Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 900

Ye Tian's words are arrogant and overbearing, and contain provocation.

Some monks in Shiguang Temple of heaven and Dongzhen ruins have the taste of nothing.

After hearing this, Tian Biao and Du Tianze stop and look at ye Tianlai suspiciously.

Suddenly, Du Tianze burst out laughing: "insect demon, do you think you can scare us just by your name? If you're so good, why didn't you do it? Not only don't dare to do it, but also use empty words to intimidate us? You're just a little bit of sea watching. Do you think I'm really afraid of you? Then, let me, Du Tianze, understand the means of your insect demon! "

As he spoke, Du Tianze's momentum suddenly broke out, his long hair was windless, his clothes were flying, his hands were in the air, and a black short gun suddenly appeared out of the air. In a flash, his fingers changed from one meter long to one meter long, and he shot at Ye Tian with a little tremor.

With a cold smile, ye Tianqing's feet did not move at all. The fierce flying sword was in his hand, and his wrist turned slightly. The dazzling sword was like the wind and cloud stirring, generating a high-speed rotating red black vortex.

As soon as the black gun flashed, it just shot into the whirlpool, and a piercing sound of iron ware came out from the whirlpool. People couldn't see the situation in the whirlpool, but they saw many black debris flying out of it, splashing in all directions.

The whirlpool suddenly disappears with Ye Tian's sword power, revealing Ye Tian's red and black fierce sword, while Du Tianze's black gun can no longer be seen.

"Dare to destroy my magic weapon!" Du Tianze seems to be extremely angry. When he pinches the knack in the air, three two foot long swords suddenly appear in front of his chest, one up and two down, in the shape of Pinzi. The light of the sword shoots at Ye Tian again.

Ye Tian screams, moves, and shoots away against the three flying swords. The red and black light shines again, with three sounds. Du Tianze's three flying swords are cut in half by Ye Tian again.

Du Tianze is not angry because his flying sword is destroyed by Ye Tian. He just stares at Ye Tian's fierce flying sword like a poisonous snake, and does not hide his greed.

"Tian Daoyou, the insects and demons are just like this. The people in the temple dare not fight now. They should be just bluffing. It's better to kill them. I only want his sword and let Tian Daoyou choose the rest."

Seeing that Tian Biao's eyes also fell on Ye Tian's sword, Du Tianze had an idea and said.

"Well, let's rely on our own abilities! Go

Fearing that Du Tianze would take the lead in winning the flying sword, Tian Biao immediately waved the sword in the air and rushed to Ye Tian like a meteor.

"Well come!"

Ye Tian's eyes twinkle, and his mind goes into the spirit beast. In an instant, nearly a hundred Clematis appear in front of Ye Tian, and then they fly in front of Tian Biao like a black light. The speed of these Clematis is increasing very fast, and their flying distance is almost negligible. It seems that as soon as they appear, they are already on Tian Biao.

Tian Biao's reaction was quick. He was always on guard against Ye Tian. As soon as the ant appeared, he was already a continuous agglomerating soil beetle.

The speed is not fast!

However, as soon as the two soil beetles were gathered, the Clematis had already stuck to the body, and the sound of gnawing appeared. The Clematis were gnawing at the soil beetle he inspired.


Tian Biao's heart was filled with awe. The ants were not only on his front, but also on his back, shoulders and legs. They were very scattered. Some of them even flew to his eyes. At this time, Tian Biao was extremely shocked, and his momentum burst out, and his mana was surging, trying to shock the wire ant.

At the same time, hands in front of a fierce grasp, toward a few impact on the face of the wire ant to grasp.

The wire ant was very flexible. He didn't know how to dodge Tian Biao's attack. Instead, it fell on the back of his hand and began to gnaw.


Tian Biao only felt a sharp pain behind him and let out a scream. The wire ant on the back of his hand didn't give him any feeling. The soil beetle behind him had been bitten by the wire ant and continued to gnaw at his body.

All this happened in a very short moment. At this time, the Allied forces of Guangtian temple and Dongzhen market were still rushing towards Ye Tian, but the speed was slower than Tian Biao.

