Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 956

Three people walk while saying, finally along the road paved by bluestone into a look more majestic hall.

"Deacon Qin!" The jade leaf is in front of the main hall door to greet lightly.

"Come in!" There was a low voice, and then the stone door slowly opened.

"It's here to register!" Yu Ye said to Ye Tian and came in first.

"No mission today?" In the main hall, a white faced middle-aged friar sat on the futon with his knees crossed. He looked at the three people coming in and asked.

"I had a mission, but it's not When I met a friar from the earth star, I took him back to deacon Qin to go through the procedure of joining the league. " Yu Ye said with a smile.

"Well..." The middle-aged monk nodded and glanced at Ye Tian: "the cultivation of Longmen realm is a little weaker, but it's OK to do some chores. I'll give you the hard work."

With that, the old man made a gesture. A piece of fairy jade appeared out of thin air and flew to Yuye. After thinking about it, he took out another piece of fairy jade.

"Since you two are doing this together, let's do it one by one."

The Golden branch also jade leaf sees the fairy jade, the facial expression a joy ground took in the past, way voice thanks.

"Just now you said it was sent from Earth Star? No one has been here for thousands of years, right? Is it because there is something wrong with the transmission of heaven spirit treasure that the monks in this realm can be recognized by heaven spirit treasure? " The middle-aged monk looked at Ye Tian again and said, "however, just after 20 years, you can reach this realm. You should have good aptitude. But you don't have to be too proud. There are many talents in the great wilderness. No matter how good their qualifications are, they have to work hard for a few years. What's your name? "

Ye Tian truthfully reported his name, here no one knows himself, it doesn't matter.

And as far as he knows, there has never been a fairy mountain in Fangcun Lingyu, or even something similar to the fairy mountain. There should be no friars from Fangcun Lingyu here.

Just just now, Jinzhi and Yuye's happy expression when they accepted two pieces of fairy jade made his heart sink.

Are the resources of the great wilderness spiritual realm so scarce?

Do the two friars in the golden elixir have this kind of expression for the sake of the two immortals?

There are nearly a million pieces of Xianyu in my Xumi commandment, and I don't take it seriously.

If you don't go to Fangcun Lingyu, I'm afraid you can't accumulate such wealth.

"Ye Tian, the name is easy to remember. I'll assign you to the construction department. " Elder Qin nodded, pondered a little, and then took out a piece of exquisite wooden card. He wrote on it for a while and handed it to Ye Tian.

"Remember to take this identity card. If you don't have this identity card, it will be difficult to move in Terran territory. They may also be killed as monks who do not want to join the league. Monks who do not want to join the league are not protected here. "

Ye Tian took the identity card and looked at it. It turned out that this kind of identity token was originally blank. The old man wrote down his name and the words from the earth star.

What is the Department of construction?

Ye Tian understood it literally.

After all, ye Tian didn't ask too much about chores.

Do chores. Are you kidding?

Can Dante do chores here?

"Elder Qin, the affairs of the construction department take up too much time. Why don't you give this ye Daoyou another chore?" It was Yu Ye who spoke at this time.

"How can you be so choosy? What chores do you want to do in Longmen Qin Chang looks impatient, and Yu Ye doesn't dare to say anything more.

Qin Chang is always cultivating in yuanyingjing, and he is qualified to say this, but it makes Ye Tian feel very unhappy. At the beginning, he thought about finding a place to practice in seclusion.

But there are so many high-level monks here that you can't deal with people, can you?

Walking around, if you don't have a formal identity, you can't say how much trouble it will bring. Even any yuanyingjing can kill itself and plunder all its resources.

It is also a helpless choice to come here with Jinzhi and Yuye.

"Excuse me, Deacon Qin, what kind of chores does the construction department do?" Ye Tian thought, no matter what, we should make it clear first.

