Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 905

"Don't worry. I've already seen it. I can't rush there without a moment's delay." Ye Tian said without changing his face, and then cried out: "all Taoist friends listen, those friars in front of you don't care, they rush directly."

"I understand!" Several responses came from behind.

"What if I can't get there? Can I call you? " Murong Yan asked anxiously, because the number of monks was a little too large. It seemed that there were at least 100 monks.

"It's impossible not to rush through!"


Murong Yan also want to say what, ye Tian has thought a move, from the spirit beast ring called out more than 300 iron line ants.

Those wire ants came out as a group, but they changed their flight route when they flew to the front of Ye Tian, and began to intersperse irregularly.

Ye Tian adjusts their position at any time. After more than ten breath, those wire ants are not so messy at last.

And it can be clearly seen that there are four big characters in the flight Here comes the worm!

And in high-speed flight, still maintain the font.

"Two more embellishments..."

Ye Tian murmured and released two blood locusts again, flying on both sides of the big character.

"Not enough!"

Ye Tian once again called out two Hades mantis, one on the left and one on the right, following the blood locust.

"What's the matter, bull?"

Looking at his masterpiece, ye Tian turns his head and looks at the stunned Murong Yan.

"Can you still play like this?" Murong Yan gives Ye Tian a thumbs up and looks at many monks who are getting closer and closer to each other.

"What is that?"

"Insect demon..."

"The insect demon arrived..."

When it was close enough, someone in the crowd opposite called out.

"Spread out, it's the bug devil!" It seems that someone knows the power of the insect devil, and quickly gives a voice to remind him.

More than 100 friars immediately separated and avoided far away.

When the line ant flies to the gap where the other side lets it out, suddenly the two sides are divided, the font disappears, and the left and the right are suspended in the air to guard against the friars on both sides.

Ye Tian also stayed here. After all the disciples of the temple passed, he took many spirit insects to chase after him.

Looking at this strange scene, the monks gathered together and talked for a moment, then continued to fly forward.

"Daoyou really has a way to let me know! Among them are the people from Qingyuan cave, the Li family's children from Moyun mountain, and the monks from demon island They don't know about that old monster yet Murong Yan waited for ye Tian for a moment, and said with a smile.

"It should be known soon!" Ye Tian said coldly, as if without a trace of emotion.

"Come here and have a rest!" They flew more than 50 li away again. Looking at a mountain in front of them, ye Tian took the lead in flying up.

When others rest, ye Tian also sits down with his knees crossed, while continuing to refine the power of pills, while observing the picture in his mind.

More than half an hour later, ye Tian suddenly stood up and said in a loud voice: "start at once!"

Then he stepped on the black and red sword and wanted to fly in the same direction. Behind him, Murong Yan and many Temple monks followed closely.

A group of people like wind and lightning, rolling forward.

After flying more than 300 Li, ye Tian pointed down: "see? The friars I met just now have become corpses

Murong Yan and others looked down, but they could see some bodies vaguely, but they were not the people they met before, but she could not distinguish them.

"Can you go down and have a look?" Murong Yan asked tentatively. She was afraid that ye Tian would refuse or scold herself.

Who knows, ye Tian slightly a ponder, then agreed to her proposal.

"Only one look, not too long."

With a word, ye Tian quickly landed on the ground. When he was six or seven feet away from the ground, he suddenly changed a direction and flew to the high altitude.

Murong Yan and other temple disciples didn't need Ye Tian's command, so they naturally followed him and refused to lag behind.

As for the height just now, the disciples of the temple have already seen it clearly. It's really the group of monks in Qingyuan cave that they met before, and all the Xumi Commandments on their hands have disappeared.

There was no body but them.

Moreover, the scattered area of the corpses was very small. It can be seen that this was an encounter. Even the monks could not escape a certain distance. Basically, they were killed directly where they met.

I'm afraid these skills, as ye Tian said, are the work of old monsters above Yuanying.

