All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 234

Seeing Miao Cheng showing a touch of emotion, Yang Ling continued: "of course, the name of the club, the team uniform of the players, and the contact of advertisements are still decided by our group."

"The group will also send a special financial presence to control the club's expenses."

"In a word, you do not need to worry about the rest of the team, and I will play occasionally to increase the popularity of the club."

"Mr. Miao, I think the conditions are very rich."

Huang Zhuang's face showed a happy look, he looked at the Miao City, slightly nodded.

Miao boss hesitated for a while, nodded forcefully: "good, general manager Yang said so, my old Miao is not a sensible person."

"That's settled. When shall we sign the contract?"

Yang Ling said with a smile: "I'll let someone draw up a contract, which can be finished in three days at the latest."


A big stone fell to the ground in his heart, and Miao Cheng heaved a sigh of relief.

"Ding, you have satisfied Miao Cheng's wish that he doesn't want to let the club go bankrupt. His wish value is + 1"

Miao Cheng looks at the youth in front of him and says, "Mr. Yang, Xiaoyin, it's still early. Would you like to visit the club

Chu Siyin cheered excitedly: "Oh, I'd like to see the club for a long time."

"Let's go, aline!"

Yang Ling nodded his head and said, "well, I'll trouble you to lead the way."

"Ding, you have satisfied Chu Siyin's wish to visit the club. The wish value is + 1, and the current progress is 30 / 10."

PT club is also located in S City, which is one of the main reasons why Yang Ling wants to buy them.

Half an hour later, Tianyue home district.

After entering a unit, Miao city opens the door, and here is the club.

The so-called club is actually an ordinary residence connected by two floors. The upper floor is where the players sleep and live, and the lower floor is equipped with more than a dozen computers. All kinds of network cables look messy.

Yang Ling slightly frowned, the environment is not bad, but it is definitely not good.

At the moment, the five members of the PT club are playing their own games, and no one is back.

Miao Cheng said with a wry smile: "it's a bit chaotic, let you laugh."

Chu Siyin didn't care, but said excitedly: "I only saw the official players in the competition before. I didn't expect to see them today!"

Yang Ling said with a smile, "boss Miao, did you buy these two houses?"

Miao Cheng nodded his head and said, "I bought them the year before last. Unfortunately, my ability is limited. I can only give them these."

Yang Ling smell speech nodded, and at this time, the leader of Huangzhuang one by one took off the team's headphones and called them over.

When he saw Yang Ling, he was surprised.

"Champion of college entrance examination!"

"The devil and the Beast Master the man!"

"Boss, you really brought Yang Ling here. That's great!"

"Why? Isn't this Xiaoyin? The real people are more beautiful than the live ones

The players chirped one by one, but Miao Cheng said in a deep voice: "don't talk nonsense. This is general manager Yang of Muhua group. Our club will belong to Muhua group in the future."


The five players took a breath of air conditioning.

Muhua group!

Mr. Yang!

No. 1 scholar Lang is less than 20 years old. How can he be president Yang?!

They widened their eyes and looked at Yang Ling in disbelief. , the fastest update of the webnovel!