Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 938

"Ha ha, the old man is good. Can he ask and answer himself? Although the number of Shenfeng army is small, each of them is indomitable, and they obey orders absolutely. Eight old people in waste ruins can fight bayonets with friars in heaven, which I admire, but can you obey absolutely? " Ye Tian smiles and doesn't like it. It's hard for him to believe that this group of people who have been avoiding the world for many years can completely obey the orders. Ye Tian is responsible for the life and death of every member of the Shenfeng army in the city.

"Ha ha, don't worry, Lord Ye, our old lives are in your hands." The South cloud son of thin cheek laughs to say.

Ye Tian looked at the others, and the other five nodded solemnly.

"Well, I'll take you." Ye Tian finally agreed to take out eight special passes, eight mobile phones and power bank to them.

"Power on 24 hours a day, report any situation at any time, pay attention to group news!" The mobile phone has been completely set up, and the social number of the number of the mobile card has been pulled into the communication group. As long as it is online, it can be displayed in color in the group. Ye tianlue gives a few instructions after explaining.

Then let them take photos as head portraits, so that they can be displayed in the group, and the same group can see who is who, so as to avoid accidental injury when they don't know each other's identities in the future.

As for the last duckweed who didn't show up, ye Tian asked God operator to contact her. Eight old people in waste ruins were counted as a group, named group 6, and ye Tian arranged to go out on patrol.

Leaving Xiaoling mountain, ye Tian is in a good mood. Unexpectedly, eight old people in the wasteland actively join the sacred wind army, which is definitely a good thing.

And today, so far, there are very few attacks, far less than any other day in the past.

Even for several hours, the mobile phone has been quiet, the general headquarters has not sent out the enemy's information, and the other temple patrolling disciples have not found the enemy's information.

At this time, he flew straight south, away from Xiaoling mountain.

After more than three hours, yetian appeared outside Chonggu in southern Yunnan.

It seems no different from the last time he came here. The field of insect Valley is still there, and it is still full of miasma.

Ye Tian cast his eyes around the insect Valley and observed it carefully. He didn't find any abnormality. Then he flashed into it.

Then he let go of the five heartworms he was carrying and flew to the insect valley.

The last time I came in, because his cultivation was just in the middle of the sea view, there were some fourth-order spirit insects that could not be collected. Although I was very unwilling, I could only leave with regret.

Now he's already in the realm of Longmen, and he's close to the great perfection in the early stage of Longmen. His strength has been improved too much, so he must come here as soon as possible to catch more spirit insects.

Although there are eight old ruins to join, but the strength of the sacred wind army is still too weak, because he has to face not only the monks coming now, but also because he knows that with the passage of time, more and more monks will come, more and more powerful.

And the invasion of the demon world and the nether world will be a big trouble.

After more than ten miles in the insect Valley, ye Tian finally had his first harvest. It was a group of about 30 Sanxing Lianxin worms.

Last time in Chonggu, ye Tian saw a lot of Lianxin insects, but they were all in the central area of Chonggu. There were a lot of fourth-order spirit insects there. Ye Tian couldn't catch them.

This opportunity can't be missed. Now ye Tian doesn't need to be lured by heartworms. After Feng Dun is invisible, his mana turns into a big net. As soon as he catches it, he nets these heartworms in it.

Twenty minutes later, these heartworms fly out again with the brand of Ye Tian's mind.

The pictures in Ye Tian's mind suddenly increased by more than 30.

Soon, with the deepening of those heart worms, the image of insect Valley gradually spread out in Ye Tian's mind.

At this time, ye Tian stealthily flew to the front left. Six or seven miles away, a half foot long iron centipede was lying on the ground. It was the fourth-order spirit insect Ye Tian saw last time.

Ye Tian's mind moved, and sent out more than a thousand ants to eat Clematis. He flew to the centipede with a buzzing sound.

A piece of black light quickly came to the top of the iron centipede, then fell down and surrounded the iron centipede in a flash.

I do not know why, to see these wire ants, the iron centipede seems to be extremely afraid, even curled up into a ball, not even the courage to escape.

After more than ten breath, ye Tian has come near, and the small mirror in his hand sends out a white light to cover the iron centipede.