At the front is Du Tianze of the temple of light. Seeing Tian Biao attacked by tiexian ants, he is not surprised but happy. He doesn't mean to rescue Tian Biao at all. Instead, he takes Ye Tian with another flying sword.

"The temple disciples can defend, they can't attack!"

Ye Tian gives a big drink, and his mind moves again. Nearly a hundred Clematis are called out by him, and they rush to Du Tianze with a buzzing sound. This period of time delay, finally let these nearly 100 Clematis to wake up, ye Tian's efforts are not in vain.

"Ah? What else do you have

As soon as Du Tianze's face changed, he exclaimed in such a way that the wire ant had already entangled himself.

"Everyone, kill the wormlike, kill the wormlike at all costs!"

Du Tianze was so frightened that he cried out. At the same time, he made a gesture and wrapped himself in a blazing flame, trying to burn the terrible wire ant in this way.However, he underestimated the protection ability of Clematis. These fourth-order Clematis are equivalent to the golden elixir realm of the human race. Although they are small in size and have various shortcomings, their own defense ability is not what ordinary fire attributes can do.

Wire ant does not care about the burning of the flame, Gu zipu in Du Tianze's body crazy devouring.

After taking pills, refining and waking up, the phagocytic ability of Clematis is more than twice as high as before, because its body size becomes larger and its harmfulness is much stronger.

Since Du Tianze and Tian Biao have been on the road, in Ye Tian's heart, they have been sentenced to death.

At this time, the disciples of Guangtian temple and Dongzhen market were crazy and rushed up. These monks in Longmen realm were also very fierce. They all knew that killing the insect demon yetian could save Tianbiao and Du Tianze.

As a result, all of them are brave and fearless of death!

Nearly a hundred friars' fighting is so fierce.

It's a pity that when they are about to rush to Ye Tian's front, suddenly the figure flashes, and ye Tian's trace has been lost in front of them.




But they didn't give up. Countless attacks fell down, attacking the nearby void, any position Ye Tian might hide.

This kind of random attack may only limit Ye Tian's range of activities, but it can't really hurt Ye Tian. At the same time, Feng Dun and Yin Sha cast ye Tian, continuously changing his position, avoiding several powerful attacks that happened to come, and he was behind the monks.

A transparent shadow flashed away, and ye Tian released a shadowless snake at the top of the third level.

After losing Ye Tian's shadow and attacking blindly, the monks of Guangtian temple and Dongzhen market reacted quickly. All of them formed a circle and defended from the front to the outside. They attacked from time to time and fell into the empty air to prevent Ye Tian's stealth attack.

They can't find out where ye Tian is now by virtue of their divine thoughts!

In this extreme chaos, someone suddenly exclaimed, like crazy, out of place.

Then came the second!


Such a chaotic state is most suitable for shadowless snakes to attack, so they often succeed.

At this time, the second shadowless snake finally woke up and was released by Ye Tian.

Then, two red shadows flashed, and the two blood locusts appeared, flapping their wings in the air. From time to time, they spewed out a stream of corrosive action liquid, causing bursts of exclamation.

Two iron centipedes appeared in the chaos. This kind of body is extremely hard, and its mouth and claws contain highly toxic insects. It crossed the friars once, and many claws are like sharp magic weapons. Where they passed, they were all ragged and bloody. Two constant bite teeth in the mouth touch is a wound.

Not to mention that, a Hades Mantis also darted into the middle of many friars, and the two machetes turned into shadows from time to time, attacking the footwall of many friars.

If it's OK at ordinary times, the victim has a huge space to move and can evade at will.

However, there are many people here, and they are crowded with each other, which has become their biggest weakness. In order to guard against Ye Tian, they have to protect each other and get close to each other. Even if one of them is attacked, as long as ye Tian is exposed a little, the others will give a fatal blow.

This plan was good!

But now, they are huddled together secretly. Instead, they are made by a variety of small but extremely flexible spirit insects, and some people are injured from time to time.

At a certain moment, the crowd finally collapsed. The monks of the temple of heaven and Dongzhen ruins could not care about anything else any more. They scattered around with a roar and fled for their lives!


Ye Tianyi boxed a monk who fled to Murong Yan and sent a message to Murong Yan: "all Temple disciples, pursue and kill!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!