother, I'll go up first and meet them. You rob the array for me!"

"Younger martial sister, it's still me..."

Yanyue was interrupted before he finished. Yueqingya said seriously: "elder martial brother, the safety of the clan depends on you. You can't make any mistakes!"

"I'll go!"

After saying that, he was about to rush down, but he was just in a daze!

In the battle group below, there was a thunder roaring, rushing towards the light curtain where the devil was on the ground!

"Dream white!"

Yue Qingya is stunned. It's Chu mengbai who rushes down!

At the same time, the folding fan man and the girl in red also found that Chu mengbai rushed to the light curtain without hesitation.

"Elder martial sister!"

The woman in red turned into a flash of fire and rushed down, while the young man of folding fan said with a smile, "it's interesting. Several elders said that the devil below is no more than 50 years old, younger than me."

"How interesting

As he said this, he turned into a hurricane and rushed down.


Chu mengbai, who is wrapped in thunder, cheers softly. Under the impetus of powerful Qi, she is really like a flash of lightning, which blows in the light curtain.


An earth shaking explosion, lightning splash, light curtain flying away, Chu mengbai clearly saw hiding in the light curtain, the devil and the witch figure.

In the eyes of the moment, her heart suddenly a slight tremor.

"Is the devil so good-looking?"

This is her idea at the moment, and the next moment, her eyes showed a decisive color, but it is to push their true Qi to the extreme, regardless of all the stabbing to Yangling!

As long as you kill this man, then the current catastrophe will be able to end, and no one will be killed again!

"Old devil Yang, die!"

Long sword with indomitable momentum suddenly stabbed down, at this time, Yang Ling moved.

He gently held out a finger.


The sound of a crisp sound came, and the picture seemed to freeze again. The long sword in Chu Meng's white hand was stopped by a finger of Yang Ling.

A nail plate, to be exact.


There is the sound of electric arc beating. Chu mengbai almost urges all the Qi in her body, and wants to press the long sword down. The long sword in her hand has been bent under the pressure.

Even so, still can't break the devil's finger, a nail!

"Ding, you smash Chu mengbai's wish that he doesn't want to be less than one of your fingers, attribute point + 70 points (justice value)"

Chu mengbai bites his silver teeth and stands in a deadlock with Yang Ling, and looks at the devil under him. At the moment, his eyes are gentle, and his eyes are as clear as water, and he can't see any murderous, hostile and so on.

This is pure eyes, as if the man below just wants to be pure stronger.

That's all.


Chu mengbai patted his other hand to his storage bag and wanted to take out something. Just then, Yang Ling's voice rang out in her ear: "your Lei Dao method is good, but if you concentrate more, maybe you can draw with my nail cap."

Looking at Yang Ling again, I found a faint smile on his face.

What a beautiful smile!

Chu mengbai suddenly felt her heart beat faster, and then a huge force came from the tip of the sword. She exclaimed and was pushed back by the huge force, and the whole person flew away.

The next moment, the girl in red and the young folding fan also killed. This time, Yang Ling didn't need to do it. Leiya snorted, just waved her hand, and a strong wind swept them away.

"Why do you want to assassinate my father?"

Under the gaze of everyone's eyes, Leiya pulled out one of her hair and threw it towards the sky. The hair quickly turned into a black long gun, which directly roared the girl in red!

"Younger martial sister!"

The fan in the folding fan man's hand flew out and roared to get in the way of the long gun. Unexpectedly, the long gun turned from the hair didn't do anything after the fight with the magic weapon. Even the fan of the best magic weapon level flew out!"Elder martial brother, let's fight against this monster!"

The sword in the hand of the girl in red shines. These two arrogants join hands against Leiya One of my hair.

And obviously, they can't beat this hair!

Knowing this moment, most of the people on the battlefield saw the true face of Yang Ling's father and daughter.

Good guy, although he is the opponent, the devil and the enchantress, the father and daughter look too handsome.

And it belongs to the kind that you can see the existence of father and daughter at a glance. There are still some places that look like the devil around her.

"Ding, you have fulfilled your wish to see your true face. The wish value is + 4800 points."

Yang Ling looks at Chu mengbai and sees that the girl is rushing to her again!

In her eyes, there was determination and disobedience!

It seems that he is not satisfied with the contemptuous words just now.

Yang Ling's mouth showed a trace of funny color, but with a flick of his fingers, a ray of thunder came out, and on the spot, he split on Chu mengbai, who was charging at full speed.


The sound of exclamation rang out, and her hands instinctively protected her chest. Then the arc around her body beat. In a moment, the lightning seemed to swim all over her body.

"Hun Son of a bitch

She was red and gnashing her teeth, but it was hard to move.

Yang Ling's power is too huge. The existence of more than 300 dragon forces, even if only one thousandth of its power is enough to suppress Chu mengbai.

This is the huge gap in strength.

A voice of Yang Ling's faint smile rang out in her ear: "little girl, can you master the skill of thunder and lightning?"

Chu Meng Bai Jiao's body was shocked. She thought of the special track when the current was swimming all over her body just now. There was a hint of thinking in her eyes. Then she reacted fiercely and said, "devil! You dare to be contemptuous of me, I'm at odds with you , the fastest update of the webnovel!