Alchemy Supreme In City

Chapter 889

As long as they are bitten by tiexian ants, ye Tian doesn't worry that they can escape. Even if Yan Tianfang is wearing such a treasure suit, Yan Tianfang is a living example.

Seeing this scene, the friar who was fighting with the nun in white suddenly drew back the flying sword, and a circle of ripples appeared around him, which turned into a light door.

"Little moving sign!"

Ye Tian yelled, but the nun in white was half a beat late. When the flying sword came, the nun had disappeared from the light door.

But no one saw it. Just after the monk, there was a heart worm, and the shadow disappeared in the light gate.

Time is short, ye Tian can only do this step.

Immediately, he ignored the heartworm that he bounced into the portal, and the sword chased the two friars who were besieged by wire ants.

At this time, the two men had been flying two miles away. Their bodies kept shaking in the flight, and their screams were extremely fierce, which made people get goose bumps.

The only opponent of the nun in white is still escaped. She follows ye TianChao with a friendly look, but she is shocked. In a moment, the two powerful friars at the peak of Longmen realm have fallen from the sky and tumbled to the ground.

Just in this moment, the nun in white has put a label on Ye Tian: this person must not be provoked!

The girl's every move is under the surveillance of lianxinchong, but ye Tian doesn't know what she thinks. At the moment, he drives the flying sword to dive down and fall to the two people.

Under inspection, both the form and the spirit have been destroyed, and there is no more vitality.

Put away the thread ants, ye Tian takes the two men's Xumi precepts, marks them with divine thoughts in front of the nun, and checks the things inside.

Ye Tian doesn't care about the number of Lingyu.

The magic weapon, ye Tian doesn't care.

What ye Tian cares about most is lingcai, especially when he is looking for the flying ginseng.

It's a pity that although lingcai found some, he didn't find what he was looking for until two Xumi commandments had checked all the jade boxes.

Putting away the spoils, ye Tian throws away Su Mi Jie and looks at the nun.

The nun guessed Noda's meaning, blushed and said, "these two monks are from the temple of heaven. The one who left is a disciple of Dongzhen ruins. Huaxing Feitian is with him!"

Ye Tian stares at the nun and doesn't speak. His eyes are deep and aggressive.

The nun, who had already reached the peak of Longmen realm, could not help but step back under Ye Tian's gaze and said: "I can swear blood!"

Ye Tian nodded.

The nun actually forced a drop of blood essence and swore: "if the Huaxing flying ginseng was not on Jiang Tianci in Dongzhen market just now, I, Murong Yan, would be devastated by five thunders!"

During the whole process, ye Tian didn't find any problems. He followed the procedure of blood oath completely. The oath of blood oath was also very strict. Ye Tian's look was relaxed.

"Taoist friend Murong, can you tell me your origin?" Then ye Tian asked.

"Can you tell me the origin first Murong Yan asked.

Ye Tian laughs: "why not? I'm a sanxiu. Let's not mention his name! "

Murong Yan took a look at Ye Tian and then said, "I'm a disciple of the temple. That's all I can say!"

"Nothing more to say?" Ye Tian looks at Murong Yan with a smile.

Murong Yan thought about it, and still nodded gently.

"What about Houttuynia cordata?" Ye Tian looked at the graceful nun with deep meaning and thought that she was really stupid? Or play dumb?


Murong Yan just like waking up, took out a beautiful jade box and handed it to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian took it over, opened the lid of the box, and saw a purple spiritual wood lying quietly inside. The whole spiritual wood was full of purple halo.

With Ye Tian's knowledge, we naturally know that this is indeed a kind of Houttuynia cordata, and it has more than 2000 years of top grade Houttuynia cordata.

This herb is not very useful to the human friars, but it is an extremely rare treasure to the monsters. Let's put it this way, it takes six levels for a monster to transform into a successful one, while the Dragon Houttuynia grass can be used as the main material to refine the shape pill. In the fifth level, which is equivalent to the original infant realm of a human monk, it can transform into a shape ahead of time.

