Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 890

Among the five monks, two were in the late Longmen realm and three in the middle Longmen realm.

All of a sudden, Murong Yan, who is at the top of Longmen, tries her best to resist her flying sword. Then she reluctantly turns around and flies away.

At this time, ye Tian's Clematis had been released, just like a black light flying by. The Clematis quickly drew closer to each other, and then darted, and the three friars had been possessed by the Clematis.

Each friar had more than a hundred wire ants, but they didn't get far away, so they died on the way.

Ye Tian comes to the three bodies that fall to the ground, takes down their Xumi commandment and puts them away together with the magic weapon.

At this time, Murong Yan just came to Ye Tian's side and silently looked at Ye Tian, his heart was more and more shocked.

In this case, it's not impossible to strangle all the monks in the temple of heaven and Dongzhen ruins, but will they wait to be killed?

It's not easy to find them in such a big world!

"This is song Tiexin!"

"Xu Yanran!"

"Tu Jun!"

the two men, one woman and three monks who were chased and killed followed. Murong Yan introduced to Ye Tian, and then simply explained Ye Tian's support.

Ye Tian exchanged a few greetings, and then said to Murong Yan, "do you still have the clothes of your disciples?"

Murong Yan asks Tu Jun for a white robe and gives it to Ye Tian. Ye Tian turns and enters a nearby forest. When he comes out again, he has changed into a white robe and his appearance has changed again.

"In this way, I will pretend to be a disciple of the temple, or I won't let them be on guard!" Ye Tian smiles faintly.

The three rescued monks thank Ye Tian for saving their lives, and then sit on the ground with their knees crossed to recuperate. Murong Yan is waiting for the monks from the temple to gather.

Ye Tianze took the map and kept looking at it. More than ten minutes later, he suddenly stood up and said to Tu Jun with thick lips, "Tu Daoyou, come with me and kill someone!"

This man's cultivation is the weakest. Ye Tian picked him at a glance!

But Murong Yan came and said, "if you need help, I'll help you. Younger martial brother Tu is only in the middle of Longmen realm. He still has injuries. I'm afraid he can't help you!"

Ye Tian waved his hand and said, "it's OK, there's no danger for Tu Daoyou to go here. If you go, it's not easy to scare him away."

He didn't talk about it much, so he and Tu Jun set foot on the road.

Murong Yan looked at the two figures, always feel there is doubt in the heart.

This time, ye Tian and Tu Jun flew more than 300 miles. On the way, ye Tian also changed his direction several times, which made Tu Jun not know why.

Although he felt that ye Tian was just observing the sea, he was still in awe of him. At the beginning, he didn't care too much about it. He just did what he was told to do.

"Tu Daoyou, don't look around, just fly normally!"

After a while, seeing Tu Jun's uneasy appearance, ye Tian warned him in time.

"But, Daoyou, can you tell me where we are going?" Tu Jun asked uneasily.

Ye Tian also understands his mood, who will be doubted, but ye Tian doesn't say anything, just says lightly: "do as I say, don't worry about other things!"

Although Ye Tian was just observing the sea, he was Emperor of Dan in his previous life. His words and actions were dignified. Although his words were not so severe, Tu Jun was awe inspiring and immediately shut up.

After walking dozens of miles, Tu Jun suddenly saw a white shadow flying towards him in the distance. He quickly called Ye Tian: "no, someone is from Dongzhen ruins."

Ye Tian looked up and said, "no, run away!"

While speaking, ye Tian urges the flying sword to pull Tu Jun to turn around and escape in the opposite direction.

At this moment, the cold sweat on Tu Jun's face came down. Just now, the Taoist friend said that everything was to be done, but when he met the enemy, he turned around and ran away.

He is the one who knows each other. He is Zuo Yimeng of Dongzhen market, the peak monk of Longmen. He is not so powerful. If you just talk about running, you can't run each other.

In his heart, Zuo Yimeng was six or seven feet behind him. His flying sword flashed in the air and cut him off.

When Tu Jun dodges, ye Tian smashes the sword body with one punch. After the huge bombardment force smashes the flying sword tens of feet away, it still falls to the distance in the air.

