Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 901

Murong Yan has already made preparations, waiting for ye Tian's words. Ye Tian has already sent a message to let the disciples of the temple defend themselves. They can't attack blindly.

At this time, she put the sword into the air and drank a word: "kill!"

It's not feminine!

The temple monks, who had been fighting for a long time, rushed out like meteors and went after the monks of Dongzhen ruins and Guangtian temple.

Almost at the same time, ye Tian's mind moved again. The clematis, who were gnawing at Tian Biao and Du Tianze's corpse, suddenly flew up and scattered around in groups to kill the fleeing monks.




Ye Tian is also a continuous hand, fierce sword waving again and again, harvesting the lives of the enemy friars.

For the temple, it was a downwind battle, and there was no pressure!

However, it is a nightmare for the monks in Dongzhen market and Guangtian temple.

They are not only hunted down by the temple disciples who have already taken advantage of the number, but also guard against the attack of spirit insects that may appear at any time. Moreover, some Clematis come and go like flies, and come up and bite at any time.

The most terrible thing is the insect demon. I don't know where and when it will appear, but as soon as it appears, there will surely be a companion who will be killed by it. It's really hard to prevent.

The monks in Guangtian temple and Dongzhen ruins have no fighting spirit. Their only hope is that they can escape in this scuffle.

However, this small request is really a very difficult luxury for them.

One monk died one after another, and the scope of pursuing and killing gradually expanded, but it only ended here.

The monks of Guangtian temple and Dongzhen ruins can't escape further, because there are always some iron line ants coming and going like flies, blocking their way


Ye Tian releases three newly awakened Clematis and a blood locust again, points to a monk in Dongzhen market in the distance, and the Clematis and the blood locust immediately fly away, only to reach the man's back in a flash

When ye Tian commanded the spirit insects and led the temple monks to pursue and kill the monks of Guangtian temple and Dongzhen market, he was on a mountain more than 200 li away from Wanling valley.

In a hall of exquisite workmanship, a middle-aged monk in his forties is sitting on a stone chair made of jade.

This hall is not made of stone or other building materials, but is made of precious refining materials. It is engraved with wonderful runes, which can form a powerful defensive field array when stimulated.

The hall as a whole is a magic weapon.

Different from the space-time tower possessed by Ye Tian, the function of this cave magic weapon is limited to living and cultivation, and the time flow rate is the same as that of the outside world.

Even a magic weapon with such a function is extremely expensive and rare in the square inch spiritual realm. After all, the materials needed to build such a magic weapon cave are not affordable by ordinary monks. What's more, people at the master level need to have the ability to make weapons.

The middle-aged monk in the hall seems to be used to everything in the cave. His attention is focused on a wooden frame made of purple sandalwood on the stone table in front of him.

The wooden shelf is like a simplified version of a bookshelf. There are small wooden lattices on it, just like a honeycomb. Inside, there are jade slips of different colors.

The middle-aged man was surrounded by two monks, a man and a woman, who were also looking at the wooden frame. They exchanged glances with each other from time to time and looked depressed.


All of a sudden, a jade slip on the red sandalwood shelf suddenly burst, and then the white jade slip, which was as clear as tallow, split a gap, and the color became gray.

The two friars and nuns looked at each other again and did not speak.

The middle-aged friar sitting on the jade chair stared at the jade slip coldly and kept silent.

"Pa!" After more than ten breath, another jade slip on the red sandalwood shelf made a sound, and then burst open again.

"This trip to the world of ten thousand souls is abnormal! In just half a month, so many disciples have been damaged. The upper world is close to the closing of the world of souls, and there are a lot of casualties. I don't know what's going on inside now? Yunxiu, is there any news from other forces? " The middle-aged monk glanced at the broken jade slip and stood up with a gloomy look. He didn't care which disciple died. The disciples who could be sent to the world of ten thousand souls certainly didn't play a very important role in the sect. Otherwise, he is really a core disciple, and the sect is reluctant to send him to the world of ten thousand spirits. After all, the average survival rate there is only 30%.