Because in the field of square inch, any force, even if it is a coalition of forces several times larger than theirs, can not do this.

At least, when you can't fight, you can escape, and how can you pull a few cushions. In the world of ten thousand spirits, at such a critical moment, even if one's fellow disciples died, at most one of them was burned, no one could go around with the corpse.What I saw just now, there was no trace of fire.

After this incident, the bottom of everyone's heart was hammered, and there was no fluke. Although they never met the elder monster, he did exist.

"Daoyou, if you didn't lead us to escape, I think the disciples of our temple would have died several times?" Murong Yan followed Ye Tian, thinking of the current situation, said happily.

"Bullshit, once you die, how many times do you say you die Ye Tian turned his mouth and said with disdain.

"Ha ha ha..."

A burst of laughter came from behind, and the atmosphere was not so oppressive.

"Look, those bodies are the ones of the friars of qiankunwu who were killed in the first place." All the way to fly, along the way saw a lot of bodies, ye Tian did not pay attention to, until he met a group, ye genius said with a finger.

Murong Yan nodded in silence. Her face turned white. She said nervously, "Daoyou, how many monks are still alive in the world of spirits?"

"There should be less than 300 people. What's the name of the traitor in the temple? The night one also died in the hands of the old devil!" Ye Tian immediately returned.

"Three hundred? Shall we be the next batch? " Murongyan shuddered.

"Certainly not!" Ye Tianyan said chiselly.

"That's great. So we're safe?" Murong Yan looks relaxed.

"Don't be too happy. The next batch isn't us. It doesn't mean the next batch isn't us! Because now the old devil will meet the next batch you said. Well, he has already met. Kill him

Ye Tian talks about it with almost no emotion, completely talking about things that have nothing to do with his life and death.

Murong Yan and the temple disciples felt relaxed and relaxed, as if they were on a roller coaster.

"What shall we do? Do you fly like this all the time? There are still two days to go before the closing of the Soul Valley. The mana will be exhausted! " Murong Yan asked anxiously.

"Well, don't worry. Since I'm still in the mood to joke, it's enough to show that I can take you away alive. Everyone's following closely. It's going to take a long flight. Even if you use up the last bit of mana, you can't fall behind. " With that, ye Tian changed his direction and quickened his pace.

Next, he took the team and changed direction three times. After flying for more than three hours, he came to a forest.

"Daoyou, there's miasma in the woods. How can you go down?" Murong Yan saw Ye Tian falling into the woods and felt the thick miasma in the woods. She couldn't help asking.

"I know there's a miasma, but it's relatively safe here." When ye Tian spoke, he had fallen to a vertical hole.

"Everyone go in, don't step on the ground, go straight into the cave. Before the secret room at the bottom of the cave, don't use tudun to open another road. Be quick!" Ye TianChao pointed at the entrance of the cave and said quickly.

Xu Xiao was the first to jump in, and then the disciples of the temple jumped into the cave one by one.

This hole was made by the mountain piercing beast of Shenjian sect. It is thick and thin enough to accommodate the normal body.

"Daoyou, how do you know there are holes here?" Murong Yan asked curiously.

"I lived, OK? Why are you so curious as a hundred thousand whys? You also go in. Don't always follow me. It's important to protect your life. I'll do the things after the break. "

Hear ye Tian some impatient appearance, Murong Yan some depressed, but hear the last sentence, her eyes bright, really strange warm!

He cares about me!

But ye Tian said so, but Murong Yan didn't really go down. Until all her classmates entered the cave, Murong Yan said again: "do you want to fill this cave? Otherwise, the elder monster might see it! "

"No, it will be discovered. Don't ask why? I'll go underground later, and I'll make it clear to you. " Ye TianChao has been urging the road.

After Murong Yan goes in, ye Tian glances at the entrance of the cave, sucks his palm, picks up a hair that Murong Yan has lost, and then falls into the cave. , the fastest update of the webnovel!