Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 914

Ye Tian doesn't know what the big plot of the dark one is.

But ye Tian knows that they are sending dark monks to earth one after another, which may be part of the plot.

What's more, their unbridled plundering of mortals and making blood puppets are enough to illustrate some problems.

The dark monk who searched for his soul, because his level was too low, had very limited knowledge, and ye Tian had very limited access to valuable things.

Thinking of Wan Zunyou, ye Tian gestured and took out the mask.

"I didn't expect that this object could detonate the ban in Wan Zun you's body. Doesn't it mean that it can also detonate the monks who have been banned the same way?"

Ye Tian thought so, and looked at the mask carefully, confirming that there was no change before entering the square inch field.

It seems that the ban of detonating ten thousand distinguished friends is not used once. Hua Xu once said that wearing it on the face can promote three levels.

Taking it out and wearing it on his face are obviously two different things!

safely put away the mask, and ye Tian began to think about alchemy and improving his strength.

Time goes by bit.

Ye Tian, who finished refining pills, began to swallow pills to practice.

I don't know how many days

Under the support of a large number of elixirs for a long time, ye Tian in his cultivation suddenly shocked and burst out with great momentum.

"At last, I entered the Longmen area. From then on, I was free to roam

Ye Tian was so surprised and happy that he opened his eyes and stood up.

After a little rest, ye Tian took out the beast ring from the insect Valley in southern Yunnan before he could consolidate his realm.

Start to grab the wire from the inside, and the ants recognize the master.

Ye Tian is so anxious to break through to the Longmen realm, the most important thing is to greatly enhance the power of his mind, so as to get more iron line ants.

The advantages of doing so are obvious, but the disadvantages are also extremely obvious.

If you don't consolidate the previously unstable state through long-term cultivation, or merge mana through a lot of fighting, the cultivation in the future will become more and more difficult.

Even so, if we want to break through to the mid-term of Longmen, we can't do it in a short time.

Dan Yao is a double-edged sword.

Good use is like a fish in water, bad use is to encourage, drink poison to quench thirst.

The advantages and disadvantages are very clear in Ye Tian's mind.

Tall buildings can't be built without a good foundation. If you have to build them hard, you can only see them rise and collapse.

After the breakthrough, ye Tian's mind was nearly twice as powerful as one. Not only that, but also his six senses were extremely keen.

The feeling that everything between heaven and earth seems to be in control has come back.

From the sea view to the Longmen view, it is no more than a breakthrough between the small states of the sea view. This is a breakthrough in a big state as a whole, and it is a promotion of strength and quality.

Just like now, it's much easier for ye Tian to recognize the Lord again. Even some weak wire ants don't need to use a small mirror.

And those who need to use a small mirror to assist the spirit of the wire ant, is certainly extremely powerful existence.

This time, ye Tian reaped the most. In the end, the army of Clematis increased by more than 4000.

Up to now, nearly half of the total number of Reticulitermes have been identified.

In order to maximize the fighting power of the ant, ye Tian spent a lot of precious spiritual materials to refine more than ten of the original pills.

The two thousand years of Houttuynia cordata, ye Tian also consumed nearly 30%.

After taking it, ye Tian waited for some time, until all of them recovered, and then he was ready to leave.

Of course, during this period, he did not favor one over the other, and other spirit insects also took suitable pills.

From the underground, ye Tian walked out of the mansion and came to the street.

A moment later, he finally knew that the city was called Shuangjing city. In retrospect, ye Tian had a general idea of his own position.

It's about 130000 li away from the blessed land of Qingming. For the great monk of Yupu, this distance is nothing, but for ye Tian, it's not very close.

Out of Shuangjing City, ye Tian starts flying with his sword. In order not to attract attention, ye Tian controls his speed and seems to match his accomplishments.

Half a day later, ye Tian, who was flying, suddenly changed his direction.

There is a monk in the distance, who is flying here. Ye Tian doesn't want to deal with people who have nothing to do with him, so he just wants to avoid it.

Who knows, the other side is still chasing Ye Tian.

Induction of each other's realm, about the middle of Jindan realm, ye Tian also slowly stopped flying sword.

