Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 939

Ye Tian opened the website and read the broadcast from beginning to end, with mixed feelings in his heart.

The broadcast time is only one hour, shorter than ever. The whole topic is inspiring good news, one victory after another, each victory has the shadow of the sacred wind army.

There were many spontaneous celebrations, including fireworks, singing and dancing, performances and parades.

Many people hold small flags with the words "Shenfeng army" written on them.

On many electronic screens, the content of Shenfeng army has been changed to celebrate the victory and cheer for Shenfeng army.

The last picture is provided by the Yandu garrison theater.

Xu Xianming, commander-in-chief, was interviewed on the battlefield: "the Shenfeng army is the people's children's soldiers and a sharp sword to guard the war zone. I hope to win the first world war against tianwai friars as soon as possible, and the hero returns triumphantly. I invite you to eat goose."

As soon as the camera turns, a steaming iron pot stands on a campfire in the field.

See here, ye Tian tears.

For a long time, ye Tiancai recovered from his emotion.

Look at the deep night, ye Tian took out the time and Space Tower and went in.

Yi'er and Qin Luoshen are practicing inside. Ye Tian sits down quietly. Seeing Qin Luoshen, he immediately thinks of Ning Yao.

At this time, Qin Luo God slowly opened his eyes and laughed at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian fondles her hair lovingly. Qin Luoshen smiles and leans on Ye Tian's side.

"Ye Tian..."

All of a sudden, Yi Er opens his eyes and shouts.

Ye Tian hears the voice. No, it's Qin Luo's voice.

Then Yi Er's face changed rapidly and became the appearance of Qin Luo God.

But the Qin Luo God beside the leaf day is to cackle a few, changed the appearance of Yi son.

Ye Tian felt the breath for a while, and then he realized that they had become each other.

I can't help looking at them in confusion. What's going on?

Qin Luo God came to scrape Yi Er's nose and explained to Ye Tian, "Yi Er teaches me Huarong, and then we change each other's looks and bet to see if you can recognize it."

"What's the bet?" Ye Tian asked with great interest.

"Whoever wins will go out with you for a day!" Qin Luo God said, looked at Yi Er one eye, pinched Yi Er's small face.

"That means you're both bored in there? It seems that Luoshen has lost? " Ye Tian smiles.

"Yes, fortunately I woke up early, otherwise I would have lost my wife and lost my army." At this point, Qin Luoshen seems to feel that the whole metaphor is inappropriate, and he smiles to cover up the past.

And Yi son is just in the side flickering big eyes smile, as if this matter has nothing to do with her appearance.

Ye Tian thought of the sentence shensuanzi said to him You are a peach blossom!

Did not stay in it too much, soon Ye Tian turned out, also did not take into account the cry of Yi Er, then put the time and Space Tower away.

Just outside, ye Tian found that the picture in his mind was different. He focused on one of the pictures.

It is a picture of a heartworm far away in Northern Xinjiang. There are three or four hundred figures standing in the air outside the boundless black fog in the picture. I don't know what they are doing.

Needless to say, these must be monks from the square inch spiritual realm.

After watching for a moment, I saw that the monks left the dark fog area and flew to the south.

"To be bad!" After ye Tian released all the more than 6000 clematis, he immediately took out the fierce sword and flew northward.

While flying, he took out his mobile phone and made a voice in the communication group: "attention, all groups, gather 300 Li to the north of Yandu. Please reply

There are so many friars who can't be destroyed everywhere. They have to drag them down until they go back.

More than ten minutes later, ye Tian, who was flying fast, suddenly received a message from the general headquarters of the self defense garrison Theater: a large number of tianwai monks were found in the Qishan garrison theater.

Qishan city is located in Northern Xinjiang. According to Ye Tian's estimation, the friars they found are exactly the friars shown in the picture.

Over there, there was no one from the sacred wind army except the heartworm arranged by Ye Tian.

Ye Tian's heart is anxious, but the speed of the fierce soldier's flying sword has reached the extreme. It can't be any faster.

If those friars want to do it, it may not take long to destroy the whole Qishan.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before we received a message from the general headquarters of the garrison Theater: a large number of tianwai friars passed over Qishan garrison theater and flew southward without disturbing Qishan.

However, ye Tian didn't take it lightly. Those friars certainly didn't fly south for no reason.

They must have specific targets!

"A large number of tianwai friars have arrived in the black city garrison war zone!" Before long, ye Tian received another message.

Soon afterwards, information showed that the monks passed over the black city without any action."A large number of tianwai friars were found in the Longwu garrison."

"A large number of monks left the Longwu Garrison and flew south."