Even if you don't refine Huaxing pill, the auxiliary pill made from Houttuynia cordata can greatly help the monster.

This 2000 year old Houttuynia cordata is a priceless treasure, which will make countless friars crazy. I can't imagine the wealth they can get.

Ye Tian took the jade box and looked at Murong Yan: "Murong Taoist friend, can you sell me this Houttuynia cordata?"

"Ha ha, you are joking. I have said before that if you help me, I will thank you again. This is a gift for Taoist friends. However, my little sister still has an invitation not to invite... "

At this point, Murong Yan wants to say nothing.

Ye Tian had no choice but to follow her words and say, "if you have something, just say it!"Murong Yan said: "because of the siege of Guangtian temple and Dongzhen ruins, my temple disciples lost a lot. The remaining disciples fled for their own lives. I want to gather them together and ask for the protection of Taoist friends! Just wait until the closing day of the world of souls. I wonder if you can agree? "


Ye Tian frowned and thought for a moment: "it's better to destroy the Dongzhen ruins and the temple of heaven than to hide around. Isn't it all over?"

Murong Yan chuckled: "Daoyou are joking. The temple of heaven and Dongzhen ruins have more than 100 disciples in the world of ten thousand spirits, and they are familiar with the terrain. The temple has only 73 people, so they have no advantage in terms of realm and number. Moreover, it was the high level of the temple that decided to send disciples into the spirit world temporarily. I don't know the specific reason, but because the decision was too hasty, the strength of the disciples who came was uneven, and they were not the elite of the temple. In the past, the spirit world opened, but the temple never sent people in. It was at a disadvantage in terms of timing, location, and human harmony. "

"Oh, yes!"

Ye Tian nodded slightly. He felt that Murong Yan should not lie about it. What's the reason why the temple suddenly decided to send people into the world of ten thousand souls?

Is it because I put forward the requirements of the spirit material for the women in palace dress?

In this way, the woman in the palace dress is also a member of the temple?

Or the Lord of the temple, otherwise, a great monk in Yupu realm can't be driven by people.

When ye Tian thought about it, he was more interested in the temple and even the women in the palace dress. Then he said with a smile, "you can summon your fellow disciples. As for the hanging of Guangtian temple and Dongzhen ruins, you can do it or not. However, let them pay the price of bleeding, this is the minimum respect for them

"Since the Taoist friend said so, the safety of the temple's disciples depends on the Taoist friend." With a smile, Murong Yan took out a lot of communication symbols from Xumi commandment and inspired them one by one.

After that, they waited quietly in the same place. After more than half an hour, no one appeared.

At a certain moment, ye Tian, who seemed to be closing his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes: "come with me, the disciples of the temple are in danger."

With that, he had driven the flying sword to the distance, and Murong Yan's eyes flashed a look of doubt. Then he followed Ye Tian with his flying sword. Along the way, he repeatedly sent out the idea to investigate, or looked up from a high altitude, but he didn't find anything.

As a result, her heart can not help but give birth to a trace of vigilance, from ye Tian is far away.

Until flying more than 50 li away, Murong Yan saw the situation in front of her. She couldn't help but feel nervous. When she looked at Ye Tian's back again, she felt a shiver.

It's such a powerful idea that we can find the situation here more than 50 miles away.

Moreover, it's not only more than 50 Li. According to the calculation of the distance of two-way simultaneous progress, it should be a distance of 100 Li between the two sides. This monk has already found out.

And what is this place?

It's the world of spirits that has been severely suppressed!

In her eyes, three of her disciples were chased and killed by five monks from Dongzhen market and Guangtian temple. The three on her side were scarred and embarrassed.

If you come a little later, I'm afraid the three classmates have been poisoned by each other!

"Younger martial brother song, come here!"

Murong Yan yelled. Suddenly, the flying sword in her hand shot up and chopped off the five monks.

Ye Tian also sacrificed the flying sword in the air, followed Murong Yan's flying sword to kill, almost at the same time, he moved imperceptibly, two third-order shadowless snakes quietly out of the spirit beast ring, and disappeared in the air. , the fastest update of the webnovel!