The friars in this realm should be able to deal with themselves. After such a long time, why does the other side still come to him?

The reason is that ye Tian wants to understand that if he is just a murderer, ye Tian doesn't mind spending time with him.The man was dressed in a grey shirt and a lock of beard. He was middle-aged, and seemed to be in a very dusty condition.

Not far from ye Tian, the friar looked at Ye Tian and said, "where are you from? Get back to who you are. "

The reason for this is that this man's cultivation has already discovered the subtle mana fluctuation on Ye Tian's face, which represents that this face is what it looks like after the change.

Ye Tiangong arched his hand and asked: "excuse me, this elder, why do you want to look at your true colors and change your appearance outside, just to avoid the enemy's attention. It's a bit hard for me to say that. "

Ye Tian deliberately shows weakness and humbly calls each other the elder. That is to make everything look like a monk in the early stage of the common Longmen realm.

In the field of square inch, regardless of age, those who have reached a certain level are teachers. Naturally, those who have reached a high level should call their predecessors. As for how to call those who have a low level, it all depends on the mood or mentality of those who have reached a high level. There are many people who call brothers, Taoists, bunnies and ants.

"Younger generation, what so much nonsense, let you restore the original appearance, restore the original appearance, otherwise I search your soul."

That friar is a pair of condescending appearance, not only arrogantly called Ye Tian "junior", but also sternly threatened Ye Tian.

Ye Tian frowned and drove the flying sword down quickly.

"I want to go!" The friar yelled, his body was like electricity, and he grabbed Ye Tian.

Ye Tian instantly accelerates and falls to the ground like a big stone. He is caught by the other party.

"It seems that you have a ghost in your heart?" The friar snorted coldly, and suddenly a big hand turned into mana roared at Ye Tian. It looked like Mo Yun's hand that ye Tian had used.

"Well, it's not that I want to go, but It's too eye-catching to kill you in the sky, so... "

Ye Tian said in the mouth, the body shape one dodges, dodges that big hand with the incredible speed.

Almost at the same time, hundreds of wire ants were released by him, and all the shadows rushed towards the friar.

The iron line ant was too fast. The monk only came to use the unearthed armor, and the iron line ant had already jumped on him.

As soon as the monk's face changed, his mana was shocked and dozens of iron line ants flew away. However, the rest of the iron line ants bit the monk's soil armour and began to eat the monk.

Ye Tian's place is close to the ground and in the mountains. It's very hidden and the chance of being found is very small.

Friar Jindan didn't give up. He burst out a strong momentum again. He tried to shake off the wire ant, but he failed.

Immediately fire attribute mana urges, the whole body ignites the fire, but this move is also futile.

Ordinary invisible flame can't help Clematis.

The monk's face was a little ugly, and he sent out a death talisman in his hand.

In a twinkling, as if a golden cicada had fallen out of its shell, a transparent light and shadow appeared in the monk's position, but he himself was three feet away.

It's strange that the wire ant, which has already penetrated into the monk's body, is caught in the double of light and shadow. It seems that it can't get out for a while.

And the monk was dripping with blood, staring at Ye Tian ferociously, gritting his teeth and saying, "are you a disciple of yulingzong?"

"Are you blind?"

Ye Tian coldly said a word, the idea moves again, this time he called out more than 1000 iron line ants, to that friar a rush and go.


The friar exclaimed, and the imperial sword fled, but it was faster than the mutant Clematis. In particular, the two pairs of wings have been able to fly the wire ant is surprisingly fast, almost a flash of shadow has caught up with the friar.

This time, the monk's hands and feet were bitten off by the iron thread ants. Even after the iron thread ants entered his elixir field, they broke his cultivation. Even the gold elixir which was hard to cultivate inside was eaten by the iron thread ants.

Let the friar keep shouting, ye Tian went over, pointed at him, so that he could no longer make any sound, and then began to search for his soul.

After a long time, ye tianzhang vomited and killed him. Take the Xumi commandment, pop up a cluster of flames to burn this person.

But at this time, ye Tian did not have the joy of victory, but his heart was heavier. , the fastest update of the webnovel!