Next, two more messages came in a short time.

Ye Tian took out the map and looked at it. He connected Qishan, Heicheng and Longwu into a straight line and looked at it carefully.

The target of tianwai Friar's attack must be near this straight line.

Finally, ye Tian put his finger on the biggest red dot on the whole map Yandu.

This is the center of China. The monk tianwai probably went to Yandu.

"Call each garrison theater. According to analysis, the target of a large number of tianwai monks may be Yandu. Please deploy air forces to support Yandu garrison theater and defend Yandu."

"Call Shenfeng army. According to the analysis, the target of a large number of tianwai monks may be Yandu. Please quickly organize forces to support Yandu Garrison and defend Yandu."

As soon as ye Tiangang regained "receipt", he called in.


This number is Xu Xianming of Yandu garrison.

"Commander Xu!" Ye Tian answers the phone.

"Leader ye, a group of tianwai friars have been flying southward from northern Xinjiang, and there is no attack in the garrison area along the way. According to the analysis..."

Before Xu Xianming finished, ye Tian interrupted him directly: "commander Xu, I have received the military information report, and have arranged the Shenfeng army to meet the enemy in Yandu. I'm coming from southern Yunnan to Yandu, and I can be there in two hours."

"South Yunnan? So far? Two hours. Can you make it? The importance of Yandu, you know, make sure Yandu is safe! The general headquarters has issued support orders to the garrison war zones, and they will fully cooperate with the Shenfeng army! " Xu Xianming's voice was a little anxious, but he was still very powerful when he spoke.

"Commander Xu, don't worry!" Ye Tian responded firmly.

Putting down the phone, Xu Xianming looked at many generals around him and gave an order: "order all departments to strictly guard against sticking to the line and ensure the safety of Yandu. There are too few Shenfeng soldiers and too many tianwai friars. Ye Tianzheng is going back from southern Yunnan. It's estimated that he won't come much! "

"Yes, General Xu!" the generals saluted and left quickly.

On the other hand, after talking to Xu Xianming, ye Tian dials the Dragon demon. After he left Yandu yesterday, he called the Dragon demon and asked him to leave the Miluo palace.

"Dragon, where are you now?" After dialing the phone, ye Tian asked directly.

"God, I'm wandering in the sky. I haven't found any friars outside the sky for the time being!" The rough voice of dragon demon came from the phone.

"Where exactly?" Ye Tianman head black line asked, this dragon demon talk so unreliable!

"This is the North Sea." The Dragon demon replied.

"Go to Yandu immediately! Notice that those who wear Chinese clothes are friends, and those who wear ancient clothes are enemies. " Ye Tian is too lazy to continue the conversation. Beihai is so big that he can't explain the specific location. How can the Dragon demon run to the sea? Go to find Xiao Longnu?

Along the way, ye Tian even surpassed more than 30 armed helicopters and more than 10 fighter planes.

These planes are also heading for Yandu.

Halfway through, ye Tian reconfirmed the positions of the six Shenfeng army teams.

Among them, the group of eight old ruins, that is, the sixth group, is a little far away from Yandu. It is estimated that it will take some time to feel it.

The rest of the team should be earlier. Two teams are in place now.

Hearing that two groups have arrived at the designated area, ye Tian is a little relieved.

"Xu Daoyou, you become me. I hope you can play a deterrent role. The most important thing is to delay time and wait for me to come back!" Ye Tian dials Xu Xiao who has arrived at the location.

At this time, more than 500 li away from Yandu, more than 300 days outside the friars are fast approaching Yandu.

The military information of each garrison war zone along the way is reported to the general headquarters at the first time, and then pushed out by the general headquarters at the first time.

At present, the situation has been basically clear. The friars of tianwai came in the direction of Yandu. Unless they passed by Yandu and didn't start, that means they were just passing by.

But that's very unlikely.

As a result, the whole swallow is like a big enemy, full of tension everywhere.

"Commander in chief Xu, please return all the planes to fight. There are more than 300 friars. There are not enough planes to lose." Ye Tian looks at the picture in his mind. Some fighters have been flying to those friars in the air.

"In war, there must be sacrifice. No matter how much loss, the absolute security of Yandu must be guaranteed!" Xu Xianming returned with a voice.

"I, ye Tian, the leader of Shenfeng army, make sure to defeat all the invaders and ensure the safety of Yandu. In order to avoid unnecessary sacrifice, please give an order as soon as possible! Shenfeng army has 22 men in combat position! Make sure it's safe! " Ye Tian almost cried out these words. , the fastest update of the webnovel!