Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 913

Until nearly early in the morning, all the people had soup and porridge.

At this time, ye Tian had already refined ten pills.

A white elixir is thrown into the pool first. This elixir can dissolve the drugs in the pool.

The other nine pills are pills to promote the recovery of life, all of which are put into the pool by Ye Tian.

Later, ye Tian added three drops of Zaohua liquid to it.

Do these well, ye genius let everyone help each other, into the pool.

There has long been a strong vitality in the pool. What ye Tian has to do is to return these vitality and replenish their vitality.

Time goes by bit.

Three or four hours later, people came ashore one after another.

At this time, people have been completely different from before, all of them have recovered their strength, are no longer skin and bone, and are in a good mental state.

Although compared with the healthy time, there is still a lot of gap, but after a certain period of recovery, it is sure to recover as before.

Can achieve this degree, already is the limit that leaf day can pay.

If you give them Chuanghua liquid directly, they will recover immediately. But ye Tian's Chuanghua liquid is life-saving liquid. There are too many people here, and ye Tian can't afford to consume it.

Even so, it consumed a lot of his talent. Fortunately, he came out of the world of ten thousand spirits. Otherwise, without talent, ye Tian would be helpless.

For now, all they need is time.

Look at everyone's action, ye Tian took out some gold bars to give them, let them go home.

There are all these people living in, and ye Tian can't send them back one by one.

In this way, all the talents left the compound with great gratitude.

When everyone is gone, ye Tian's face is more and more ugly.

"Friar of darkness!"

His teeth rattled.

Seize the vitality of ordinary people and cultivate their skills.

After seizing life, these people were refined into blood puppets for some kind of cruel sacrifice.

In doing so, the dark friar almost lost his humanity.

We don't know how many dens there are in the square inch spiritual realm. Every day, a large number of mortals are sent into the dark abyss to accept the more tragic fate.

Unfortunately, the dark abyss is the stronghold of the dark friars, in which the strong are like clouds. Now ye Tian is powerless.

The dark friars who did this did not meet each other, and ye Tian did not know where the other strongholds were. Although he was anxious, he was powerless.

Or the strength is too weak!

Ye Tian sighed, put away the magic weapon cave, then jumped into the pool and ran down to the earth.

Although the work of this magic weapon cave is rough, it is still a magic weapon after all, and its use is not small. If the dark friars didn't do it, I'm afraid it would not be their turn to have such a good thing.

After hundreds of feet underground, ye Tian creates space and enters the space-time tower.

"Ye Tian, where are we? Is it still in the world of souls? " As soon as he came in, Qin Luoshen asked with surprise.

It seems that she hasn't practiced in this period of time, just waiting for herself!

"No, I've left the world of ten thousand spirits, and now I'm still in the realm of spirit. I wanted to return to the earth, but I had a little trouble. I'll stay for a while and then make plans." Ye Tian returns simply.

"Good! That's good! "

Qin Luoshen said twice: "do you know? I'm worried to death. I'm afraid that if you can't get out of the world, there will be another accident. "

Ye Tian rubbed Qin Luo Shen's head and said with a smile: "silly girl, don't worry, I know it. Even if I die, I will release you first, or you may be buried with me. By the way, is Xianyu enough? "

Qin Luoshen nodded: "there are many more, enough for the time being!"

The Lingyu mentioned by Ye Tian is not for the cultivation of Qin Luoshen, but for the operation of the space-time tower. The field of the space-time tower depends entirely on Lingyu as energy, which costs a lot.

Ye Tian also gave Qin Luoshen many spirit jade, let her change regularly.

After greeting Yu Qing and Yu Chan again, ye Tian's eyes fall on Xiao Li Zi, who is still sleeping.

It's like I can't wake up forever.

Then, ye Tian ignored it and began to do his own business.

Qin Luoshen knows that every time ye Tian comes in, he must have something to deal with or encounter danger. Otherwise, there are so many things to do, and ye Tian has no time.

The first thing ye Tian did was to give pills to more than 1100 Clematis.

