All-field Godly Wish System

Chapter 235

Chu Siyin chuckled: "a Ling, you don't want to put the director's name out to scare people."

"You see, they're scared out of their wits!"

Yang Ling hears the black line in his head.

"Did I say I was a director? That's not what you're saying? "

This time, not only the five members of the team, but also Miao Cheng and Huangzhuang almost glared their eyes out!


"He is joking

"What is the concept of director of Muhua group?"

Yang Ling saw them all stunned, waved his hand and said with a smile: "I also happened to be the director."

"Were you training just now?"

"Go ahead."

Hearing Yang Ling say so, these people in front of him have an impulse to faint.

Brother, can you comfort people?

Happen to be a director?

Why don't you happen to be president?

But when Yang Ling talked about training, Huang Zhuang suddenly said, "by the way, isn't there a training match with Nanbang people tonight?"

"How are you getting ready?"

Several players smell speech fierce return to the mind, the face showed the color of embarrassment.

Ad player roll wave bitter smile way: "leader, have played three training competitions, still hit?"

"I can't beat it!"

Auxiliary Agua is also bitter face way: "South bar UG is last year's s game four, you arrange such a strong opponent, do you want to play us autistic?"

Huangzhuang didn't have a good breath to say: "look at your unpromising appearance, only with the strong team practice can progress!"

"Quickly adjust the good state, today said anything to win the next game!"

The team members showed a bitter gourd face one by one, but Yang Ling said with a faint smile: "OK, it's almost to the point of dinner. Go to dinner with me."

Then he turned and walked first.

The players cheered and followed up. Miao Cheng and Huangzhuang looked at each other and saw a smile in each other's eyes.

Night falls, Pt club, five players in the debugging machine, and UG team training, horse racing will start

Chu Siyin also laughingly occupied a computer. Relying on Yang Ling's relationship, she directly opened the live broadcast inside the club and ob the game.

As soon as her room opened, a large number of netizens rushed in crazily, and the popularity of the live broadcasting room reached 2 million instantly!

"Oh, big man, you've finally started the live broadcast. Ah Ling, let him out quickly!"

"Let me see the number one scholar!"

"Let a Ling live broadcast ah ah ah ah ah..."

The barrage was all about Yang Ling, and no one even mentioned Chu Siyin's live broadcast.

Chu Siyin said in a sweet voice, "I'm doing a live broadcast inside the PT club. Aline is talking to the club's managers about some things and will come out soon."

As soon as this is said, the barrage will explode instantly!

"Don't talk about it, let him out quickly..."

"A Ling comes out, I brush ten Rockets!"

But Chu Siyin was used to the situation and said with a soft smile, "don't worry, he will come soon."

"Let me give you ob a training match between Pt and UG."

After operating for a while, I directly entered the OB interface.

There is a game to see the barrage, this just a little quiet down, just entered the game screen, the opposite south bar of UG even began to interact.

"Do you still want to fight

"Down the road two people also dare to line up, admire your courage."

"Today's BO3, if you can win a game, I'll wash my hair on my handstand." , the fastest update of the webnovel!