That iron centipede body shape slightly moves, wants to escape, but is forced by the iron line ant, then does not dare to move half a minute.

Ye Tian urges the small mirror to work properly again, which makes the cold heavier. In such a light, the iron centipede shows a slight sign of freezing.

With the increase of cultivation, the cold air that the little mirror spirit instrument can emit is more terrible under his urging, but ye Tian does not dare to urge too much. He is here to catch insects, not to kill them.

This strength is just right!

Ye Tian's cloud catching hand skill was immediately sent out. A big hand turned into magic power held the iron centipede in it and returned to Ye Tian.Release the power of the mind. Ye Tian quickly marks the field of the mind with the power of the mind. Before long, this iron centipede has become Ye Tian's spirit insect.

In the insect Valley, there is a five level python, which is equivalent to the human friars in Yuanying realm. Ye Tian tried to avoid this Python and started the follow-up action outside.

Because of the clear miasma pill, the miasma here has no effect on Ye Tian.

During this period, ye Tian's mobile phone rang several times, and some places were attacked by tianwai monks.

Because the number of tianwai friars is not many, ye Tian arranges a good hand to rescue, so he doesn't go there in person.

I believe that Murong Yan's temple disciples and the eight elders in the ruins will be able to cope with it.

Sure enough, it wasn't long before there was a reply from the Shenfeng army, four rescues and four great victories.

Although there have been some losses in the areas under attack, they are already very small compared with before.

Later, there was no more call coming in. I didn't know whether the monk was afraid or planning a bigger action.

Anyway, they have no follow-up action.

After staying in the insect Valley for nearly six or seven hours, ye Tian finally left here with satisfaction.

This time, the harvest is very big.

Besides the more than 30 lianxinchong, ye Tian got a total of 73 lianxinchong. With the previous 25 lianxinchong, the number of lianxinchong is quite considerable.

Four step iron centipede, three in all.

Four blood locusts, two.

Four step shadowless snake, two.

Four snow spiders, two.

Fourth order mantis, six.

Although they are all four steps, because of their small size, they can't be compared with these big spirit insects at all.

If it wasn't for the help of swarms of Clematis, it would take a lot of effort for ye Tian to capture these fourth-order spirit insects, and even whether he could succeed or not is a matter of two.

You know, it's much harder to capture them alive without any damage than to kill them.

Thanks to Ye Tian's small mirror, it played a very important role.

When he got out of the insect Valley, ye Tian immediately sent out the 73 new heartworms and flew in all directions. This broadened his vision.

There are more places under his watch.

Sitting cross legged on a big tree outside the insect Valley, ye Tian is not in a hurry to leave here, but carefully checks the pictures one by one.

At this time, he suddenly received a call from Yuan Ye.

"Master ye, where are you now?" Yuan Ye asked directly.

"In the south of Yunnan, patrol here to see if there are any tianwai friars. Major yuan, is there an enemy situation in the South China Sea? I don't think so. The situation in the South China Sea has always been under my control. " Ye Tian said that it was already midnight at this time. If there was nothing important, Yuan ye would not call him.

"There is no enemy situation in the South China Sea. It is calm here. The figure of Shenfeng army always appears in the sight of the public, and the people are very stable. I'm just calling to say thank you for your hard work Yuan Ye said in a low voice.

Ye Tian said with a smile, "Mr. Yuan, you are welcome. This is what we should do."

"Now that I'm not a major, I've been officially informed that I've been awarded the rank of major general. The Conferment Ceremony was held in Nanhai. The chief commander of the supreme Sergeant came here in person. Originally, he wanted to give a heavy reward to the Shenfeng army, but you fought all over the country, so you decided to give a reward later. I'm not a keen official. This is also the credit of your Shenfeng army. I'm calling to tell you that I won't let you down. " Yuan Ye said forcefully.

"OK, let's work together!" Ye Tian was also infected, simply said.

"Also, did you see the special broadcast tonight?" Yuan Ye asked again.

Ye Tian has been catching insects in the insect valley. He has no time to watch them.

Listen to Ye Tian said did not see, Yuan Ye immediately sent Ye Tian a website: "there is, you see, Shenfeng army, great.". Look forward to your greater victory

With that, Yuan Ye hung up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!