Almost at the same time, more than 300 of them flashed black and jumped on Zuo Yimeng, who was flying near.


Zuo Yimeng exclaimed, once again inspired a small moving sign, ripples appeared around him, and then disappeared in the sudden light gate.

Along with the body of wire ants with the past.

Sure enough, there is a little moving sign!

Looking at the scene, ye Tianmo stands for a moment, ignores Tu Jun, and drives the flying sword into a light to fly to the distance.When Tu Jun saw this scene, he followed Ye Tian's figure with his flying sword. Just now, the most dangerous scene seemed like a dream.

What are those things that are so powerful? Even Zuo Yimeng, who is at the top of the dragon's gate, doesn't dare to attack him.

However, although he tried his best, ye Tian was farther and farther away from him until he could not see the figure. Tu Jun didn't know where it was, so he took out the map and examined it carefully.

As ye Tian flies, he observes the picture in his mind, compares the map firmly in his mind with it, and finally determines the destination.

After flying away for more than 100 Li, ye Tian's speed gradually slowed down and finally landed on a hillside.

A God thought in the past, not far away a group of shadow suddenly flew over, he was taken into the ring of spirit beast.

It's the wire ant that was sent out by the small moving symbol.

Where the ant flies, Zuo Yimeng is lying on the hillside. His body is scarred. There is a huge blood hole in the red field. His hands and feet are separated from his body. He even loses his strength when he lies there.

Ye Tian goes over and takes off his Xumi ring. Then he presses his palm on the top of his head to search for his soul.

"You What is Who is it? " Left on the face a piece of dead ash, intermittent ground asks a way.

As ye Tian searched for his soul, he hummed coldly: "of course, it's the enemy of Dongzhen ruins. It's bad luck for you to enter the world of spirits, otherwise you can live a few more days. However, the Dongzhen ruins will be destroyed in the end, and the blood debt must be paid with blood! "

Zuo Yimeng breathed out a long breath and asked again intermittently," there are countless enemies in the Dongzhen ruins, so you can't let me die, do you understand? "

"Can't! Let you die to understand, isn't cheap you?" Ye Tian smiles coldly and continues to read his memory.

Zuo Yimeng's whole body skills are all lost. His Dantian field is abandoned and his hands and feet are broken. He knows that he will die today. Even if he doesn't die, he may die and suffer. He repeated intermittently: "that Can you tell me, do you mean to It's just a chance encounter. "

"Do you think I have the leisure to wander around here? The first time you were teleported, you were teleported to a small lake. Then you went to a valley and killed a demon tiger. Then you went to a mountain and met a man. Later, you found a spirit tree on a cliff and finally appeared where we met. " Ye Tian said as if she knew everything.

"You You Who the hell are you? " Listen to Ye Tian say so, left a Meng eyes wide open, like see ghost general.

"Ha ha, this will be a secret forever!" Ye Tian once again cold smile, no longer say a word.

Zuo Yimeng is just like a useless person. He doesn't even have the strength to commit suicide. If it wasn't for ye Tian's soul searching and mana saving, he would have died on the hillside.

More than two hours later, ye Tian finally completed the soul search and withdrew his hand from Zuo Yimeng's head.

Zuo Yimeng's eyes are round. He stares at Ye Tian and breaks his breath. His eyes are full of doubts and unwilling.

Ye Tian pops up a wisp of flame, turns this person into ashes, and then marks his Xumi ring with the brand of soul, from which he takes out a large jade box with exquisite workmanship.

The jade box is sealed, and a talisman with strange patterns is attached to it.

After looking at the jade box, ye Tian didn't open it. Instead, he put it into his own Xumi ring. What's in it is the flying ginseng, which has the ability of transforming shape. Once the talisman is opened, it's likely that there will be an accident.

It's not safe here. Anyway, it's confirmed from Zuo Yimeng's memory. As Murong Yan said, it's just Huaxing Feitian ginseng.

In addition to this, ye Tian also included other things in Zuo Yimeng's Xumi commandment.

When he was busy, he felt the picture in his mind, and his expression suddenly changed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!