Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 964

"Since this is the case, I'll try my luck in the big city." After walking with Zheng Xiu, Huo Qing and others for more than half an hour, ye Tian asked about what he wanted to know and left.

In a rare mountain in the Terran area, ye Tian landed on the ground and walked through the dense forest for a moment. After confirming that there were no other friars nearby, he immediately launched the earth into the underground.

After entering the time and Space Tower, he greets Qin Luo God and Yi'er, and ye Tian begins to count what he got from the underworld stronghold this time.

After an inventory, ye Tian is slightly disappointed. The infertile level of the underworld here is far beyond his imagination.

On earth, ye Tian killed an underworld in the devil's cave in Northern Xinjiang. Although the things inside are limited, the amount of black jade is amazing.

In addition to some magic weapons such as bone gun and bone knife, there are very limited things in the storage of the underworld. Even the purple and gold Rune patterns are single digits.

That kind of black jade, ye Tian searched all the storage accessory bones, only found a mere 20 pieces, but those accessory bones seemed to be more valuable.

To see if there is anything missing, ye Tian sorts out those things and leaves the space-time tower.

More than three hours later, ye Tian came to a big city that looked like a crouching ancient beast.

This city is called castle peak city, which is enough to rank in the top ten of the Terran cities.

Castle peak city is forbidden to fly into the city. You need to check your identity in front of the city gate. You can enter the city only after the check is correct.

Ye Tian does as the Romans do, and naturally is no exception. He falls to the ground in front of the gate, and then queues up for inspection. The monk of his realm is absolutely the pinnacle of existence on the earth, but it is very common here.

With the identity token of Jackie Chan's first battalion, ye Tian successfully passed the identity test and was able to enter the city.

The rule of Castle Peak city is that after passing the identity test, except for a few restricted areas, the rest of the city can fly at will.

Ye Tian didn't fly around the city. Instead, he walked around the city, feeling the local conditions and customs here, and observing all kinds of friars in a hurry.

By chance, I can see many friars flying from the sky like meteors to all parts of the city.

Ye Tian spent a lot of time walking all the way to the meritorious hall in the city Lord's mansion. This is a place where the treasures collected from the demons, the underworld and the orcs can be exchanged for the cultivation resources of monks.

The hall of meritorious service is a tall building, all of which are made of bluestone. There are three halls, corresponding to the demon, the underworld and the ORC.

When ye Tian arrived, every hall was full of people, even outside the hall of meritorious service. After a quick count, there are more than 100 monks in front of the hall.

The number of people in the hall of Warcraft and orc is about the same.

Simply, ye Tian started to line up in the front row of the hall of the underworld, and at the same time released his mind to observe the exchange situation in front of him.

As he was observing, he suddenly saw a bearded middle-aged friar coming not far in front of him and pointing to a young friar in line. The young friar took a look at the visitor and stepped back bitterly.

Friar bearded swaggered to the position of the young Friar and began to wait quietly.

"What's the situation? Can we add more Ye Tian frowned and asked a friar in front of him.

"Is this Taoist friend a new comer to the spiritual realm of Dahuang? This is very common in the great wilderness spiritual realm. Whoever has high accomplishments can be at the top at will. If he doesn't agree, he can fight back. The great wilderness spiritual realm encourages this kind of practice, which is called inspirational. If anyone thinks it's unfair, he can practice hard and improve his realm! " The friar in front said with a smile. It seems that he is used to this kind of situation.

Ye Tian noticed that the level of the friars in the queue was the lowest, only the middle level of the Longmen realm. The friars in front of him had a higher level, but they were only the highest level of the Longmen realm.

Further on, most of them are the friars in the golden elixir realm. The one who just jumped the queue was the friars in the middle of the golden elixir realm. The one who was pushed behind was also the friars in the golden elixir realm, but only the friars in the early stage of the golden elixir realm.

Ye Tian is a little upset, but he is not too bad when he thinks about it. Besides, he is still cultivating in the golden elixir realm. Although he has various means, he should not expose too much.

Even in the underworld stronghold, he didn't even use a spirit bug in order to save his strength.

However, soon his brow frowned more tightly, and several people cut in front of him one after another, so he naturally ranked back a few.

Moreover, he found that the friars at the front of the exchange were very slow, and they had to communicate with the friars in charge of the meritorious service hall for a long time to determine the exchange resources.

At this speed, it's hard to say when it's my turn.

As if sensing Ye Tian's look, the friar in front of him turned back and gave a wry smile: "Taoist friends, don't be impatient. Now the friars who can make achievements in the demons, the underworld and the orcs are all high level friars. Therefore, the friars who come to the meritorious hall to exchange are basically the friars in the golden elixir. There are few monks like you and me in Longmen. I've been here for two days and one night. It's a pity to quit now. But in this case, there is no other way. Who can make the realm inferior to people and the strength inferior to people? ""Two days and one night?" Ye Tian is stunned and thinks that he is still arranging hair here. If he presses this speed, he will not be able to arrange hair for another two days and one night.

Just as I was thinking about it, a group of friars flew over from a distance. There were about 30 people, some of them went to the hall of the demons, and a dozen of them came to the side of the underworld team. They looked at each other and found a place to insert them.

Those friars who were cut in line were all forced to give up their position, because they were sure of the goal of cutting in line, and no one would ask for nothing if they were not sure.


Ye Tiangang wants to go out to find a target to challenge. Suddenly, a white skinned monk comes to him, hooks his finger to him and points back.

Awareness is obvious!

Ye Tian is a crooked head, eyebrows fine-tuning to ask: "what do you do?"

"What are you doing? Hehe, you know what? You mean to challenge me. Are you sure you won't give up this position? " The friar said coldly.

"It's OK to challenge you, but I didn't want to challenge you. Now that you've come by yourself, I'll help you." Ye Tian sneered.

"Well, anyway, it's also the last Taoist friend in the middle of Longmen, come with me!" The friar pointed to a nearby open space and took the lead.

Ye Tian followed him without hesitation. He guessed that this should be the place for the monks to challenge, because as soon as the two men passed, a monk from the meritorious service hall immediately came out to preside over the challenge.

"Both sides are willing to challenge, fair and just, and responsible for death and injury!" The abbot of the golden elixir said without expression. He had said it countless times, and it was very smooth.

"Master, are there any restrictions on this kind of challenge, such as powerful magic weapon, powerful spirit pet?" Ye Tian doesn't know the way inside, so he has to ask in advance.

"Except that you can't ask other monks to help you with boxing, any means can be used. Any means is part of your strength. However, don't think that some means will win. First of all, I would like to advise this monk to think twice. You have means. Maybe others have better means than you That friar lightly swept leaf day one eye, the vision sweeps on his spirit beast ring but pass, don't have any expression ground to say.

"Thank you, master. Now that I'm standing here, I have no face to go back. If there are no other questions, can we start? " Ye Tian said indifferently.

"Of course, we can start right away. Remember, death and injury are your own responsibility. Sign the life and death order first, in case of any other situation." The friar took out a wooden card and gave it to the white faced friar.

The friar used his fingers to carve on it and wrote down his name - Xing Sheng.

Ye Tian then took the card, fingers in the card gently tick a few times, above will appear very good-looking two words --- Ye Tian.

The handwriting is neat and clean, as if it were carved with a knife. Judging from the impression, it is much more exquisite than Xing Sheng's. , the fastest update of the webnovel!