Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 955

Ye Tianmo was silent and listened quietly.

The nun seems to be very satisfied with Ye Tian's performance at this time. It's easy to see that ye Tian is silenced by her own words.

Instead, she chuckled again and said, "don't be too nervous. Generally, the tasks assigned by Wanyu league are in line with the realm of monks. If the tasks are too dangerous, they won't be completed by low-level monks. Moreover, in the Wanyu League, although the competition between monks is very cruel, they are never allowed to kill each other. Wanyu League will not cause too much internal friction within the Terran. Only competition is allowed, and competition is the driving force to become stronger and stronger! "

"What kind of competition?" Ye Tian hears some signs and asks.

"Ha ha, you should ask when there will be no competition, competition is everywhere, at any time. Want to be strong, want to get cultivation resources, want more cultivation time, want to be a good Taoist partner There is competition in all of this. Although there is no law of the jungle in the human race, the strong eat meat, and the weak may not be able to drink soup. This is also a cruel reality. " The nun's voice was indifferent, and she seemed to have been used to what she said.

"Of course, some people have special identities. You can't compare them with others. In Wanyu League, this is a special existence. Just think they are different, and there will be no imbalance! I believe that there are such groups on earth The nun continued.

"I understand. What do you call me? My name is Ye Tian!" Ye Tian nodded and asked. Can he not know the special group that the nun said? At any time, anywhere, there is.

Those are the special existence of a good father, a good mother, a good grandfather, a good grandmother, and a good Taoist couple.


There should be no such thing as a good Taoist partner, unless he is a redundant son-in-law. It seems that since ancient times, the status of redundant son-in-law is not high!

If you don't have that three foot waist, you can't find good seedlings. You have to be hard to strike iron!

"Ye Tian, good name! Few strokes make it easy to write. My name is Yuye. Don't call me elder sister ye in the future, or you'll call me old. " The nun said quickly with a smile on her face.

"Sister ye, good. It's a good name. We really have a destiny. Your name has a leaf, and mine has a leaf. You can't write two words at a time, so Sister ye, do you have a Taoist partner? " Ye Tian asked with a smile.

"What do you think? You are only about twenty years old. Do you want to have an idea for your sister? " The jade leaf sneered a, willow leaf thin eyebrow picked to pick, the voice also raised a few points.

Ye Tian touched his nose and laughed a few times: "sister ye, where do you want to go? I've heard from you that the competition among the Terrans here is fierce. If you already have Taoist companions, I have to be careful in the future, otherwise it will be bad for your Taoist Companions to misunderstand you! "

"Well, I don't have a partner, but you have to be careful. You're a monk from Zuxing, and I'm also a descendant of the earth star. That's why I'm talking to you so much. Otherwise, I'll send you to Wanyu League. What's the matter with me? " Yuye seems to be serious, but she has a smile in her eyes.

"Yuye, are you here? What's this Just as she was talking, another nun came from a distance. She was very beautiful and looked like she was in her twenties.

"Ah, Jinzhi, this is a monk from the earth star. I'm going to take him to rehouse him." Yuye greets the visitor.

"Hello, master!" Ye Tian feels that this person is also a golden elixir, and takes the lead in saying hello.

"Oh, this person's realm is not so good, but he can speak very well. Don't call me elder in the future, just call me younger sister!" The nun, who came here, looked at Ye Tian and said with a smile.

"Well, how is the fairy sister?" Ye Tian gave a good cry.

"Ye Tian, who do you think is the older of us?" Yu Ye's eyes turned and suddenly asked.

Who is big?

Ye Tian glanced at the two nuns' chests and immediately made a comparison. He replied hypocritically: "I can't see it. It's just as young and beautiful!"

"Hum, his name is Jinzhi, and my name is Yuye. You should know who is older. Do you think it's appropriate for you to call my sister sister and my sister sister sister? " Jade leaf Jiao hum a, realized the dissatisfaction in the heart.

When ye Tian caresses his forehead, he feels helpless. It seems that the competition of Wanyu League is really fierce. Even his sisters are fighting so hard for a title.

"Well, well, both of them are sisters. It's nice to call them sisters!" Ye Tian makes a circle.

