Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 963




When ye Tian took out the mask, there were many flashes of white thunder and lightning on the mask, shooting at the surrounding monks.

To be exact, it's the kind of thunder that can't be seen with the naked eye and can only be observed with the source eye. Suddenly, it connects with those mending heads, and then there is a roaring sound.

All the flesh tarsals around were almost exploded on the spot. The sound was deafening.

When the sound rang out, ye Tian had been flying out of the scope of the explosion. He was watching the magnificent scene.

The shocking explosion soon ended, the scene of flesh and blood flying all over the sky gradually settled down, and the crazy rolling and surging fog gradually calmed down.

Ye Tian came to the scene of the explosion with a flash of his figure. His gestures kept moving, and he put away the Xumi commandment worn by the body and bones from the broken bones.

Six or seven minutes later, ye Tian left here and flew out of the fog.

Outside the dark fog, many friars are staring nervously at the sea of fog.

All the friars were very nervous, especially the friars of the fifth team where ye Tian was. The rest of the friars were members of the second level mission camp of jindanjing and other mission camps under Zheng Tongling.

"I'm afraid ye Daoyou is more dangerous than lucky!" A monk with a short beard said anxiously that he was Huo Qing, the commander of the second level task battalion of Jindan kingdom.

"I don't think so. Although ye Daoyou's realm is ordinary, he has many means and is extremely powerful. If he doesn't have absolute assurance, he won't take such risks." Zheng Tongling Zheng Xiu looked at the mist and said thoughtfully.

Other people are also talking in a low voice, and the focus of the conversation is worried about ye Tian's safety.

However, many people are not optimistic. After all, they heard that more than 30 Hades besieged Ye Tian together.

When people were talking, suddenly a figure in the dark fog flew to this side quickly.

When I saw this familiar figure, the friars gathered around.

"Ye Daoyou, you are back safely!" Huo Qing said first.

"Yes, ye Daoyou escaped from many Hades. Congratulations Zheng Xiu then said.

"Thank you for your concern!" Ye TianChao nodded slightly and bowed to each other.

Huo Qing quickly returned the salute and said: "ye Daoyou is not worthy of it. If you didn't step forward, I'm afraid we'd all be in danger! It's a pity that this mission has not been completed, and so many Taoist friends have died. "

With a gesture, ye Tian took out three Xumi commandments. Two of them were given to Zheng Xiu, and the other one to Huo Qing: "I think the task should be completed. Two Taoist friends will know when they have a look."

Huo Qing looks at Ye Tian by accident, takes Xu Mi Jie, marks his mind and probes into it.

Soon, shennian withdrew and nodded to Ye Tian: "thank you, ye Daoyou, for retrieving the corpses of our team members!"

"Don't be polite, Daoyou. I happened to see it and should have returned it." Ye Tian nodded and replied that there were 13 bones in Xumi Jie, all of which had met him at one time. Ye Tian saw them at a glance when he first entered the sea of fog.

"These things need to be cured?" Huo Qing looked at Ye Tian and hesitated. Ye Tian gave him 13 corpses, but the Xumi commandment on his fingers is still there. But according to the rules, since these friars have been killed by the underworld, ye Tian takes back the spoils from the underworld. In addition to the mission objectives, it is customary for individuals to own what they get on the way to completing the mission.

But now, ye Tian didn't move those Xumi precepts, which made Huo Qing look up at Ye Tian.

In the same way, the corpses of these two groups are in Xumi Jie, which ye Tian handed over to Zheng Xiu. One group is the dead comrades of Longmen first level mission camp. These people are with Ye Tian, but they enter the dark fog from other directions.

Ye Tian, another monk in Xumi commandment, is very strange. He infers that he must be the target of this time. He was taken into the store by the underworld.

In the same way, ye Tian didn't move his Xumi commandment.

Once upon a time in Jinzhi and Yuye, ye Tian saw how poor a monk in jindanjing was, and how happy he was for a piece of fairy jade.

As for the monks in Longmen, ye Tian did not report that he had too much hope.

On the contrary, he is a newcomer, and it will be very good for him to have the opportunity to make friends with these people in the future. He has just handed over these Xumi precepts to the past.

"Thank you, ye Daoyou. These dead Daoyou also have some relatives in Wanyu League. It's a great merit for Daoyou to bring back their bodies and relics. I believe they will be grateful to you, or they will be doomed if they are made into bones by meditation! " Zheng Xiu said in a sad voice.

"It's easy to do. Zheng Tongling doesn't have to be polite!" Ye Tian gently shakes his head and says that no one will be in a good mood on this occasion. He will perform the task together, but some people have become corpses.

"Can you ask ye Daoyou where he got these bodies?" Huo Qing thought and asked.Ye Tian's voice calmly replied: "the thirty-two Hades were killed by me. Did you find the Xumi commandment in their storage bones? Look at it and you will see the corpse."

"What? Have you killed all 32 Hades? "

Huo Qing screamed at that time. In a flash, he felt like a dream. His first reaction was that it was impossible.

How is that possible?

Thirty two Hades, not one or two. The fighting power of more than 30 Hades is very strong. These monks in the golden elixir are very clear.

He knew that ye Tian's body method reached its peak, and he could be invincible in front of those Hades. You can also kill several Hades with the help of Lei Shu's Taoism.

However, these are not enough. It's OK at the beginning, but as time goes on, Pluto will be on guard. The effect of this method will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, how long did they just leave Ye Tiancai? How could ye Tian kill 32 Hades in such a short time.

Not only he didn't believe it, but also the other friars.

"Ye Daoyou, really? If you really kill more than 30 Hades, you're going to make a fortune Zheng Xiu came over and said in awe.

Ye Tian wanted this effect, so he didn't hide his achievements.

The underworld is equivalent to the golden elixir realm of human friars. If he can kill more than 30 underworld equivalent to the golden elixir realm in a flash, his strength should be enough to make some people feel awed.

As a result, there may be a lot less trouble.

In fact, the effect he wanted has been achieved.

Originally, in the eyes of the monks, he was already a strong abnormal alternative. Now, after the killing of Pluto, his strength has been promoted to a new height in the eyes of all people.

"According to the regulations of the city Lord's mansion, the loot seized by the demon clan or the underworld clan can be recycled, given to Xianyu or other things, and then offered according to their own needs and exchanged." Zheng Xiu explained: "the bones of the underworld alone can replace a lot of fairy jade. If there is something else in the store attachment, you will definitely get a huge harvest this time! "

Ye Tian heard the meaning of envy from his voice, then said with a smile: "if you really get the reward, naturally you can't miss the commander's share."

"No, no, no..."

Zheng Xiu waved his hand in a hurry: "ye Daoyou, Zheng definitely doesn't mean that. If you can save us several times, it's a big debt to you. How can I accept the gift from Daoyou? I just envy Daoyou. With such profound strength, he will soar to the sky in the future. Maybe he can join the ranks of great monks! "

"Ha ha, it's all going to happen in the future. If there's nothing else, please tell me more about it. What's the exchange law?" Ye Tian gently waved his hand and said that the great monk was nothing. He was a great monk in his previous life. In this life, as long as time is enough, there is absolutely no suspense to enter the jade park.

Moreover, it will definitely take much less time than in the last life.

"Well, there's no problem. It's not a secret. Let's talk while walking." Zheng Xiu nodded slightly and said: "in fact, to exchange these things, you don't have to exchange them in Fengyun city. In some big cities, you can choose a lot of resources and increase the price." , the fastest update of the webnovel!