"Well, Fengyun city belongs to the border city of the human race. Its walls are in disrepair for a long time, and I'm afraid it can't resist the invasion of the orcs. Now it's planning to rebuild the walls, heighten and widen them. The construction department is responsible for the chores of building the walls." Deacon Qin said lightly.

"MMPs, I want to be strong, but I don't want to build a wall."

Ye Tian is not willing to say hello to all the people in deacon Qin's family. No wonder Yu Ye pleads for himself. This is what a friar can do?

"Ask elder Qin, how long does it take to build the city wall?" Ye Tian is not good. Now turn around and ask clearly.

Deacon Qin said: "the new wall is not renovated on the basis of the original wall. We need to expand the distance of ten li from East, West, North and south to re cover. After all, the city is already crowded, so we need to expand more urban space. ""So, the task is quite large, and then we have to strengthen the old city wall. In this way, there are a lot of stones to be used, so we need to take the stones first, and then repair the wall, and prepare to complete this task in one year. You're new here. First get familiar with the environment and work hard for a year. "

A year?

So I don't want to be a coolie for a year?

Ye Tian doesn't want to say anything. If it's easy to say for three or two days, he won't accept it for more than four days.

After thinking about it, ye Tian asked, "if you don't do chores, can you go and take the task?"

"Take on the task? It's not easy to take on a mission, and it's no different from seeking death for a monk in your realm to take on a mission. If you don't do chores, you can hand over ten pieces of fairy jade to take over the task. You are responsible for your own life and death. These ten pieces of fairy jade are not required by the city Lord's office, but are used to provide for other friars who do chores. " Deacon Qin looked at Ye Tian disdainfully and said so.

Ye Tiandao didn't think so. People are cold and warm, and there are many things that dogs see people. He said directly: "I'm a new monk to Wanyu League. I just want to ask how to have more time to practice?"

"Ha ha, it's easy to do. When you are the high level of Wanyu League, for example, when you come to my realm and come to the city Lord's mansion, I can practice all the time except to receive the new monks." Deacon Qin said with a smile.

Ye wanted to blow his head, but he asked patiently, "just like a monk in my realm, what can I do if I want to spend more time on cultivation? For example, if I hand in a certain amount of Xianyu, can I practice all day long? "

"Ha ha, it seems that you still have some wealth? However, it's a dream. If everyone is like this, who will finish the task? Who will do the chores? Will the Terran develop? Do you care for yourself? " Deacon Qin sneered.

"However, I can tell you that there are three types of tasks. Level three tasks need to be performed three times a month, and the rest of the time is at your disposal. Level two tasks need to be performed two times a month, and the rest of the time is also at your disposal. Level one tasks only need to be performed once a month, and the rest of the time is when you sleep every day and nobody cares about you."

"Do you know why there is a difference in the number of tasks? The more advanced the task, the more dangerous it will be. The survival rate is very low. If you build a city wall, you will not lose your life. "

Ye Tian nodded and ignored the contempt in the tone of Deacon Qin. He took out ten pieces of fairy jade and put them on the desk: "then I will give up my chores and ask to participate in the first level task."

"Have you thought about it?" Deacon Qin glanced at the Lingyu on the table and asked with surprise.

Ye Tian nodded without hesitation: "think well, please deacon Qin complete."

"All right, but you're going to die yourself. Don't blame me for not telling you clearly!" Deacon Qin swept the sleeve of his robe, put away the fairy jade, took out a talisman and said a few words in a low voice. Then he urged the magic power, and the talisman lit a fire and quickly turned to ashes.

After a while, a friar in his thirties came in. Ye Tian glanced at him. He had a square face, and his body was very strong. He was very dusty with a sense of evil spirit.

That is because see too much blood, and the formation of blood evil, although can not see, smell, ye Tian is able to sense.

"Zheng Tongling, this is Ye Tian. He has just been sent from the earth star. If he wants to join the first level mission camp, he will give it to you. Take it away!" Deacon Qin said directly.

"He?" Zheng Tong took a look at Ye Tian, showing a look of surprise. , the fastest update of the webnovel!