Hearing the question, the man immediately replied: "elder six, this time we are not the sect that has damaged the most disciples. It is said that the soul slips of a large number of disciples of Shenjian sect were broken a few days ago, and nearly half of them were damaged. Other forces suffered casualties to varying degrees, without exception. Just now, in a short period of time, nearly 30 disciples were damaged. It's really incredible. I don't know if other forces have the same situation. "Hearing this, the middle-aged monk pondered for a moment and said, "there are 13 days left before the world of ten thousand spirits will be closed. I came here to see the situation. Since the situation inside is so strange, I will stay here for a while and wait for the world of ten thousand spirits to close, so that my disciples will not be robbed when they come out."

The two friars, male and female, all looked happy when they heard what the six elders said. You should know that the six elders' cultivation is in the late stage of the transformation of the divine realm. If he comes forward, he will be safe.

On the other side of the valley, on the same towering mountain, there is a tower shaped Magic Cave.

This is the headquarters of Dongzhen market in wanlingguo.

On the first floor of the tower, the space is very spacious. Five friars are standing on one side of the tower wall, looking at the jade slips placed on it.

Some broken jade slips were selected and placed on the table beside them.

"After a while, more than 20 disciples fell. What happened inside? Is the final snatch ahead of schedule? " An ordinary middle-aged nun said anxiously.

A middle-aged monk with dark complexion nearby said: "in the world of all souls, anything can happen. It is very likely that he has encountered a powerful monster or fought with other forces. Not only our Dongzhen market, but also the disciples of Guangtian temple and Sanling mountain are seriously damaged. Now it's not the most important thing to care about how many people will die. The most important thing is to wait for the disciples to leave the world, and don't suffer any accidents! "

"I think it's better to get in touch with some elders. Only when they come forward can they make sure that everything is safe," another monk with short beard pondered

The dark complexion of the middle-aged monk is Luan Ping, the leader of Lingyun peak in Dongzhen market. He leads his disciples to Wanling Valley to take charge of the whole situation. The other two peak leaders help him. After listening to the short bearded peak leader's words, he thinks about it a little and says, "well, I'll contact the sect elder so that I can be prepared."

As the leader of a sect, the great friars who have reached the Yupu realm are all on the way to further their cultivation. On weekdays, they basically ask about the trivial affairs of the sect. Even if the world of ten thousand spirits is opened, the leader of Dongzhen market only tells him another thing. He will pass on the spiritual materials he has obtained first, and then he will discuss the merits and reward them, and then he won't ask any more.

All the affairs of the sect can only be referred to the elders. For the patriarch, even if the world of souls is opened, it is a small matter.

This kind of situation happens every day in the valley of spirits. The leader of each sect is concerned about the casualties of his sect and makes various arrangements for the closing of the world of spirits.

In the headquarters of the temple, the old woman who led the team sat on a futon with her knees crossed. She was squinting and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Lord medicine!" A young nun came into the room and called softly.

"What can I find out?" The old woman slowly opened her eyes and asked calmly.

"Lord Hui Yao Wang, he inquired about more than a dozen clans and families. All the people who entered the valley were injured and killed to varying degrees. In this way, our temple is still the least damaged!" The young woman said with a smile.

The old woman shook her head slightly: "you are too happy. It's still a while before the closing of the Spirit Valley. The temple has never entered the spirit world before. But I know a lot about it. When the boundary is closed, all the monks in the valley will gather in the transmission area. It is only then that the war begins, and the general casualties occur during that period of time. Because the teleportation area is too small, if you want to leave the spirit world, you have to occupy a place in the teleportation area.

"If you want to pick spiritual materials in it and wait for the next time when the world of ten thousand spirits opens, it's impossible. Every time the world of ten thousand souls opens, I've never seen a monk left over from the last time, so to stay is to die! "

"I hope my temple disciples can live a few more lives this time. If it wasn't for that reason, our temple people don't have to go to the muddy water!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!