Ye Tian urgently needs them to change again and break out a greater fighting capacity.

In the world of ten thousand souls, the first exploration with the elder monster shows that the current tiexian ant is still too weak.

As for the Clematis who had already taken the pill, ye Tian tried it. When he took the pill again, he didn't fall asleep. Moreover, the improvement of his strength was gradual and steady. Although the speed was not slow, there was no explosive growth of taking the pill for the first time.Now, in his spirit beast ring, ye Tian keeps enough spirit jade all the time. After being eaten by spirit insects, ye Tian can improve his cultivation as much as possible.

Later, ye Tian began to count the seized Xumi commandments.

It's a long and patient affair. After all, there were too many Xumi commandments captured from Yuanying laoguai in the last battle.

Some of them are empty and have nothing. Ye Tian recognizes that some of them are thrown away after they have been transferred. Maybe it was picked back by the old monster.

There are many different things in most Xumi precepts.

I don't know how long it took for ye Tian to stretch his arm and stretch his waist a little tired. Finally, all the counting work has been completed.

But there was a satisfied smile on his face.

There are more than 3100 Xumi commandments, a huge fortune.

Lingyu alone adds up to 1.4 million yuan.

Each of those friars didn't have a lot of Lingyu, many of which were thousands, and few of which were dozens. But the number of people who can't stand it is huge. It's an astronomical number.

Ye Tian took every 100000 yuan as a unit and earned it in Xumi bag. Ye Tian seized hundreds of these Xumi bags, which are enough to use.

There are countless spiritual tools and magic weapons, which are arranged in more than a dozen sutras by Ye Tian. These are the wealth of the future Miluo palace.

Little moving sign One hundred sixty-seven.

This is also a huge number. Ye Tian guesses that it is very likely that those friars were killed by the Yuanying old monster before they could use the small moving symbol, otherwise they would not have left these things.

Death talisman, there are only three in it.

This number is absolutely small. In the picture sent back from heart to heart, ye Tian has seen a monk use death talisman to survive.

It is estimated that these three pictures were dead before they could be used.

The rest of the refining materials, monster materials are also very large.

Ye Tian is most concerned about spiritual materials. There are as many as 7000 jade boxes alone, and even several spiritual materials have reached the level of Siraitia grosvenorii, which are extremely precious.

This surprised Ye Tian a lot.

Among these spiritual materials seized, they have different functions, and not a few of them can assist Ye Tian and spiritual insects in refining.

But most of them are useless to Ye Tian for the time being, because the level of lingcai is low, which is suitable for the early and middle stage of Dongfu or Guanhai.

For example, Qin Luoshen.

Even so, it has far exceeded Ye Tian's expectations.

Put these spiritual materials Ye Tian into different categories, put labels on them, and finally check the Xumi commandment of the Yuanying old monster.

There are only a few hundred pieces of Lingyu in it. It seems that the Yuanying old monster is not very good. There are only three magic weapons, not even a half immortal soldier.

But ye Tian found a jade slip in it.

Under curiosity, ye Tian pastes the jade slips on his forehead and looks at them. When he reads the contents, ye Tian's face becomes dignified.

After a while, the jade slips moved away from her forehead and began to ponder.

This jade slip is not something like Gongfa or Shufa, but the old monster's legacy.

In the jade slips, he claimed to be Wan Zunyou, a sanxiu. He was captured by the Shura king family under the command of the Dark Lord, and was severely forbidden in his body, forcing him to do some evil things. If one day, he fell, I hope those who have been hurt by him don't resent him. If they want revenge, they will seek revenge from the king of Shura.

What's more, it also said that the forbidden friars like him didn't know how much they were. The king of Shura did a lot of secret actions and was brewing a big conspiracy. The specific Wan Zun friends didn't know.

So much!

There must be something hateful about a poor man. Ye Tian doesn't feel for people like Wan Zunyou. He would rather die than do what he doesn't want to do. It's too mean to expect revenge from others after he died while living a loathing life!

However, the news here aroused Ye Tian's attention. , the fastest update of the webnovel!