"Well, let's take some losses. That's it!" Jinzhi smiles, but he doesn't insist any more.

"How did you get here from earth?" Jinzhi asked curiously.

"Say it on the way." Let's go to Yunfeng city to arrange this little brother.


Jinzhi has no opinion, two women take ye Tian on the road.

What ye Tian said on the road is basically a repetition of what ye Tian and Yu Ye said before. However, in terms of details, ye Tian got to know more about it after making inquiries.This Fengyun city is the city where Jinzhi and Yuye live now.

There are more than 600 such cities in Wanyu League, but Fengyun city is the smaller one among the more than 600 cities.

In the past, some monks came from other spiritual regions. Every city, including the general League, would come to select people and offer some conditions for them to join their own city.

But Earth Star Forget it!

No one came, because for thousands of years, no one sent it.

Generally, every 50 or 60 years, chuantian Lingbao will come to other spiritual realms, but most of them are random and may not come to any spiritual realm.

It's just that the leader of the Wanyu alliance is a great monk from the earth star, so every time he comes, he arranges the quota of the earth star, although there has been no monk there for thousands of years.

If it wasn't for Yuye who happened to pass here today, I'm afraid Ye Tian didn't even have a guide.

Flying in the sky for six or seven hours, after several powerful cities, the three finally landed in a much smaller city.

Even if it is a small city, its wall is five or six feet high.

The scale of the houses in the city is also very grand. The pavilions are scattered, and you can't see the side at a glance.

"How many monks are there in Wanyu League?" During the flight, ye Tian asked curiously.

"Among more than 600 cities, Fengyun city should be the smallest, with 67 million monks. How many monks can you have by yourself?" Yu Ye said casually.

"Here, Wanyu League encourages children to be born and raised. Every child with intermediate or higher qualification will be rewarded by Wanyu League. Population is the basis for the survival and continuation of the human race, but even if such a population, compared with the demon, the underworld and the orc, it is still very small. " Golden branch immediately introduces a way.

"We live here. If you have anything to do in the future, please come to us and help you as much as you can. However, our situation is not very good, and we have to go out and do some tasks often. " Yuye pointed to a small courtyard below.

Ye Tian nodded and silently noted the location of the courtyard.

Not a moment later, the three came to a magnificent mansion. Jin Zhi pointed to the main hall and said, "this is the Lord's mansion of Fengyun city. Here, you will be issued with an identity card and registered. In the future, you will be the friar of Fengyun city."

Ye Tian nods his head indifferently. It doesn't matter where he is. Now he needs to settle down for a while and get to know more people.

The ultimate goal is to find a way to leave the wilderness and return to the earth. If there is any chance here, he doesn't mind fighting for it.

After all, even now back to earth, one can not resist the invasion of the underworld and the demon world.

As for tianwai monk, Lao long has been promoted to the fourth level, and he gave him some pills before. The speed of cultivation recovery must be faster than himself. In a short time, Lao long should have no problem.

There are two friars in front of the city master's mansion, one on the left and the other on guard. Jinzhi and Yuye know each other, go up and say a few words, and then wave to Ye Tian.

The two friars were practicing in the Longmen area, just like Ye Tian. One of them nodded to Ye Tian: "the earth star? It's really rare. It's said that the Earth Star hasn't had a friar for thousands of years. If you come here, you can become a family. Well, there's nothing else to say. You can go in. If you can find a way, you can be a servant in the city Lord's mansion. "

"Thank you very much Ye Tian arched his hand and walked into the Lord's mansion with Jinzhi and Yuye.

"Both of them do chores, but they are also the better ones. They just look at the gate of the city Lord's mansion. They are very free and have a little fixed resources every month." Walking out of a distance, Jinzhi laughingly introduced.


Ye Tian looks back at the straight back of the two friars. The friars in Longmen can only look at the gate here. If it's taken to the earth, who will believe it.

"What's the best way for the monks in Longmen?" Ye Tian asks curiously.

"Let's not talk about the special groups. The monks in Longmen, who have no background, have been able to go out to carry out the mission, survive the mission and get the resources they want. This is the best way to mix. For example, Yuye and I are the best in Longmen, and then we break through the golden elixir Jinzhi said with pride. , the fastest update of the webnovel!